A Strange World II - The Legend of the Sinwa - By andgalf.
WARNING : This module contains Adult content. Even if it's most of the times skippable, don't play if you are young and uncorrupted. Don't let your children play it. Patch level 1.23. Requires both extensions MotB and SoZ.
A Strange World II - The Legend of the Sinwa is a single player story driven module for a level 1 male player character (human, half-elf, dwarf or elf) of any alignment. (Need to play a male character - the story won't make sense with a female character. Sorry!)
Most of the dialogue choices assumes you're not an evil character. This is a standalone adventure and you don't need to have played A Strange World before this one. However, I would recommend you playing the first one since some characters from that one might appear, and there is talk about the events that happened which you may not understand. And if you plan on playing the first A Strange World later you will be spoiled in this module.
Link to A Strange World, the first module: https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn2/module/strange-world?page=1
About 7-8 hours of play depending on what you do and in what order.. Use a level 1 character to start with. You will be levelled up to level 5 at the beginning of the module. For roleplay and dialogue purposes please play either human, dwarf, half-elf or elf. It's a bit more unlinear than the first one, and not as focused. I think it's ok but maybe I was more pleased with the first module and how that turned out (My brother actually liked this one more than the first one, I believe). I still hope you like this one.
Story Synopsis:
It's been three years since the events of A Strange World. You were born in the City of Ascension in the Core World, but weren't around when those events unfolded.
An adventurer by trade, you have been doing quests all around your world, and when getting back to Ascension you heard about everything that took place there.
Just recently you were out on the road in Celomar forest, on your way back to Ascension, when an ominous cloud appeared. All of a sudden, creatures you couldn't identify cast
a spell on you. Then when waking up you find yourself in a chamber with people you've never met...
To play this module it is assumed you are either a level 1 male dwarf, half-elf, elf or human. You can play with a character of higher level if you wish but the game might
become unbalanced.
I'm sorry for the extremely large override folder. I've downloaded so many things from the vault, nexus and modgames (I think I've downloaded almost every new head there is and all new armors I could find) that I use that I haven't been able to keep track of what I don't use in this module, therefore I put everything here to be on the safe side.
So the first thing you should do is make a backup of your own override folder before putting all the stuff there.
All files must first be uncompressed with 7zip. Then put the contents of each folder into Users\...\Documents\Neverwinter Nights2\ (10, 8, 7, Vista) or into My Documents\...\Neverwinter Nights2\ (XP)
In detail:
1. Put the contents of the music folder into ..\music\
2. Put the hak folder into ..\hak\
3. Put the module file into A Strange World II.mod into ..\modules\
4. Put the contents of the override1.7z, override2.7z and override3.7z into ..\override\
5. Put the asw2Intro.bik file into ..\movies\
I've been working on this module for more than a year now (probably around a year and a half). It's been frustrating and great fun at the same time. I started it while my first module was beta tested by my brother, many months before my first module was published. Just like the last one I only use prefabs, sometimes a bit modified, and I've had a lot of help with scripting from my brother and the awesome neverwintervault community. My brother and 4760 have beta tested it (4760 has been very thorough!), and I've played it through from the beginning 3 times now, and all the major game breaking bugs are hopefully gone. Still, NWN2 is quite buggy and the module is quite complex so...
Since ASW1 apparently didn't work on Mac (at least one player reported a lot of odd game crashes), my guess is that this won't work there too. If you have a Mac, of course you can try, but don't expect it to work.
v.1.01 release notes
Bug fixes and other little things:
- I had forgotten to remove one of my "debug-chairs" I use when playtesting. It was left in an area. I removed that.
Notes about the module:
1. Story driven module for a level 1 human male player character of any alignment (Need to play a male human, elf, half-elf or dwarf character - the story won't make sense with a female character. Sorry!)
2. Important skills: If you want all possible options you should probably put points on Charisma, Diplomacy, Intelligence, Intimidate and if you are a bard - Perform. Some side quests might not be completeable without points here.
3. There are a lot (way too many) companions. You can have up to 11 but not all are mandatory. I don't know how it turned out this way, but since I make it up as I go along, and
I've only had a general idea about the story and characters, it just became what it did.
4. All except one of the female companions are romanceable, plus there are two female romanceable NPCs.
5. There is bit of fighting. The fights may be too easy, I don't know. I've tested the module with the easy setting. Just remember, this module isn't focused on that.
