This module is intended as a proof of concept. It contains a modified NWN2 combat system and fully custom creature AI.
The MOD is inspired by such semi turn-based games as Baldurs Gate I & II but also the Final Fantasy series and certainly the contemporary titles Dragon Age: Origins.
Right now it consists of a module and overide which together contain the entire system. Once it's mostly finished these two files will be put into a hak for easy use by builders and players.
==== About the Turn based Combat System: ====
Sydney Natale is waiting in the TbCS for challengers to defeat her. Are you the one?
Sydney Natale:
Level: 20
CR: You can't beat her!
Known strategies: Summons as well as Necromancy are only a small part of her arsenal. Energy Immunity as well as various protective spells are always kept at the ready.
Other info: Sydney has a Chain Contingency spell on her person at all times. It's accompanying spells vary but are usually high level protective abjurations.
Play Setting Advice: Play on D&D Hardcore for intended behavior (affects contingencies; those have several difficulty options)
Assistance and ideas are appreciated!
"This" is the TbCS Demo Beta version. Sydney is supposed to be a lethal opponent!
If Anyone has any nice spell strategies, give me a holler and I will incorporate them into the AI (new spells are fine too!)
==== UPDATES LOG: ====
Companions now tested and working thanks to Dorateen. There are also some bug fixes.
Hexed the last version, some last minute bugs got overlooked.
The new version positively has controllable companions. Known bugs have been removed. Several new spells have been added.
Also Summoning has been improved. Some Animate undead spells still need to be done but on the whole it's quite usable.
Spells: Horizikauls Versatile Vibration, Arcane Bolts, Bigby's Helpful Hand, Shadow Spray, Baleful Polymorph, Absolute Immunity, Protection from Normal Weapons, Protection from Magical Weapons, Dorateen's Dynamic Disguise, Sinsabur's Baleful Bolt, Beltyn's Burning Blood and finally --> Simulacrum! (controllable too!)
The new version should be the smoothest yet. (hex!) Many bugs have been found and removed as well as features added. The Wish spell is finally working properly, although it still has a bug concerning summoning visuals.
SoZ PC-like companions as well as normal companions should now be controllable in combat, whereas henchmen remain on autopilot.
Several new spells and feats have been added and coded into the TLK file.
Modders beware, the files in the overide folder have been altered. I recommend deleting your old overide.
==== TbCS FEATURES: ====
-- Movement
Turn based Combat System:
Each creature has one action round per global combat turn. (free actions etc to be implemented)
Movement is object as well as location based. Possible venues are identified through script and selected by the player or AI through conversation / script. It is a level playing field. (I am open to allowing PC's to choose where to move through clicking if you wish)
-- Combat
A functioning Cover system:
Creatures can take cover behind placeables and receive an AC bonus (+2 currently). Ranged attacks will fail if there is no clear line of fire. (the arrows will miss or hit the obstacle instead)
Dangerous Ranged Combat:
Ranged weapons have been slightly altered. Any ranged attack with a Longbow or any type of crossbow now inflicts accrues maximum ranged bonuses. Target AC is very important in this system as well as flanking. Any creature with an AC over 31 is considered very resistant and accrues the least possible ranged damage boni for the attacker. A creature with an AC of only 10 or less will automaticaly accrue maximum boni for the attacker. Flanking attacks are more damaging while frontal attacks are less so.
Flanking functionality:
The system detects attacks from the flanks (such as in Dragon Age: Origins for example)
Currently Melee attacks reduce the attackee's AC-Dodge Bonus by 5.
Ranged flanking attacks enhance the penetration damage as described in the "Dangerous Ranged Combat" paragraph above.
Combat Poses & Styles:
Combatants can adjust their pose as the situation demands, gaining various benefits and weaknesses.
Combat Formations:
To be Implemented. Looking at Shield Wall, Phalanx, Back to Back etc.
Creatures can attempt to flee from combat creating distance between themselves and the enemy. Once enough distance is gained combat is concluded. Fleeing creatures run away and thus have their backs exposed to the enemy, this means flanking attacks are likely when you are fleeing. Be careful not to expose yourself to enemy ranged attacks! (implemented)
Charge ability as per SRD:
Charging gives a character a +2 bonus on Strength and attack but a -2 against AC. The attacker speeds up until he reaches the target. (implemented) I am still looking at potential damage for readied pikes and such weapons on charging creatures. Ideas are welcome!
-- Spells and Magic
Spell duration is adapted to the Turn based System through modification of Jaillax' spell system. Spells properly last on a creature for its given turns.
Participants in a Magical Circe cast spells as one adding half their caster level to circle leader. Only the circle leader actually casts spells. (very strong ones!)
