Save game character editor for NWN2. It supports both player characters and companions. You can edit abilities, skills, feats, spells, inventory and companion influence. Requires Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or later.
This version of the editor supports custom game content and should work with or without the Mask of the Betrayer and Storm of Zehir expansions.
----- Migrator Note -----
To get it runnin', just extract the archive somewhere on your computer and open NWN2 Character Editor shortcut.
If you get 'unable to read resource file" error, right click on the shortcut, in the target field find the -DNWN2.install.path="C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete" and change it to match your install path.
For example, if you installed NWN2 in "C:\Program Files\NWN2", replace the install path so it looks like this:
-DNWN2.install.path="C:\Program Files\NWN2"
----- -----
Name | Type | Size | Downloads | Submitted: 03-15-2007 / Last Updated: 12-12-2008 | zip | 127.15Kb | 227441 |
NWN2 Character Editor Version 4.1 |
Attachment | Size |
nwn2editor.7z (31217) | 95.46 KB | (39673) | 127.15 KB |
Running a search for the filename...
Found it here:
and here:
[Fixes post]
And adds the REAL Zip version from vault ;p
Sorry rolo, too slow :P
With 200K downloads, I'm surprised this thing didn't get requested sooner :-P
141 votes
You counted close...
Submitted: 03-15-2007 / Last Updated: 12-12-2008
its 227k :P
Pa-TAY-toe, pa-TAH-toe :-P
It's freakin' popular :-)
Did they even sell that many copies of NWN2?
*calls shennanigans*
Ok here is my problem, my java is not located in C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe its instead located in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_25\bin\javaw.exe
What do I do?
Right click on "NWN2 Character Editor" shortcut and replace "C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe" part with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_25\bin\javaw.exe".
Your path should look like
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_25\bin\javaw.exe" -DNWN2.install.path="C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete" -jar NWN2Editor.jar
my problem is that the editor jar keeps coming with an error saying "Unable to process editor control file Unable to locate NWN2 installation directory NWN2Editor.Main.main(" Also i'm running on windows seven and my javaw isn't located in the specified area.
Hello. I am interested in is whether the version-MoW?
In order to make this tool work in Windows 7, this is what you have to do.
First uninstall any Java Runtime Environments using Add/Remove programs.
A fast way to do this is merely type appwiz.cpl in the Search Programs and Files box, it will run the program.
Find the Java Runtime and uninstall it.
Install Java Runtime by downloading it from
When the first installation box comes up, make sure to select "change install directory" box, durring the installation when the downloader has finished you will be given the opportunity to change where the Java Runtime is installed,
Install Java Runtime to C:\Java. Why? Because the NWN2 Character Editor refuses to see a directory with (x86) in it.
An example would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_25\bin
Next after the Java Runtime has been installed and the test website shows it is working, you will need to deal with adding the directory where your Neverwinter Nights 2 game is installed and where the dialog.tlk file is.
So right click on the NWN2 Character Editor icon and select properties.
In the Target box you will need to have something similar to this.
C:\Java\bin\javaw.exe -DNWN2.install.path="C:\GOG Games\NWN2 Complete" -Xmx256m -jar NWN2Editor.jar
This should then make the NWN2 Editor function in Windows 7
And this forum works like a couple others I know, does not allow for copy and paste, which made submitting this solution a real pain. It's probably just an IE issue, some forums these days hate IE.
techiespeek everything done as you said, but there is now other problem:
System said:
What should I do?
EDIT: Everything works, I just add bad NWN2 location. It should be "C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete" (WITH SPACES IN TARGET BOX) ! (if you are using gog)
Can someone tell me how can I add familiars and animal companions for non wiz/soc?
And how to change/add classes ?
I just registrated to say thx, becuase i couldn't find any other save editor, so....good job ^^
Hi! Can anyone tell me how i can add custom content? I'm using Kaedrin's PrC pack and the editor can't recognize the new classes.
The editor works, I quickly was able to understand the nuances.
Does anyone know how to make this work with new classes? I'm using this merge file (
Whenever I try to edit a TOB class character, the editor says that the class 71 is not defined. I know this has a remapping function but the remapping seems to only have changing one class id to another, not making entirely new ones. Any help?
Hello I would like to ask for some help in getting this editor to work. I put this (A:\Java\bin\javaw.exe -DNWN2.install.path="A:\Program Files\NWN\Neverwinter Nights II" -Xmx256m -jar NWN2Editor.jar) in the target window. With that i get the following error "Unable to process editor control file to locate NWN2 installation directory NWN2 editor.Main.main( Can someone tell me what im doing wrong
Ridiculously complicated to set. Wasted an hour and still wouldn't work. Having to uninstall and reinstall Java to a different location is a no no.
Works fine for me. Edit the path for the NWN2 Character Editor shortcut as follows: ..\javaw.exe -Xmx256m -DNWN2.install.path="..\" -jar NWN2Editor.jar, substituting .. with your system's paths for the java and nwn2 exes.