6. If the game somehow stops and you can't do anything, it might be because a cutscene dialogue is about to start. Just wait for it to happen. If you can't do anything for several minutes, somehow that cutscene wasn't started, probably because your companion or NPC was too far away from you. So keep your companions pretty close to you. If you run too fast and they get too far behind, a cutscene that was suppose to start might not happen and then the game freezes. Most of this problem should have been corrected after 4760's beta testing, so I hope you won't encounter this problem.
8. Talk to your companions often. You have a camp you get to where most of the talking take place. They have a lot (some of them too much) to say. However, if you've spoken to them one or two times at camp, you can move on. If you start a romance, you could technically, with some of them, get very far if you continue to speak to them, by clicking on them again and again after a dialogue is finished that is. That was not my intention with the module. Speak to them a few times, and then go out and do quests. Also, try and talk to every NPC you see. There might be quests or there might not be. Some of the NPCs, that don't have anything to say the first time you click on them, might
have information to give at another time, so just because you've already clicked on them, doesn't mean they don't have stuff to say at a later time. To summarize things: There is lots of talking in this module. Perhaps too much. :) If you don't like to read lines of dialogue this module is probably not for you.
9. If you're a hardcore gamer you might be dissapointed with this module as the fights are quite easy.
10. There are a few puzzles in the game. They aren't that hard, I think, but you might get stuck in a few places. I've provided a hints and walkthrough guide.
11. Since this is a custom world not everything might work the way you think if you're an expert on D&D and its rules. If you get stuck, try to think outside the
box or check the hints and walkthrough.
12. Be sure to save often, and have a number of saves. If you encounter some strange bug, it's always good to be able to back and replay to maybe get around it.
13. There are two places where the game autosaves. The reason for this is that you might fail with the task that you are about to do, because of buggy NWN2, and that might break a certain side quest. If that happens, just reload the autosave and try again. And in the other case it's because of the "sitting on chairs" that can be quite buggy. However, 4760's scripting skills helped me and should prevent the characters from not sitting down.
14. If you romance a character, please do not try to romance another at the same time. I've tried to prevent the player from doing this, but I might not have covered all
possibillites. If you ignore this the game might break (though 4760 told me it didn't), especially in the end and then you might have to replay a large chunk of the module.
15. When I've tested the module I've always used the Exploration Mode when it comes to camera. 4760 pointed out that in a town area it can be a bit difficult to move around and see stuff. I'm sorry for that.
16. A weird bug occured when my brother was betatesting, that when you're not controlling your main character, he said that the journal entries
looked screwed up. I have tried to fix this but I'm not sure it's entirely fixed. If this happens, just go back to your main character and
everything will/should look normal.
17. When betatesting the module 4760 found a huge mistake I had made. Most of the companions have the same ability scores. When making the
characters in the toolset I thought when using a package for say a sorcerer, all those scores would be the the standard for that class, but I must have missed something on that part. I could have corrected all this before release, but when discussing it with 4760 and my brother,
we concluded that the fights might become unbalanced so we kept it as it is.
External sources used in this module:
One music piece from the module Legacy of the Dragon by Illondar
Teper's Prefab Area by Tepers or aadatepe
Teper's Void Prefab Area by Tepers or aadatepe
Teper's Lakeside Mts. Prefab Patch 1.04 by Tepers or aadatepe
Tank’s Prefab World by Tank6ge
3 Small Interiors by Vekin
Cozy House Prefab by Borrie BoBaka
Forest Pathway by Tank6ge
Just Add Encounters - Exterior Forests by SGK73
Inn by the forest road by Br0adsw0rd
Sorceress Ashura's Prefab Area Pack by SorceressAshura
Temples - Evil, Neutral & Good by Lady Lilia/Shimmer
Canyon Grove by AmstradHero
Gothic Home Interior by Chaos_Theocrat
The Hospice by Vekin
Generic Inn by Marcelo_Lopes
Generic Chapel by Marcelo_Lopes
A Forest with a Camp by Marcelo_Lopes
City HAK by Tupoun
Witsend by rjshae
wizard tower by indyanna
Butterfly (Fey) Wings by Trinital
Kamal's Gargoyle Reskins by Kamal
Ignus Pack by jestemwlodzimierz
The Faces of Neverwinter Project c 2.0 by Jude Inc. (I've modified the color slightly of one of the faces for a air genasi, so please use my files here)
Haven_Series_SP6 by Jude Inc. (I got this from the Discord forum)
Placeable OC Doors by crystal violet
The Complete Beldin Collection by NinjaChip Studios
Krighaur's Female head pack - by Krighaur
FXE Generator Tool - by 0100010
NWN2 Facelift Pack - by Xaltar
Tera Online Hairstyles - by Voidwraith
Big Hair Pack (24 hairstyles) - by Krighaur
Fearthegn Clothing - by Mimi Fearthegn
New garb for your Adventuress - by chuckerIINO
Skins for all Races - by Casa
Jester's New Nudes - by Jester
Necrolord Full Nudes - by Necrolord
Oblivion to NWN2 - by glee
Tchos' HD UI panels and dialogue compilation & expansion - by Tchos
Tchos' HD widescreen loading screens - by Tchos
New beautifull armors, hairstyles and weapons - by MorgothPalantir, PhantaNeko and Antras
To sit on objects (v1.76) - by Patcha
Dragonlance Pack #1 by PDubulous and revisions - by Holgadard
Arcane Trickster [Female] Soundset - by Serenity Frost
Soundsets from IWD2 and BG2
Progress meter UI - by Electrohydra
Blackjack scripts by Joe Leonard taken from Pot Luck Casino by Scott Clarke
Rashi Hairstyles by Rashi
Scripting and toolset help from:
Aqvilinus (You have been a tremendous help this time around, with explaining and helping with a lot of scripting! I can't thank you enough! This module would never have been finished without you!)
