The Scroll is a traditional D&D story set within my own campaign called, The World of Althéa. The campaign was first written in the late 1980's and was moved to NWN2 when it became available. As the campaign is now available to both existing PnP players and newcomers, there is a choice of backgrounds to choose from. Newcomers should choose option 2 (Althéa History & Background: This module has taken years to write and has around 50 +/- 10 hours gameplay.
The Darkening they call it ... A dark shadow that moved across the world two years ago now, robbing the peoples of their skills and abilities. Even magic was lost! But almost two years have passed since that time and Althéa is slowly starting to recover under the new power that calls itself the Empire, ruled by some Emperor that few, if any, have ever met.
But what does that matter to you? You live in New Edgeton, a sleepy village far north from the capital of Boran where, if you could ever get there, everything worth doing takes place. The capital city of the lands is a good four days travel south from the village. The problem is, however, even if you wanted to travel there, there is no way now ... not since the coming of the Barrier!
Two weeks ago, life in the village was simple, easy ... normal. Then, out of nowhere, a huge barrier sprang up around the village ... and the village became far from normal. The local dignitaries, slow to respond as always, did even less when they realised that supplies could still be passed through the barrier and that the villagers would not starve. The problem is, however, nothing living can pass out again!
So, is this it? Stuck in New Edgeton for the rest of your life? Just when you had decided to travel to Boran to learn more about the up and coming Empire. No, you decide to do something about the Barrier yourself, and then, maybe, if you can earn enough gold in the process, you will be able to take that trip to Boran ... and try to learn more about the Darkening too. After all, for you, life is just beginning.
There is a mystery to unravel. Will you be the saviour of the village or just a nobody? Encounter mysterious people along the way, and travel farther than you realised was possible considering the circumstances. Encounter murder, demons, monsters you never knew existed! Survive or die in intense battle, using magic or items you create to combat such. Discover mysterious texts and puzzles along the way, and overcome them with a clever mind or simply find the tool you need to bypass them. Finally, learn the truth about the strange barrier and save the village from entrapment!
!!! ATTENTION: PLEASE Check here regularly for the latest PATCH !!!
IF ALREADY PLAYING: For those who may be already playing, remember that you SHOULD only replace the CAMPAIGN folder (delete the old one and replace with the latest folder). Unless starting again, you should NOT replace the MODULE folder or you may break your game with respect to some area transitions. NB: You may also need to replace either or both the UI or TLK folders. These now come with the CAMPAIGN download, so if you need to update, you will already have them with the latest download.
IF STARTING AFRESH: For those starting afresh, then use the new folders for both module and campaign, and you will benefit from all updates. (Delete the older folders entirely first.)
I want you to have the best experience when playing The Scroll. This campaign has taken years to write, and I do not want you to have a spoiled experience just because of a missed bug (at the time of your download) giving you a potential game-breaking problem! If you have the latest patch, then any problem you may have experienced should already have been dealt with and your game will be fixed. If, however, you think you find a bug that everyone else has missed, then PLEASE let me know.
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D&D HARD CORE: The Scroll is not your "standard" NWN2 module. If you are a "casual" NWN2 player, then this may not suit your style of play. If, however, you are from a more traditional background, and especially if you are from a PnP (Pen and Paper) v3.5 (and earlier) background, then this may appeal to you. It has additional D&D rules such as the need to consider attrition over time and spell-casters books. However, everything that has been implemented has been done in such a way that the game plays fluidly, as long as the player observes these differences when playing. E.g. Having a cleric to be able to cast Create Food & Water to help with food. NB: Gameplay options can alter some of these settings, but unless you are prepared to apply some of your own thinking, then some aspects may be more of a challenge than you are used to or even be beyond your capability or preferences as a player. Thank you for your understanding!
SP or MP: The Scroll can be played either SP or MP (coop). With respect to its coop capabilities, it has been designed with this aspect from the start, paying careful attention to plot items and other potential mutiplayer issues with respect to travel, conversations, journal entries, etc. So either play SP or with a friend or two in coop MP.
COMPANIONS & HENCHMEN: The player has the option to build a party of four from the start of the game, and/or wait to add or use companions instead. There are also a couple of useful henchmen that the player can acquire if they wish to. The party can always be re-arranged from the Bloated Buckle.
