This mod is a collection of three mods I made in the past.
To make it easier to maintain them, I decided to dedicate them a single page with a single download file.
It is still possible to choose which mods to use (even none at all if you just want to make use of the library)
by deleting the folders "Mod_xxxx" of the mods you don't want to use.
Delete any previous version of Clangeddin's UI, Clangeddin's Rebuild and Clangeddin's Fix, if you have them.
Extract the contents of the zip folder in .../MyDocuments/Neverwinter Nights 2/override/
Delete the folders of the mods you don't want to use (optional)
Main (Mandatory for every other mod listed here to work, don't delete this folder)
Includes a general library that provides many new functions that scripters can use.
Use #include "clangeddin_library" in your script to make use of the new functions.
More detailed info can be find inside the script as comment on the function prototypes.
This file can also used be to tweak options (Constants) for other mods listed here.
Fixes the following bugs:
1) Spell resistance from items firing only once.
2) Damage immunities from items becoming vulnerabilities if they surpass 100%.
3) Improved Uncanny Dodge not working. (This is actually a buff to the feat and may be disabled)
4) Fix to an exploit that can allow you to equip items for which you don't have the required proficiency.
In addition, it provides a new item (Character's essence) that may be used as a quality of life feature
to instantly cast all available buff spells to the target. This can be disabled in the options as well.
Allows to rebuild your character with 2 possible options.
1) Full rebuild. Rebuilds from level 1 allowing you to choose ability scores, deity, background, alignment
2) Partial rebuild. Simply sends you back to the level you choose and grants you back the exp.
Provides changes to the interface that include:
1) Displayed HP numbers of targets. (can be disabled)
2) A persistant item and gold storage for multiplayer. (can be disabled)
3) Draggable Mode Bar.
4) A button to instantly recall npc companions to you. (can be disabled)
5) A new style of party bar interface with the options of moving it to the left. (can be reverted to default, in-game)
Several options are available inside the script "clangeddin_library.nss" to alter the behavior of the various mods.
All instructions are written there as a comment.
Attachment | Size |
Version 1.2 (1395) | 116.62 KB |
Functions as advertised but for one odd bit. Has anyone else seen an unexplained "Concealed" effect on one or more characters while using this?
It’s because of wearing shields when using improved uncanny dodge feature of this mod. Unequip shields then save before using this mod, then you can reequip shields afterward.
It was actually a bug caused by a wrong .ncs file uploaded, it should be fixed now.
This mod is very good, it works as advertised, it deserves more attention.
This is very helpful when playing some of buggier mods on the vault as you can fix borked companions in-game without having to go into the toolset.
I started a game of SoZ with several mods installed, and I couldn't level my characters. I started to delete mods to see which one was the culprit, and it turned out to be the Mod_UI from this collection.
I have the GOG version, and other than this collection, I only have one mod that improves AI and bug fixes.
Greetings, probably there's a conflict somewhere in the UI mod with the other mods that improve AI and fix bugs.
May I ask what mods are those?