Custom Summoning:
Summoning now works akin to D&D standard rules. The caster has a chance of summoning a normal creature or 1d3 lower level ones. There are alot of summonable creatures and there is a distinction between Druids, Shamans & rangers (Summon Nature) and everyone else. (Summon Monster)
Casters can summon more than once (max 22 creatures currently)
New spells such as Wish, Contingency, Aganazar's Scorcher, Chain Contingency, Detect Magic, Spell Turning, Protection from Petrification, Melf's Minute Meteors, Non Detection, Goodberry, Limited Wish, Shambler, Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Chaos, Detect Law, Greater Mirror Image, Vocalize, Flame Sword, Spirit Hammer, Energy Blades, Phantom Blade, Mislead, Greater Spell Turning, Strength of the One, Horizikauls Versatile Vibration, Arcane Bolts, Bigby's Helpful Hand, Shadow Spray, Baleful Polymorph, Absolute Immunity, Protection from Normal Weapons, Protection from Magical Weapons, Dorateen's Dynamic Disguise, Sinsabur's Baleful Bolt, Beltyn's Burning Blood, Simulacrum and Summon Nishruu. Scyring is still a work in progress.
Special Reactionary Spell Combinations:
-Grease will explode when hit with fire
-Sleeping creatures are vulnerable to spells such as phantasms & more.
The TbCS uses the Advanced Custom Spellframework made by Jaillax and LadyDesire. (version 2.0) This means that all relevant scripts such as psionics, legendary weapons, magical staffs, artefact and much more are easily integrated. (Original can be found here: Link
Magical Sneak attacks per Semi-SRD:
All ranged and touch attack spells can be used to sneak attack and act appropriately. Wizard-Rogue is very, very deadly!
On top of this the TbCS also allows for blood magic and shadow magic.
-Blood magic casts spells at twice the Caster level but at a cost of the spellcaster's own Health points.
-Shadow Magic slightly boosts all spells except the Evocation and Transmutation schools nor spells with the 'light' descriptor.
-- Items
Weapon Switching: Draw and sheath weapons depending on their order in your inventory. In combat there is no time to do a lengthy search of you backpack so you'll have to keep the items (weapons / shields) you plan on using in the front of your inventory. Maximum 5 equipable items with the possibility of switching to the originally equipped weapon as well.
Item usage:
Wands and Potions are usable, included decrementing charges. (AI can use items as well)
While not in combat weapons are sheathed and carried on back, belt or in a rucksack. Made possible by Silk's Character VFX Pack now included in the TbCS download. The Original can be found here: Link
Underhanded Dagger fights:
Inlcuded is the excelent addition of using daggers underhandedly. The Original can be found here: Link
-- AI
Deception & Disguises:
Combat can be avoided in a variety of ways. The most obvious way is to go invisible or sneak past a potential adversary but for those not gifted with arcane talents or an affinity to the shadows there is also the ability to disguise oneself through uniforms as well as shapeshifting into small animals to avoid detection. (rats are a good example of creatures particulary suited to avoiding hostile guards)
custom scripted Creature AI to suit the turn based system and take advantage of its features.
The AI is dynamic and weight based meaning that it will value it's options according to the situational picture. If an enemy has spell resistances it will value dispelling or bypassing those far more than simply slinging spells for example. Potions and wands are used and valued as well as innate abilities. There are two dynamic AI's. Caster & Non-Caster thogh there is some overlap in abilities and programming. Non-Casters may still use magic, just not exclusively.
Default NWN2 AI uses the TbCS:
Normal AI scripts adjusted to use the TbCS. The scripts are in the module. Once the TbCS custom AI is up to speed an overide version for the OC will be released.
-- Other
Grim NWN2 UI:
Included is a darker version of the NWN standard UI, made possible by Wesley. Original can be found here: Link
More Skins:
Additional creature skins from the vault, made possible by Derek_H & PNJ. Original can be found here: Link
Apep's magical Miscelaneous & itemsets from Link
The Fred's wonderfull Health Bar!
Several other things I've probably forgotten to mention here, kudos!
Installation of the TbCS:
-Overide files in overide folder
-D&D.TLK in tlk directory
-Com_mod.mod in modules folder
-Ui files in ui folder
For builders it is advised to copy blueprints, conversations and scripts from the com_mod module into their campaign folders or into a seperate folder within the overide folder.
This will ensure you can still update everything easily, neatly.
Name | Type | Size | Downloads |
TbCS_Overide_30_12_2010.rar | rar | 16.1Mb | 324 |
TbCS_Overide, uploaded on 30 December 2010. Both Main & Overide files are currently required to use the Turn based system. | |||
TbCS_Main_30_12_2010.rar | rar | 6.6Mb | 303 |
Main file body, uploaded on 30 December 2010 |
Attachment | Size |
tbcs_overide_30_12_2010.rar (334) | 16.14 MB |
tbcs_main_30_12_2010.rar (357) | 6.6 MB |
Dark Avenger Chapter 2 |
88.6% |
The Darkening Sky - Prologue |
87.5% |
A Fairy Tale |
80% |
Winds of Change |
78% |
Legends of Verssavis--Athena's Gambit--Chapter One |
77.5% |
Planescape: The Shaper of Dreams |
92.2% |
Crimmor |
97% |
The Last Days of the Raven |
93.3% |
The Cursed Land |
83.3% |
From This Comes Strength |
98.9% |
A really good idea, unfortunately it doesn't work and now it has changed the UI files, and I will have to fix that. The turn begins, then the character just sits there forever unable to move, and nothing happens. With companions, some them do and some do not obey the turn. So, at least one companion was a free radical, and could do anything without a turn limit.
I had hopes this would work, because it is a very good idea.