RACE, LEVEL & CLASS: This module starts all PCs at 1st level and they will end up around 10th, subject to the quests played. Some classes that are not within the World of Althéa are prevented from entering, and invalid faiths are also removed.
DEATH: Death of PCs is handled in a number of ways, subject to options chosen near the start of the game, and how the player sets up their game from the Althéa Main Menu. A "Dragon Age" style option (recover if the combat is won) is also provided as an option near the start of the game. You can also choose to play it hard-core instead, meaning you will need to raise any fallen companions from the dead if they die in battle.
REST: Resting is restricted according to area/environment, time since last rest, and food rations. PCs gradually lose VIGOUR over time, impeding their actions until they rest. Resting is usually required after about two hours real time playing.
PUZZLES: The Scroll is full of custom puzzles similar to those you might find in PnP or other RPG games. There are various ways to resolve them in most situations and new custom feats make the task of resolving them much easier if you prefer such.
COMBAT: There is a fair share of combat, where some encounters will be easier than others, subject to the path you take through the game. Having more than four PCs in the party will make encounters significantly easier. Also, changing the difficulty level can sometimes reduce an encounter's difficulty, subject to when it was spawned. A pseudo TURN-BASED option is available, and many features have been added to allow for a tactical combat for those that prefer such. An "auto-pause" on encounter and trap found have also been included. (Hit Point Bars are an option shortly into the module.)
MAPPING: The Scroll comes with a "fog of war" over its maps by default, where maps are available in the first place. However, there is an option to disable this near the start of the game, subject to other choices the player may choose instead.
WEATHER: The Scroll uses a dynamic weather system, which affects some items.
NEW GUI INTERFACES: The Scroll has many new integrated GUI interfaces, designed to make the experience more pleasurable and easier to use. Examples include: JOURNAL: Size toggle, bestiary tab, fixed "notes" section. INVENTORY & STORES: Now come with item description panels that allow ease of reading item descriptions and making direct comparisons between what you own and what you want. Better weight management. CHARACTER SCREEN: Additional crafting feedback tab. TIME & EFFECTS: The Scroll keeps track of accurate time with respect to spells and has a unique day/month/year and moon cycle calendar.
CRAFTING & ECONOMY: The Scroll has made some extensive improvements to the crafting system in NWN2, incoporating all three official campaign systems into a system that is much simpler to use for those interested. Closely tied alongside this is the way the economy works with items crafted or bought, so there are advantages of being able to craft your own items, and crafted items are useful. Special "recipe book containers" are also available from stores to keep any recipes you may find, which instantly report any requirements you may be lacking without needing to do a complete search through the party.
AUTO-INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: There are a selection of bags that can be purchased at stores that will automatically sort items you acquire for you. Including, craft items, essences, keys, gems and bounty items. Be sure to grab these as soon as you can afford them to make inventory control a delight.
REAL REACTIONS: Effort has been made to try to keep the reactions of NPCs and the environment as close to "normal" as possible. e.g. NPCs will respond if you try to steal items, gold has weight and you cannot carry too much.
MAC USERS: I regret to say that all MAC beta testers reported that they could not get The Scroll to work on their computers. If you are a MAC user and succeed in doing so, then please contact me with the solution so that I can share it with others.
THIRD PARTY ADD-ONS: Due to the extreme customization of The Scroll, this module is NOT compatible with any other add-on or hak. However, I hope the fresh look and interaction will help players to enjoy the experience all the same. NB: The Client Extension has not been fully tested with the module, so currently use at own risk.
Some computer setups may experience this potential issue:-
i) Exiting from the first GUI fails to do anything. (This warning is reminded in game too.) RESOLUTION: Just restart the game using the same PC from the local vault. On the next time around the GUI should respond as expected. I believe it is to do with files first time usage. UPDATE: I believe I have squashed this issue completely now (as of the NEW patching system v1.1), but please let me know if you experience it.