My brother
4760 (for all the long hours beta testing and also helping with scripting)
Everyone at Discord's NWN 2 Creator Channel that have been so much help
Lance Botelle
and everyone else on the forums that have helped me (too many to mention here)
Special thanks to my dear friend Mattias, for helping with ideas for two side quests,
and getting a nice discussion about the middle ages, which he is somewhat of an expert in.
Beta tested by: 4760 (he's been very thorough) and my brother.
Known bugs:
1. Sitting on chairs only worked half of the time before. At first I thought I had fixed it with scripting help from 4760, but after further testing it was apparent that it still only worked 50 % of the time. One scene in particular may look a bit strange with the camera just focusing on a chair. Lance Botelle was kind enough to help me getting it fixed.
I've tested it 6 times since his fix and it hasn't failed any of those times. So it should work now. If though you are unlucky and this scene is still buggy, just reload from the
from the auto save that I put there before this scene.
2. The heads from the Faces of Neverwinter project by Jude Inc are excellent. However, some of them has a problem with eyes moving strangely at times. I kept them anyhow, since it's nice get a larger variation of heads than the boring ones that are in the core game and even the facelift pack to some extent. Some outfits are not 100 % when on a character, but those are such minor things I wasn't bothered by them, and I hope you can live with that.
3. At one time in camp a character comes running towards you. I have no idea why that is. There's no logical reason for this scripting-wise. I suspect it's just one of many NWN2's bugs.
4. At a fight near the end of the module, if you save and reload in the middle of the fight, some visual things might be missing. This doesn't affect gameplay though as you can still complete the fight, but you might get a bit confused by it.
5. If you do a certain thing while being in the area of Mikondor, a strange bug sometimes appear when you are to reunite with companions. They just stand there and won't unite with you. This might actually break the game. Hopefully my precautions for this is enough, otherwise let me know. Update: I have replaced the script used here, with a new one from cuiilv on the forums, that hopefully has removed the bug. My brother, who beta tested the module when I hadn't updated that script, encountered this bug, but he said he solved it by going back to camp and going out to Mikondor again.
6. This should be fixed but...If your companions are too far away from you when a cutscene is about to start, it might not start at all, and in that case the game freezes and you have to reload. To prevent this, make sure your companions are never too far behind you when you're running around. In the first area 4760 said it worked without problems now. Hopefully he is right.
7. To get everything to work as smoothly as possible, make a habit of always controlling your main PC when running around. When in fights though, you can of course micromanage your companions.
8. When in Mikondor at the count's residence, 4760 found a weird bug that I couldn't reproduce. He said that if you open a door while upstairs the room behind
the door is pitch black and you can't move into it. If you click very close to the entrance of the room the room apparently lights up and you should be able to
go in. As I said, I don't know how to reproduce this bug.
A side note: At the moment I'm working on A Strange World III, which have been in development for about 7 months now. Hopefully I will finish that too eventually, and put it here on the vault, but my guess is it will probably take a year from now to release that. It too is a standalone adventure, set 30 years in the future from A Strange World II. We'll see how it goes.
