For a long while, we used Bishop voice-over clips to act as placeholders in cutscenes in order to get NPCs' lips moving and talking animations firing.
After we all went completely bonkers from hearing Bishop's simmering condescension as he said "You can ask" over and over again in every single cutscene, we came up with a better solution.
I made 12 silent wavs and hex edited the lip synch .fxe's to provide silent placeholders for the cutscenes pending voice-over, so we could have lip anims and talk anims without having to hear "You can ask" ad naseum.
This isn't something we're using in the final release of Purgatorio, just a temporary tool. But it struck me that it would be useful to folks who aren't doing VO for their modules.
So, all you need to do is:
1) drop these into a hak/campaign/override or maybe even in a module directory (never tried them from there).
2) Add the wav of appropriate length to the |Sound| field in the conversation editor on the |Node| tab for the node where you want lip anims
Now the NPCs' lips should move and talk anims should fire while the silent wav plays.
There are skeleton references in the lip synch FXE files. The skeleton references don't seem to have a huge effect on the lip movements for the base N/PC race appearances (human, dwarf, etc.). We haven't tried these with more exotic models such as balor or whatnot.
So these lip synch files+silent wavs are just using the P_HHF skeleton.
I'll add the rest of the skeleton FXEs + renamed silent wavs to this submission unless some intrepid soul beats me to it (which would be great, because working on this only slows down work on Purgatorio).
This .rar contains twelve (12) FXE lip animation files and twelve (12) silent audio clips for getting NPCs lips moving and talk anims firing during a cutscene conversation. The FXEs all use the P_HHF skeleton reference, but the files seem to work at least for all basic appearances (dwarf, elf, human, half-orc, etc.)
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Posted by Kanbyen at 2011-09-04 17:36:32 Voted 10.00 on 09/04/11
These were really a bonus for the many conversations on EoW. Thanks for sharing! _________________________ Eye of the World PW
Posted by shaughn at 2010-08-06 06:52:20 Voted 9.50 on 08/06/10
These files are great for cutscenes, adds a bit more movement and ids who is talking if several NPC are shown in a cutsceen shot. I am including this in my campaign release. Thanks for putting this together.
I wonder if it's possible for you to release a version for players that keeps the silent wav but removes the lip synch, and just leaves the characters' lips immobile? I know that my favourite head pack isn't made for lip synch, and playing the animations with them makes it look like my poor character is talking with her lips superglued shut! :s
...Poor Mareth is not a ventriloquist. Please help her?
Posted by Gingery at 2010-03-25 07:47:15 Voted 10.00 on 03/25/10
This work was very useful for me. Thank you!
Posted by Games for Learning at 2010-01-23 12:43:36 Voted 7.00 on 01/23/10
This was a very useful file for me as a Noob. Thanks for adding this nice touch to my conversations! _________________________ Teaching is about having students create their own understanding of the world. Grade One Module Report: Word Doc
Posted by Kaldor Silverwand at 2009-12-14 07:20:32 Voted 10.00 on 12/14/09
I've made use of these in each of my campaign releases. A fine alternative to actually recording voice-overs. I have also included them with the OC Makeover SoZ Edition (v20091214) as I needed to add some lines to OC companion conversations.
Thanks for this. I should have voted a year ago.
Posted by bealzebubba at 2009-09-13 11:59:27 Voted 10.00 on 09/13/09
perfect 10.
Posted by Rythorn at 2009-05-16 22:38:30 Voted 10.00 on 05/16/09
Everyone: your VOTES are highly appriciated. A vote is like gold for an author. No kiddin'. ;)
Posted by AmstradHero at 2008-10-13 15:54:23 Voted 9.00 on 10/13/08
While this is a relatively simple piece of work, I have to give it a 9.00 because it simply is a must-have for modders as far as I am concerned. To enable immersive cinematic conversations with requiring massive amounts of voice-over work, lipflappers are a simple and perfect way to add a bit of extra depth and class to a module. _________________________ AmstradHero Fate of a City Module Development Blog Fate of a City Blog
Posted by Raskae at 2008-09-18 07:41:21 Voted 9.00 on 09/18/08
Not a builder, but it's a nice touch to any mod I've played to have these available. So thanks.
Posted by Rasvar at 2008-08-25 21:43:13 Voted 9.00 on 08/25/08
Posted by JasonNH at 2008-07-21 16:22:37 Voted 10.00 on 07/21/08
This is a very helpful resource, thanks for making it available.
Posted by Melirinda at 2008-06-10 06:19:34 Voted 10.00 on 06/10/08
I just realized that I forgot to vote, and meanwhile I am using this utility all the time, and never had a problem with it after I figured HEX editing. Sorry about that! Well, better later than never, right? Perfect thing, would get 15 from me if you added a few more longer clips (say to 20 sec.) _________________________ Joinable NPCs in IWD2. I'm *not* kidding!
Posted by seeker_of_rain at 2008-04-09 13:12:53 Voted 9.50 on 04/09/08
Posted by Goudron at 2008-01-22 20:13:57 Voted 8.75 on 01/22/08
Very nice, whether it was easy to do or not, this is very useful and has a great impact on the feel of anyone's conversations.
I have a problem though: how can I get the lips to flap without having the sound listed in the conversation node? I'd like to have flapping lips, then chuckle, then flap lips some more. I can call the lip flapper sound in the animation script, and that acts as a placeholder for time which is great, but the lips only flap if they're listed in the sound field of the node, and if/when they're interrupted by another sound, the lips stop flapping.
Is there a script to make lips flap?
Posted by JayAre at 2007-12-31 13:14:17 Voted 8.50 on 12/31/07
Yes! This will stop NPC's from appearing like they ALL possess ESP or some other form of mind communicating abilities!!!
~JayAre _________________________ You left the bodies and you only moved the HEADSTONES!!! YOU ONLY MOVED THE HEADSTONES!!!
Posted by Raith Veldrin at 2007-12-26 23:48:59 Voted 10.00
Just a note from what I've found. They DO work inside a module file. However, once you save a game and load it, they fail to load again from the module and conversations fly by very quickly.
So if using the module file for storage to keep small mods simple is your main function, be sure the module is small enough to be completed in one sitting. _________________________ Raith Veldrin
Sands of Solvheil Series | Atlas & Gazetteer | Blog
SirNugz - It only says I have not tried them in the module folder, not the other locations. They will definitely work from hak/campaign/override. I have not tested them from the module folder because I don't see any reason to put audio assets inside a module.
Meririnda -- Just renaming the files won't work, you would need to hex-edit the file references inside the .fxes and then also make sure your new names were the exact same number of characters as the old names.
Posted by Nalencer at 2007-12-15 16:58:38 Voted 10.00 on 12/15/07
I shake my head every time I see a module that doesn't use these. Besides just the ascetic benefits, it's much easier to know who's talking if there are several people around. Great work. _________________________ Development Blog
10 - A Masterpiece, Genuinely Groundbreaking 9 - Outstanding, a Must Have 8 - Excellent, Recommended to Anyone 7 - Very Good, Deserves a Look 6 - Good, Qualified Recommendation 5 - Fair, Solid yet Unremarkable 4 - Some Merit, Requires Improvements 3 - Poor Execution, Potential Unrealized 2 - Very Little Appeal 1 - Not Recommended to Anyone