PUZZLE RESOLUTION ISSUES: On rare occasions, it is possible for a GUI to be presented "off-screen", possibly due to a previous GUI usage info, making access to it impossible. I found that you can delete the file called guisettings.ini to fix the issue, which can be found at: C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\ui\default (NB: "yourusername" will vary according to you user name.) This file stores the locations of where you last opened the GUIs and can sometimes hold erroneous positions. It can safely be deleted (although always make a backup just in case), and it recreates itself when you next use a GUI, placing it in a default position where you should be able to use it. Alternatively, if you can set you screen resolution to 1920 x 1080, that *may* also resolve it.
It is essential to follow these instructions to ensure the module installs correctly and plays without problems beyond currently undiscovered bugs:-
IMPORTANT: If you are playing other modules at the same time as this one, then it is possible to remove the LBAlthea folder before playing the different module if you wanted to. HOWEVER, it does *NOT* stop other games from working, but simply changes things like the the load screens and the mouse click. It also contains alterations required for my GUIs to display correctly. NB: It is essential to ensure this folder is in place before playing my module. If you start my module and do not see the correct loading image, then quit the game and ensure the folder is put back in place before restarting NWN2.
CHOOSING A BACKGROUND: When you first enter the game and go through some character selections, you will eventually be asked to choose a background. Unless you are familiar with my pen and paper campaign (or played my NWN1 module, Soul Shaker), then I would recommend that you choose OPTION 2.
ALWAYS make sure your game is patched to the latest CAMPAIGN version. Therefore, keep track of the latest campaign version available for download in case it is higher than your current campaign version. NB: Replacing the CAMPAIGN FOLDER is the expected method of patching the module.
INSTALLATION: Simply download, unpack and replace the existing campaign folder with the latest version before restarting NWN2. (Delete the old folder entirely and replace with the new downloaded one.) NEVER update the module version, unless you intend to start again. NB: Reboot your computer after updating the files to prevent any potential in-game stuttering after file changes.
VERIFICATION: When you reload your latest saved game, the module should welcome you again, and inform you of the latest patch update. This figure can also be found from the Althéa Main Menu ("Rule Information" section).
(*) Keeping this folder up to date ensures you are patched to the latest version - even for your current game! Simply replace your existing campaign folder with the latest release and reload your saved game to continue.
<<< This is the ONLY place The Scroll is being uploaded to >>>
Obviously many changes have been made to the the OC behaviour, but this module still uses the D&D rules, and as far as I'm concerned it's a great one. It really is worth playing.
Nice work Lance!
Hi Thierry,
Thanks for the post of confidence, kind feedback and vote! :)
I am taking a small break before getting back into module two (which has already had much work done to it), but I hope to take forward all those things I learned in module one when I continue with it. And, of course, things should now go a lot smoother now that most of the core code is done and tested. :)
Thanks again, Lance.
I had an opportunity to beta test, and for me it was a unique and entertaining experience. It's very much an old school style of role-playing game, replete with challenging puzzles, difficult combat, and unique (for NWN2) game mechanics. It can require ingenuity and perseverance to complete, but if you are up for the challenge then I believe you will enjoy it!
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your kind feedback and vote! :)
Your testing was invaluable to me and, like other testers, your feedback was a great benefit to the mod, helping to bring it to fruition.
Now, I'm just trying to go over what I need for Module 2, and find the energy I need to bring it to life.
Thanks again, Lance.
This looks promising. Here is a vid I put up showing some aspects of the extensive GUI modding and customizable mechanics. Good luck with your module, Lance! In the future I may do a write-up on my blog, treating it in detail. Cheers!
Hi Lilura,
Thanks for taking the time to do this and upload it. :)
That's very kind of you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it. Getting to grips with some of the GUI changes is one of the biggest steps, but one I hope will be worthwhile.
Just for your info .... I see you went for "OPTION 1" as the background in the demo ... which also starts off with no gold at all. (There are ways to get gold from friends of the village that you woul "know" of course.)
Thanks again,
I've got a problem with the artist puzzel lock, my graphic will not go high enough to see all the puzzle, is there any kind of work around for this.
What is your screen resolution? I had the same issue while beta testing, and Lance made the puzzle movable. Unless we're not discussing about the same one.
Hi Jonesr65,
Thanks for covering 4760 (T) ... :) I have been absent a while, and I did not receive any updates on posts from here.
4760 is correct in that I did make this puzzle "moveable" in that you can drag the puzzle box around if need be.