Attachment | Size |
The hak pack files (563) | 300.51 MB |
The intro movie file (615) | 4.95 MB |
Installation instructions and walkthrough and hints (530) | 44.68 KB |
Music for the module. (265) | 53.96 MB |
Files to put in the override folder. (564) | 852.58 MB |
Files to put in the override folder. (552) | 1.15 GB |
Files to put in the override folder. (548) | 91.38 MB |
The module file. Version 1.01. (539) | 81.2 MB |
If you don't want to have to reconstruct an existing large override folder, just rename it to Override - Old (or what ever). NWN2 you can then creat a new empty one or let the game do it for you.
If you want to change the stats of a companion, use Clangeddin's Collection, available here on the vault. It works with any controllable character, level 2 or higher.
Is that a direct continution of Strange World 1 with the same protagonist or with a new one?
Also...does having a save from Strange World 1 opens some extra goodies like extra conversations or alters the game somewhat due to the actions taken back then?
From reading above, looks like this is a parallel adventure for a new PC.
I'm sorry that it's not a direct continuation of chapter 1, but I still hope you can enjoy it for what it is.
Oh, that is fine.
I kinda prefer when a MC story is complete without clifhangers and having to wait a lot to know what happened afterwards to him/her.
Looking forward to play it!
Only tested with rogue.
Not quite... First playthrough with a human bard, second one with a dwarf fighter. Obviously the fights are easier with a fighter, but at least two quests couldn't be completed (just side quests, nothing important) because Diplomacy isn't a fighting skill.
There are a lot (way too many) companions.
Maybe, but it adds replayability (you can have only 3 companions most of the time). It's also worth mentioning that depending on who is with you, some cutscenes can help further some relationships. And based on your decisions, your companions may see you with different eyes.
I've removed the "only tested with rogue". I wrote most of this text before the beta testing started many months ago, so I didn't notice it when posting it here. Thanks for pointing it out.
By the way, as a beta tester I had an advanced copy of the module, so I can rate it right now:
Although it's the second chapter in the series, it's not a continuation of the first module (with the same character as in A Strange World, or his son. After all, the ending opened an opportunity for this).
Overall, I still appreciated the new story quite a lot, especially because although the main quest is about saving the world, the PC is not a hero called by the kingdom, but a total nobody who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. And the progress with the romances is somewhat based on other events or conversations, that makes it more credible (at least, if you go out of the camp when a branch ends).
To put it in a nutshell: not only do few modules have a background story that makes them different, but fewer still include romances, and this one succeeded in that. Congratulations!
Edit: I noticed I only awarded an 8. Corrected to 9, because the companions have their own character, the story is original, , I know that a lot of work has been necessary for this module to be released, and more importantly it's really replayable. I enjoyed it!
I really liked A Strange World so I'm looking forward to this.
I have started this game now,i`m out of the Fortress and in the camp for the first time.
I have a veery great flirt with the new hencwhen i come outside the fortress.
I see 4760 say you can only have 3 companions whith you,ok for me.
One question to Andgalf and 4760 when i open my inventory is only one side there,in other game you have 5 side where can put our equiment in.
Have that something whith the override to do whith?
Ok for me i dont loose nothing i had there.I playing now whith may character Ranger2/Fighter3.
so far a great game Jonny
when i open my inventory is only one side there,in other game you have 5 side where can put our equiment in.
Have that something whith the override to do whith?
Yes, that's because Tchos' UI is included in the override. If you prefer the original character sheet and inventory display, just remove the corresponding folder.
I have a veery great flirt with the new hencwhen i come outside the fortress.
Spoiler alert
Select the text area below to see the information
There are several romances, but they cannot be started simultaneously: once you've reached the point where the romance actually starts, all others become unavailable.
So you might want to wait a little before choosing...
Hi Thierry
Thank you for the answer about the override.
oh about the romance i shall play this game many times,so i can flirt whith many girls here
I are now in the monastary and shall help Anelia,so far a great game.
Every thing work good for me,have no problems so far.
And Gandalf when i are finish whith this great game i shall vote then,but so far this is a 10+.
Have a fine day everyone.Jonny
I see Thierry has already answered your questions. I'm really glad you enjoy the module so far.
If I've counted correctly I believe there are 8 romanceable characters in this game. Two of them requires a bit of high charisma to be able to romance though.
I've had a glitch which is probably in my settings somewhere but the conversations run through so fast I can't read them. What to do?