Thank you, Lilura, but I found an alternative more suited to my needs: Leto 1.69 updated for NWN2. Have used the program for years now, so it fits perfectly!
I guess this is the one you're talking about?
That's the one!
Greetings. I have been trying for, literally, HOURS to get this right, but so far total failure. If my java location is C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\Javapath and my game location is D:\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete how on EARTH will i make my savegame editor to work!? Please, HELP!!! And, please, for the love of all gods out there, please, guide me step by step, mention EVERY little detail, i suck at this! I have windows 7.
Right-click on the file called NWN2 Character Editor then type the following being sure to replace the part between brackets with the location of the file and also ensuring the install directory is right (may be on C drive if you only have one drive)
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_161\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx256m -DNWN2.install.path="D:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\NWN2 Complete" -jar "Location of the file your currently editing)"
Then it should work
Thank you for your explainations.
But it doesn`t work
I changed target: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_241\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx256m -DNWN2.install.path="D:\Games\Neverwinter Nights 2\" -jar
But nothing starts after click on Editor
What am I doing wrong?
Help me please
In your first comment you said your java is in C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\Javapath , but your current target is set to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_241\bin\javaw.exe is your java direction match the target box? I suggest reinstal Java completely and install it again and before instalation copy the installation directory and use in target box later, also copy-paste NWN2 directory from the browsing window on folder. I also had very hard time before I made to work but try to follow instructions above from other comments, the most important is to get right directory of Java and NWN2 folders. Other users in comments above has different directories of Java, so make sure you copy yours from folder and not from the comments
Please read the preceeding post. It explains the java version needed to run the character editor. Other versions seem like a gamble. Finally scrolling down to here, this got me running.
Ok some replies after it. This is the best java version - installed on root drive:\Java\jre1.8.0_161\bin\javaw.exe
e.f. ::
C:\Java\bin\javaw.exe -DNWN2.install.path="H:\Game Packs\NWN2 Complete" -jar NWN2Editor.jar
I had a bit of trouble getting it to work here as well. I ended up just creating a little bat file to launch it both the jar file and the game are installed on my S drive the contents of bat I use is below. Perhaps it may help some who have an issue. You just need to change the paths to where things are at on your system.
Excllent editor but VERY difficult to install properly. Also, some mods break it.
Here a copy of my Guide to install the editor i created on the Nexus Forums.
You can make the editor work with the current version of Yava y using the following steps.
A. An explenation problem:
The java version used to create this editor is so old that it cant read empty spaces in the parthing of the "NWN2Character Editor" schortcut.
The new java versions are installed in either "C:\Program Files (x86)\..." or in "C:\Program Files\...".
Both paths use an epty space.
B. Solution:
move java in an folder so that pathing doesnt require an empty space.
I moved java from "C:\Program Files (x86)" to "C:\ProgramData".
My parth in the "NWN2Character Editor" schortcut using a GOG version is therefor:
C:\ProgramData\Java\jre1.8.0_221\bin\javaw.exe -DNWN2.install.path="C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete" -jar NWN2Editor.jar
C.Step by step guide (screenshot are in german, just follow the red circles in them)
1. Install a GOG version of NWN 2 so that the install directory is : C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete
(if not you will have to do some extra steps later)
1. Download Java here.
2. Install Java but i the first window choose the option in the bottom left to change the pathing like here.
3. Click on "change" to define an install path like here.
4. Navigate to C:\ProgramData and create a new folder like here. (you may diviate in the pathing but avoid empty spaces in the pathing)
5. Rename the new folder as "Java" like here.
6. Select the file and finish the installation. The Instalationfolder for Java is now C:\ProgramData\Java
7. Download the editor here.
8. Unzip the file into a new folder like here.
9. Rightclick on "NWN2 Character Editor" and select properties.
10. Switch to the shortcut tab (second from the left) in properties like here.
11. Here it wil now read: C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe -Xmx256m -jar NWN2Editor.jar
replace it with: C:\ProgramData\Java\bin\javaw.exe -DNWN2.install.path="C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete" -jar NWN2Editor.jar"
12. If you followed the Guide and used a GOG version of NWN 2 you are now done. From here i will describe what to do if you have a divergent path for either Java or NWN 2 and describe what to alter in the pathing of the properties tab of "NWN2 Character Editor" in point 11.
13. "C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe is the path to the Java2.exe so change it to "C:\ProgramData\Java\bin\javaw.exe
(Change the underlined part to the path you selected in Nr.4 if you diviated from the guide)
14.!!!!!do not forget the quotation marks on this step!!!!!
The second part -Xmx256m of the pathing containes the path to your NWN install directory you use a GOG version replace it with -DNWN2.install.path="C:\GOG Games\Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete".
If you dont use a GOG version then replace the underlined part with the path to yout NWN 2 install.
!!!!!do not forget the quotation marks on this step!!!!!
15. the last part -jar NWN2Editor.jar stays the same !!!IT NEEDS TO STAY!!!
16.Done. Start the editor.
If you have any issue leave a DETAILED post.