EDIT: OK, I went ingame and double-checked this and there is even a warning that comes up when you first use the puzzle informing you of the way to alter the "drag" ability if the puzzle is being used in lower resolutions. I suppose there may be an issue of even seeing the "padlock" symbol if your screen resolution is so low that you cannot see the top of the puzzle. If this is the case, then I would also warn that other issues may arise *if* the lower screen res is due to computer specification rather than personal choice. If you cannot see the padlock I refer to (due to the puzzle being beyond the top of the screen), then you will need to try to increase you screen resolution to see it and make the "padlock" adjustment, and then switch back the resolution if need be.
DM NOTE: DO NOT USE THE "PADLOCK" TOGGLE SWITCH when playing the DM, as it will fail and you wil have to click on runes until the time runs out to start again. (I just tried testing it that way and found that out. However, as there should be no need for this, I will not alter any code to try and fix it.)
Thanks, Lance
Just downloaded the module. It looks very interesting. Are you still working on a second module?
Hi _Doug,
EDIT 28/09/24: Module 2 is currently being developed and some stages tested.
All the framework for the second and third module are in place, but I have not yet been able to do any more. I suffer with an illness that hampers what and when I can do it ... and this can be very frustrating. I would really like to be able to do more of the later modules, but my time table for such (if even met) will be unreasonable to many I expect. That said, if I do manage to do more, and have something to release, then I will certainly upload.
Time will tell ... but don't hold you breath. (If you pardon the cliches.)
Cheers, Lance.
Thank you for the reply. When I got a chance to try out the module, rain slowed the game down to unplayable even on low settings. Do you think this update will fix that issue?
Hi _Doug,
I have completely overhauled the weather system and it no longer relies on the function heartbeat that was causing the issue. IMPORTANT: This update I am talking about has NOT yet been released, but will be with version 1.10, which I hope to release within the next few days/weeks.
If you can hang on until then, I will have tested the game thoroughly again, and made *MANY* fixes and improvements. :)
Cheers, Lance.
Thanks Lance! I'll keep an eye out for 1.10.
Any clues about 1.10 anyone? Is it avaliable somewhere? Any older version that not crashes?
Hi George Burnet,
I am still working on version 1.10, and hope to release it soon. (I hope before the end of the year.)
If it starts taking me too long (or I may decide to anyway), I will release version 1.09 with what I have tested to date. The latest version will definitely be worth the wait with respect to bug crunching and overall performance. :)
Thanks for asking, Lance.
Was it updated just now?
Hi Artham,
I have been preparing/updating over the last day or so ... I hope to have the final two essential folders updated later today if all goes well.
Cheers, Lance.
YESSSS!!!!! Thanks, Lance. I'll give it a try in holydays!
YESSSS!!!!! Thanks, Lance. I'll give it a try in holydays!
Hi George Burnet,
Good to hear you are pleased. :)
Keep an eye open for any patches ... I just uploaded one. And do let me know if there are any other issues.
Thanks, Lance
Hi Lance,
Great module! I just started playing it and I'm really enjoying it so far.
I just have an issue that "The Scroll" (the inventory object) keeps spawning. I now have 32 in my inventory and it doesn't look like there's any way to get rid of some of them.
Hi Johnny,
I only just noticed this post, so sorry about the delay in responding.
It's probably easier to contact me here:
Without knowing which version you are playing (and your current setup), it is hard for me to tell what is happening. However, as you may have only just started I would check to see if you have all the lastest versions of the essential files?
Try contacting me again on the above links ... and I will make sure you are up and running OK.
Thanks, Lance.
Thanks, no problem.
I was running 2.53, didn't realize how quickly you were updating ...
Started a new game (wanted to do that anyway, now that I undertsand better how it works) and it's fine now.
Hi Johnny,
Fixed ... That's great news!
Yes, I had quite a run of updates due to replaying the module in MP and preparing for any future modules. I believe the problem you experienced was due to code that prepares a PC for importing into the next module (when available).
Always keep checking back for updates, as they are easy to do, and as long as it is only a campaign folder change, you do not need to start again (unless it's critical like your last problem was).