Weird. Since I use the lipflappers in most conversations, sometimes it's not totally optimal on every line how long they are supposed to move their mouths, but I think I've managed to get it kind of right most of the time. If I can't manage to read (and I am indeed a slow reader) I usually just pause the game. If the conversations run at some kind of racer speed though, then it must be in your settings I guess. Neither of my two beta testers have reported this...Maybe 4760 can answer your question, I don't know. When 4760 beta tested he said that a few areas where too dark which I didn't understand at all. Then it turned out that it was his settings that were the problem.
Just so you know, when I made the module and tested it, I used 1920x1080 resolution, and I think I've lowered the volume for the music, but apart from that I use the default settings on both my laptop and my main computer. I've never seen the issue you're talking about here.
Have youst finished this great modul,had no problem here.
I think have done every quest here,dont now there is here,shall play this game later.
PS: when you are in Keg Inn and sitting on the chair near the exit you get many textline there i hink is have something whith the test of this game.
But as i say i had no problem whith this game
Thank you for making a great game for us Gandalf
Thank you Jonny
Oh, crap, I must have forgotten do delete one of my debug-chairs I often use when testing the game. Odd that 4760 didn't catch that. He managed to find so many things, a real master detective he is. I will delete that chair and upload a new version of the mod without that shortly. Thanks for pointing it out.
I'm glad you enjoyed the module, Jonny!
Hi again.
Sorry for my bad english.
I thinked i had doing all quest,but how many quest are there in this module?
It all depends on how you count. But roughly, when looking in the NWN2 toolset, there are around 60 quests in the journal, but in reality I guess you could say it's about 50-55 quests in total. Some entries are just for the player to keep track of what's going on, I guess.
By the way: I'm hard at work with my chapter 3 module. It goes quite slowly, but still going forward. A few days ago I did a playthrough of what I've done so far (maybe 40 % of the module is finished, I would guess) and it took me about 5 hours to play to where I am now. There's still a lot of stuff to do, and I still have problems with the toolset to make the game behave as I want it to (mostly it's connected with characters I want to sit down and talk).
Which of the female companions in not romanceable?
Just didn't want to waste any time with her
Also, the game crashes when i try to leave camp? Any help is appreciated
Tyn is not romanceable.
What area are trying to go to when it crashes? How far into the game are you, and what has happened before this happens?
Thanks for the tip on Tyn.
I've talked to all the NPC's at camp numerous times. I've gained influence with Valerie and Anelia. I haven't gained any influence with the others. This was the first time we've been at the camp since we escaped the prison. Anelia mentioned a few places we could go. I've tried to choose all 3 options. Alll of them crash. The only area options are the Monastery, Knightbridge and Mikondor, which are all 3 quests initiated by Anelia. The only quests that have been completed are "Anelia" by joining our group and "Imprisoned", which we killed the ignii and escaped.
When i try to leave the camp area to go to one of the places, it says "Anelia must be in your party" and then crashes. While at the camp there is no one really on the roster yet. Do i somehow need to have her "join" me before i click on the transition area spot?
There should be GUI appearing when trying to leave camp where you choose which 3 companions you want to take with you. In that GUI (if I remember correctly) Anelia is already chosen as one of the companions. If you however choose three other companions, where Anelia is not present, when trying to go to Mikondor, you won't be able to go there.
So, to me it seems that the GUI doesn't show up for you. I have no idea why that would happen. Those scripts are part of Colorsfade's Companion System, based on the OC, and they should be very solid.
Which system are you on? Win7 or Win10? Linux? Mac? If you have a french version of the game it could be that you need to remove Tchos' UI that is included in the override. 4760 told me, one of the beta testers, that that UI doesn't work on the french version.
thanks for the reply. you're correct....the GUI doesn't show up for me to choose the companions. There must be some bug. I"ve noticed that when save and then load game again at the camp, Valerie invariably has a different outfit on??
Yes, NWN2 is a buggy game unfortunately. The companions change outfit from time to time when entering camp, that's by design, so nothing to worry about there.
Just getting started and already interesting.
Bug: I have taken Kaala to her sister but nothing happens. I don't seem to be able to trigger a scene and trying to talk to either of them only gets a bark string.
That's odd. Try and reload to where you got Kaala to come with you in your party. When you cross the bridge there's a trigger that makes animals attack Azembwe. Then after you kill the animals you can talk to Azembwe.
