Gaze Reflection Spell (Bard 2nd Level, Wiz/Sorc 1st Level Spell)
Credit for the spell scripts go to Clangeddin. He wrote the scripts. I would also like to thank andgalf (for the initial scripts that we modified), and Lokey for his input too.
****Important****: This modifies some of the NWN spells.
If you have the listed spell scripts (see scripts in the folder download) already adjusted in your own modules, please add the pertinent lines of script to your own NWN scripts. If you haven’t modified the said NWN scripts just import the .erf into your module and “select” the scripts to overwrite your current NWN scripts.
Gaze Reflection
Caster Level(s): Bard 2, Wiz/Sorc 1
Innate Level: 2
School: Transmutation
Descriptor(s): None
Component(s): V, S
Range: 0
Area of Effect: Caster
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
Additional Counter Spells: None
Save: Yes (For those it reflects back at)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Description: The spell creates a shimmering, mirror-like effect around the caster, offering protection against gaze attacks. While active, the spell grants immunity to any gaze-based attack directed at the caster and the gaze is reflected back to the attacker, forcing them to save against their own effect. The shimmering barrier moves with the caster and lasts for the duration of the spell.
Clangeddin had this to say about the scripts:
A quick summary: Death, Daze, Petrify, Confusion, Doom, and Fear work perfectly.
Destroy Evil/Good/Chaos/Law work, but the casters are not of the alignment that gets affected by this spell, so you are immune to the gaze, but the enemies are immune to reflected gaze as well.
Charm and Dominate: the reflection works and you are immune to the effects, however the vampire immediately removes effects, even if they are affected by them (if you will notice this with the domination gaze, it will say that the vampire is dominated and then immediately after that it’s no longer dominated). Not quite sure what happens there, it’s either something to do with the creature, with the difficulty, or whatever. I’m not going to investigate further. Perhaps the “Ignore Effect Immunity” hardcoded function is bugged for those two types of effects.
Keep in mind that the Domination gaze you assigned to the vampire in the test module is not the stock script of the gaze (they have the same name, but different IDs, the stock is 258, whereas this one had 800), but the one of the shifter player class. For now gaze reflection does not work with those.
Demo module included. I have a hak that has everything in it. I also have separated the spell Icon tga, the spell scripts modified and new spell scripts seperated, 2das, tlk, and an .erf of the spell scroll and scripts. Adjust your 2da's to your own module 2das. Make sure you change your tlk lines and your 2da lines to incorporate into your own module. Please feel free to adjust, re-upload, or do anything you want with this vault entry.
If you like this spell, check out my other spells I’ve uploaded here on the vault.
“You walk out from behind a pillar of the ruins you are exploring knowing that you might run into the Medusa you are hunting. You had cast the novice spell of ‘Gaze Reflection” earlier. It now shimmers around you. You take four more steps and hear a stone being moved from behind you amongst the statues of all races that were caught in the petrifying gaze of the Medusa. As you turn around you spot her and watch her eyes glow red followed by a wave of red rings that hits you. After blinking a few times, you notice she is now part of the collections of statues in her garden of petrified souls”.
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gaze_spell.rar (15) | 18.67 MB |
Well met.
Another amazing animation.
Phyte: My heart has been locked for longer than I can remember.
Sharwyn: Done, and done.