Understanding how the module works is a small learning curve ... so it's good to hear you are taking your time and appreciating the differences. E.g. Resting using the "R" button is seperated into "WAIT" and "REST", the latter only possible after a certain amount of time has passed (which may require the "WAIT"). Or, use the Bloated Buckle any time. And you need rations over time ... until you gain the ability to make your own with a cleric. (HINT: If you hear the gong sound when trying to use the "R" key to rest, then some conditions are not right for some PCs.)
Once you understand the campaign design, you should find you become quite the master at it. :)
Keep me updated, and let me know if you need any more help in any way.
Cheers, Lance.
Hello Lance,
I'd love to play The Scroll, however currently there is only the "Other" folder and the "Information" (optional) attached/linked for download here. I'm not seeing a link for the Campaign and Module folders.
EDIT: Just saw in the other link that upload is still pending as you work on it. Looking forward to seeing it.
As it happens, I am hoping I may be able to upload these two remaining files later today. :)
I am going to give one last quick looking over some core parts, and then bite the bullet and upload.
I hope the wait will be worth it. :)
Hi Lance,
Been waiting for a "final" version so I'll give it a go soon. Thanks for all your efforts!
Hi Sawdust,
That's good to hear! Thank you!
Please let me know if you do find any other issues, as I will address them immediately.
I am continuing with Module 2, so if you are interested in continuing the story, keep a final save game or exported PC at the end. Hopefully that will all work when the time comes too.
Cheers, Lance.
Ran into a small (large) problem. After visiting the church for the first time, I am given the chance to choose channeler or harvestor. After choosing . . . I can't close the book. It's too big for my screen and I can't play the game in a larger resolution. I deleted the guisettings file and still no luck.
Nevermind . . . figured a way around it.
Hi Sawdust37,
Glad you managed to sort your issue ... How did you close it in the end then? Did you manage to drag it and reach the close button OK?
Out of interest, what resolution do you play at? As I may double check some aspects at the resolution you play.
(EDIT: Actually, I just tried lowering my resolution and I cannot get my NWN2 to start in any resolution I am picking. Let me know if you can.)
Thanks, Lance.
Hi. So I think I figured out what is making this (and Black Scourge of Candlecove and White Plume Mountain) Crash on Macs. It’s the walkmeshhelper placeables in the .GIT files for the trouble areas. I haven’t tested it for Althea I went in and deleted all these placeable from the .gits for candlecove WPM and now both load just fine. No idea if not having those in their will prevent my PC from reaching something but it loads. There were around 6 areas that used them ( can send list if you like). Same for WPM. Althea does use them too in fact they are the only three modules I have that do and all three crashed in the same way
I tried loading the game with the walkmeshhelper override folder ( in my override and it still crashed so maybe Macs just don’t like them. Or maybe there’s some file missing that is standard on the windows version. Anyway, it would be cool if we could figure out how to make the walkmeshhelpers work on macs. In the meantime we can just delete those placeables.
Hi. So I think I figured out what is making this (and Black Scourge of Candlecove and White Plume Mountain) Crash on Macs. It’s the walkmeshhelper placeables in the .GIT files for the trouble areas. I haven’t tested it for Althea I went in and deleted all these placeable from the .gits for candlecove WPM and now both load just fine. No idea if not having those in their will prevent my PC from reaching something but it loads. There were around 6 areas that used them ( can send list if you like). Same for WPM. Althea does use them too in fact they are the only three modules I have that do and all three crashed in the same way
I tried loading the game with the walkmeshhelper override folder ( in my override and it still crashed so maybe Macs just don’t like them. Or maybe there’s some file missing that is standard on the windows version. Anyway, it would be cool if we could figure out how to make the walkmeshhelpers work on macs. In the meantime we can just delete those placeables.
Hi. So I think I figured out what is making this (and Black Scourge of Candlecove and White Plume Mountain) Crash on Macs. It’s the walkmeshhelper placeables in the .GIT files for the trouble areas. I haven’t tested it for Althea I went in and deleted all these placeable from the .gits for candlecove WPM and now both load just fine. No idea if not having those in their will prevent my PC from reaching something but it loads. There were around 6 areas that used them ( can send list if you like). Same for WPM. Althea does use them too in fact they are the only three modules I have that do and all three crashed in the same way
I tried loading the game with the walkmeshhelper override folder ( in my override and it still crashed so maybe Macs just don’t like them. Or maybe there’s some file missing that is standard on the windows version. Anyway, it would be cool if we could figure out how to make the walkmeshhelpers work on macs. In the meantime we can just delete those placeables.