If Kaala is not in your party you can't talk to Azembwe. If she is in your party you can talk to her, can see nothing wrong here. The conversation node is even set to "always". The ONLY thing that restricts you from talking to Azembwe is if you don't have Kaala in your party. I have checked the trigger that spawns Azembwe and the animals and the conversation and there are no bugs here. When speaking to Kaala in front of the estate, where you get the quest, I use a stock script (ga_destroy) destroying the Azembwe character which you can see walking around in Mikondor before. Then when you enter a certain trigger after the bridge searching for her, when Kaala is in your party, she is spawned together with a few animals attacking here. This blueprint character (Azembwe) that is spawned has a conversation attached that makes you able to talk to her, and the only restriction for this conversation is if Kaala is in your party. So, no bugs there.
Thanks, a bit busy atm. I'm going to try and sort this out over the weekend. I'll update you with what I find.
Hi Andgalf,
I am trying my luck now playing SW2. Everything was going fine until, with Celina's ring, after dating and sending her to the camp, no new dialog option has
been triggered talking to Mechsin about the fein stone. A script bug or did I miss something? Thanks in advance.
Nevermind. Gathered the party near the gates and the option triggered.
FYI - still have not been able to get back to playing, perhaps this weekend.
Both Strange Worlds are on my replay again soon list, with all the unique characters and dialog. Will have to correct the poor CHR based spellcasters and give them more than 10 though.
Played immediately after the first part. This part has less bugs, even more romance/npc options(very nice head and armor models for female compaions), I don't like that you can't kick out of the party some useless companions, very strange companion stat allocation(more like bug or oversight, why would companion have all 10 in his stats) and inability to say/choice something "not goody good" in quests. Still very good module and rare these days xD
Hi Andgalf! I only got about half way through A Strange World ! (I'm one of the players on a mac that ran into weird crash problems) and I was happy to find that this mod loaded.
I ran into a problem and I'm wondering if something that was supposed to happen isn't happening. I went to meet Celina, but she didn't show up.
Nevermind! I went back to an earlier save and everything worked correctly. Just finished visiting the Count.
Thanks for the fun!
I would really appreciate some help!
My question is about the Lone Valley Ruins. There's a door in the ruins going down in the south east, but I can't interact with it. Am I supposed to be able to open it?
A big thank you to anybody who can help!
I finished last night - thanks for the fun! I really enjoyed the campaign - the story was very interesting and the scenery looked great - inside and out. I really appreciated the quick travel option! I'm looking forward to the third in the series!
I've restarted the game and hit some very strange issues.
1. After I create a new character and start the game, some of my feats and skills are off.
2. The ranger, the bard and rogue all have terrible stats; 10, 10, 12, 10, 10, 10 plus or minus one.
Is there supposed to be a custom tlk file in the override? I can't think of anything else that would potentially cause this sort of behavior.
Edit: And I'm stuck in exactly the same place. I meet Kalla and after the cut scene we return to give her sister Wylla some medicine? No dialog or event triggers to allow me to complete that quest. All I get from either of them are bark strings.
Hi Andgalf.
I just started this module and I am having no luck in getting past the first door. I figured out, and verified using the Walkthrough, you need to cast Dispel Magic and Sound Burst to open the door. Unfortunately, the Dispel Magic does not seem to do anything. Here is what I am doing:
1. Cast Dispel Magic (Hostile) near the door.
2. Cast Sound Burst near the door. (receive a message that "Sound Burst Hit the Door.").
I really want to continue on but I am not sure what I am missing. Is this a bug?
Really enjoyed the first "A Strange World" and would love to continue with the next game!!
Thank you so much!!
EDIT: I cleared out my override folder and added on the overrides you provided. This fixed the issue.
I'm having a similar issue to some others, firstly, when I make a rogue, after loading into the game my feats and skill points have be completely reallocated to their 'recommended' options. Also, in the first one, casting dispel magic and then sound burst (really in either order) isn't getting the first door to open. I've already tried clearing out my override folder and resetting it, but I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Any input would help as I loved the first one in the series.
Fun mod!
andgalf, I really enjoyed your first story in the series. But for this part, over 8 GB in the override folder ? really ? I have only poked around in the toolset, so I can't dispute your reasons, but I am an old programmer and I have to think there has to be a more efficient way to keep track of override elements used. just sayin, no offense, and I am eager to start to play it and enjoy it.
Finished the story. Excellent writing and rich characters with an interesting plot makes for a very enjoyable game ! The romance side story was fun and once again well done.
so many companions to choose from, but it really gives the game a lot of replayability, and I am sure I will be playing this one again.
For me, great writing and a great story is what I like in a mod. Well done andgalf, now its time to try ASW 3 !