Hi. So I think I figured out what is making this (and Black Scourge of Candlecove and White Plume Mountain) Crash on Macs. It’s the walkmeshhelper placeables in the .GIT files for the trouble areas. I haven’t tested it for Althea I went in and deleted all these placeable from the .gits for candlecove WPM and now both load just fine. No idea if not having those in their will prevent my PC from reaching something but it loads. There were around 6 areas that used them ( can send list if you like). Same for WPM. Althea does use them too in fact they are the only three modules I have that do and all three crashed in the same way
I tried loading the game with the walkmeshhelper override folder ( in my override and it still crashed so maybe Macs just don’t like them. Or maybe there’s some file missing that is standard on the windows version. Anyway, it would be cool if we could figure out how to make the walkmeshhelpers work on macs. In the meantime we can just delete those placeables.
Hi ChuckerIINO,
That's sounds like some good news .... :) Well done for discovering it.
If you could send me more information regarding the areas and walkmesh placeables (any specific ones or all?) you mention involved, I will also look into it.
Do you know anyone else who uses a MAC that can confirm the same problems in the same way?
What are the specific *.GIT files involved?
I will post this on the forums to see if anyone else also knows about this.
EDIT: Topic is posted here for further discussion:
Thanks, Lance.
Hmmm, what sort of mod is this?
A hack and slash with possible focus on difficulty level and hard to beat enemies?
A pure RPG with plenty of dialogues/romances/endings/skill checks?
A puzzle focused mod with tons of brain "torture"?
Just curious if this is more like Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate to put an example.
Hi Artham,
Main notes about the mod are in the description above, but I will try to be more specific for you (if it needs it) without giving away spoilers.
ALSO: The "Information" download contains a World Guide that goes into more details about what to expect in general. (Download above.)
Please note that the actual module and campaign content for version 1.00 E is not available until timorrow: 19th November 2019.
Cheers, Lance.
Hmmm, what sort of mod is this?
1) A hack and slash with possible focus on difficulty level and hard to beat enemies?
COMBAT: There is a fair share of combat, where some encounters will be easier than others, subject to the path you take through the game. Having more than four PCs in the party will make encounters significantly easier. Also, changing the difficulty level can sometimes reduce an encounter's difficulty, subject to when it was spawned. A pseudo TURN-BASED option is available, and many features have been added to allow for a tactical combat for those that prefer such. An "auto-pause" on encounter and trap found have also been included. (Hit Point Bars are an option shortly into the module.)
SPECIFICALLY: I would NOT call it a hack and slash, but more of a traditional D&D encounters with specific enemies suited to their environment and story.
2) A pure RPG with plenty of dialogues/romances/endings/skill checks?
SPECIFICALLY: This story is based upon my own D&D campaign from the 80's It is the first of three modules I hope. I am currently writing the second module. This module does have plenty of dialogue. While there are no romances, there is definitely party interaction, and PCs can even leave the party if not role-played correclty. All quests have an ending, apart from the main quest, which reaches an end point for the overalll story, which I hope will leave the player wanting more in module two. There are many skill checks, which have been coded to make best use of the party skills. There are also henchmen you can take into the party. My wife had a party of around twelve if you include all the summons too.
3) A puzzle focused mod with tons of brain "torture"?
PUZZLES: The Scroll is full of custom puzzles similar to those you might find in PnP or other RPG games. There are various ways to resolve them in most situations and new custom feats make the task of resolving them much easier if you prefer such.
SPECIFICALLY: I have ensured that a player can either take part in puzzles and be rewarded, or find an alternative menas to do so. At the very most, there are only a couple of puzzles where the player must have input, but can still acquire a feat to help with this too. Again, the puzzles are designed around D&D style play.
4) Just curious if this is more like Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate to put an example.
SPECIFICALLY: (I thought I had this written, but I cannot see it in the description, so thanks for drawing it to my attention): This is a unique world design, based upon my own campaign called The World of Althéa. If I was to describe it at all, I would say that is distinct from either of these two (due to being in a different world), but has elements of both, as it is D&D after all.
I hope that helps answer a few of your queries ... and to remind you that the main files will be available from tomorrow.
Cheers, Lance
The Darkening they call it ... A dark shadow that moved across the world two years ago now, robbing the peoples of their skills and abilities. Even magic was lost! But almost two years have passed since that time and Althéa is slowly starting to recover under the new power that calls itself the Empire, ruled by some Emperor that few, if any, have ever met.
But what does that matter to you? You live in New Edgeton, a sleepy village far north from the capital of Boran where, if you could ever get there, everything worth doing takes place. The capital city of the lands is a good four days travel south from the village. The problem is, however, even if you wanted to travel there, there is no way now ... not since the coming of the Barrier!
Two weeks ago, life in the village was simple, easy ... normal. Then, out of nowhere, a huge barrier sprang up around the village ... and the village became far from normal. The local dignitaries, slow to respond as always, did even less when they realised that supplies could still be passed through the barrier and that the villagers would not starve. The problem is, however, nothing living can pass out again!
So, is this it? Stuck in New Edgeton for the rest of your life? Just when you had decided to travel to Boran to learn more about the up and coming Empire. No, you decide to do something about the Barrier yourself, and then, maybe, if you can earn enough gold in the process, you will be able to take that trip to Boran ... and try to learn more about the Darkening too. After all, for you, life is just beginning.
(Althéa History & Background: (link is external))
There is a mystery to unravel. Will you be the saviour of the village or just a nobody? Encounter mysterious people along the way, and travel farther than you realised was possible considering the circumstances. Encounter murder, demons, monsters you never knew existed! Survive or die in intense battle, using magic or items you create to combat such. Discover mysterious texts and puzzles along the way, and overcome them with a clever mind or simply find the tool you need to bypass them. Finally, learn the truth about the strange barrier and save the village from entrapment!
EDIT: I am also updating the Information download to the latest edition, which may give more of the info you may be after.
I have played this mod a bit. Looks nice from what I've seen this far.
Three more questions though.
1) By the end are there different permutations based on different actions? Like even if the ending as a whole is the same but some actions during the game can affect specific characters or/and offer some changes to how the world was affected?
2) Any plans to add romances into the story? Either party members romances or with NPCs? If that is impossible then how about some loyalty missions instead to learn more about companions?
3) Is there a new game plus or something of the sort when the player can see how his/hers actions affected the world and talk with characters whose lives were affected by those actions?
Hi Artham,
Make sure you are on the latest version by the way ... :)
Anything less than that and the module will break. OK, to answer your questions ...
1) By the end are there different permutations based on different actions? Like even if the ending as a whole is the same but some actions during the game can affect specific characters or/and offer some changes to how the world was affected?
If I understand your correctly, yes, some actions will affect how some NPC characters play or react to the PC. (There are bluff/intimidate and diplomacy checks.) More importantly, game play actually affects companion reactions as you play too. They can leave if you upset them.
2) Any plans to add romances into the story? Either party members romances or with NPCs? If that is impossible then how about some loyalty missions instead to learn more about companions?
I do not intend to add romances, as that goes against my style of a D&D RPG. Relationships are purely comeraderie, but will offer comments as you adventure. Threska has a direct mission, and other companions have their own motives. However, their involvement is kept low to ensure the player has most control and does not keep having to speak with them to gain more info. If they have something to say, they will. Any companion may develop further in future modules if I decide to go that way, which is possible. My system is also designed to have your own created PCs comment like an included companion would. As far as I know, this is unique.
3) Is there a new game plus or something of the sort when the player can see how his/hers actions affected the world and talk with characters whose lives were affected by those actions?
I am currently working on module 2. Some actions your main PC chooses or plays will impact both this module and the next. My wife is on her sixth pay through and still finds new things she did not notice before subject to class or alignment or choices made. Module two continues a main quest line from module 1, which if you play background option 2 (as recommneded for new players to the campaign), you will learn more about in module 2.
Cheers, Lance.
This new patching system replaces all previous patching systems that this module used prior 30th March 2024. If your current module download you are playing is older than 30th March 2024, then patching may have mixed results for your game. If you do try to use this new patch on a saved game prior this date, then, upon loading, you will receive a "red warning" giving you a heads up on any potential incompatibility.
This new patching system now displays the module number currently released and supported (before the decimal point), and the actual campaign release version in a basic incremented number after the decimal point. The first campaign release for the new system starts at 1, and is no longer restricted to just two digits. Therefore, a release where it currently supports just the first module is v1.1. When it starts supporting the second module (after its release), the first digit will increase to 2, but the campaign version will stay the same and simply remain increasing as new releases are made. For example: v2.105 would mean the patch is supporting both releases of the first and second module, and the campaign is on its 105th update on the new patching system.
Please let me know if you find anything so that I can fix it.
This second update of v1.24 addresses some final alignment fixes with respect to the druid, monk or bard class. It also addresses queued actions for a MP game.
*WARNING* IMPORTANT NOTICE: This latest v1.23 has the Party Chest at the Bloated Buckle updated. If you have used this chest, ALL CONTENTS OF THE ORIGINAL CHEST WILL BE MOVED TO THE NEW VERSION, which will be located to the left of the the tavern "stage" as you face it from the bar. It is in a slightly different location to a new game, but it allows the old party chest version to be patched to the new system. NOTE: You will have to pay again to access the items, even if the day has not ended. NB: PAY ENOUGH TO ACCESS ALL ITEMS YOU MAY HAVE STORED (MAX 50.)
(MP) Denotes a Multiplayer fix or update required only.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: This latest v1.22 comes with an UPDATED UI folder, which must replace the existing version before reloading. Simply delete the old folder and use the new one that comes with the CAMPAIGN download. You will receive a warning reminder on any reload until you have updated this folder.
FIXED: Animal Domain Choice and using the Animal Summoning feat. (1)10 SEPTEMBER 2024 v1.14 (STRONGLY RECOMMENDED)
10 AUGUST 2024 v1.11 (RECOMMENDED)
FIXED: Some monster difficulty balancing.(BROKE scaling on area reloading!)25 JUNE 2024 v1.9 (POTENTIALLY ESSENTIAL)
18 JUNE 2024 v1.8 (RECOMMENDED)
1. If you use the TB Combat system, then the system might fail to start with some ghosts after a conversation with Dringle. The system remains broken until a variable is reset after another conversation at some point. You will know when the issue is fixed when the game will auto-pause after a conversation, even though there are no creatures to attack. Just unpause the game and allow to play as normal. This was broken in v1.4 (7th May 2024) and is now fully fixed from v1.8.
08 JUNE 2024 v1.6 (RECOMMENDED)
15 MAY 2024 v1.5 (RECOMMENDED)
MODULE UPDATE: The only change was to fix the height of an animation upon a collection.
(1) Prior this fix, you could not access the same puzzle again from the Quicksave. They should work fine from a Quicksave now.
18 APRIL 2024 v1.2 (RECOMMENDED)
MODULE (18 APRIL 2024): Please note that the only update from the March version was a variable on a single redrawn trigger, which helped reduce double chat.
Oh my god! Where is it!? It was right Here!! Where did it go? Was it stollen!? This is bad!....So bad. I CAN'T FIND IT! (Panic breathing and frantic searching)
Ok...ok c-calm down....m-mabey it just went on a vacation....yeah a vacation. Modules do that ....right? NO! It was STOLEN! (Panic brathing continues)
What are we going to do? I don't know your the one with all the ideas! (Manical laughter and sobbing)
Hi MallaVelve,
Good to see you here at my NWN2 campaign too! :)
Don't worry, I have every intention to put v1.50E up again in the next week or so. My wife is currently finishing off one final play through (it was one extra than originally expected), but once she has finshed, I will upload. Maybe you will be one of the first to get your hands on the very much improved/polished version?
Watch this space! (I will also PM you.)
Hey Lance, it has taken life a while to return to normal so I had time to try out your module. However the LINK; Althea_Other (v1.50E+): Hak, Music, Movie & UI Folders (ESSENTIAL) (16) Returns as invalid.
Is there a way to reset cypher text?