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The Tale of Fur and Frost
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on 2019-03-15 07:32.
Last modified:
2019-03-29 04:42
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Thank you, and please re-download v.1.1 because v.1.0 was uploaded with the starting point in the wrong area!
Congratulations on releasing your module!
The screenshots look promising (and they show Author's dedication to their work), so when I get some free time I'll definitely play it.
I often try to play ranged-oriented characters (read: using ranged weapons, not rangers) and I see few bows here - this can be quite pleasant.
Thank you, and please re-download v.1.1 because v.1.0 was uploaded with the starting point in the wrong area!
This looks great but as it is I don't think anyone can progress past the first area. It looks to me that you may have inadvertantly replaced the scripts for the adversary in the first area. I don't want to spoil anything for myself or run the risk of messing something else up by trying to change scripts.
I'm looking forward to your go ahead that things have been corrected.
...You know, I was wondering what exactly would go wrong with this. So now we know.
Version 1.0 was uploaded with the starting point in the wrong area. Also, I'm an idiot.
Version 1.1 corrects this. So thank you so much, I apologise for being an idiot, and do check out the corrected version.
And unless you start in an area called "Winter Wood - Druid Encampment," DON'T PLAY THE MODULE
Knew you'd get it straightened out. Looking forward to starting again next weekend!
Sigh... You might want to re-re-download because apparently I'm even worse at it than i thought and there was an unkillable sidequest boss in there, too. Sorry.
My work is bad and I feel bad.
Wow, you've made it
Congratulations, QuenGalad.
Whenever Werelynx rates something as 9 or more I say to myself - this is a must-try module :) Looking forward to play it
Version 1.11 fixes the wrong starting point and corrects the unkillable wraith.
I'm sorry for screwing this up so much!
Completed it with a Druid/Fighter multi-class character, starting at level 5 and ended at level 9. Took Elhain for his Rogue abilities. All I can say is... this is awesome! Considering this is what I assume to be your first published module, it is even more impressive!
Issues / Bugs (SPOILERS):
Damn, everything is a 10/10, balance, level design, decoration, quest, companions and story.
Nice wilderness module, the Orc Chieftains armor is tagged as stolen tho.
This is a really fun mod, with a great, faced-paced mystery story and short but rewarding side-quests. The NPCS have distinct personalities, and the companions have interesting and well-fleshed-out backstories. Really impressive piece of work, I was able to complete it in about 4 hours, give or take. If importing with a fresh character I would really recommend pre-equipping them, I had a difficult time w/o level five appropriate equipment. Also definitely going to want a magical weapon.
Couple things of Note (Contains spoilers)
Some things I might have liked to see
Possible Bugs/Oversights
Finally, some of my favourite things
Anyways, this is a really fun romp and I highly recommend it.
I hadn't really considered playing as a Ranger before, but this module really brings the class to life.
The overall feeling of a winter woodland is great - it looks good, and it's well-written, too.
The crafting and cooking systems are very nicely done, and make sense.
There are a few quirks - backtracking (as advertised) and merchants you can't afford if you arrive empty-handed (also as advertised), but eminently playable. In fact, probably more satisfying to use a new character, just for the challenge.
Great effort - more please!
Yes, that placeable is lovely (and the closest I found to an actual thyme plant) but a bit erratic. It's not plot, though, so should anyone be critically stuck with it, just bash it. Not a very treehuggy thing to do, but better than restarting game.
You have no idea how happy I am to have this positive feedback from the vault. Really. It's so, so great. I'm floating 2 cm above the floor this week.
Time to vote after re-playing. Great job on this one. Keep going!
I liked the writing and the story. I'll give that a ten. I only noticed one typo in a dialogue and that was all.
I will however deduct a point and give an overall rating of 9 because I don't think the area design was worth a 10, nor did I find the encounters as balanced as some of the others here said. Early on I encountered Ice Mephits or something like that which I couldn't damage at all, but later when I went through the cave with the frost giants it was a walk in the park and I barely even needed healing while yet later the three ice cold monks (no idea what they were called) were a real challenge even though I got to fight them one after the other. Bloody monks are seriously overpowered in NWN anyway, so that isn't all your fault, but maybe you should have noticed that even at a rather low level they each get three attacks (that almost always hit) for every attack the PC gets who can only hit them about 50% of the time with an AB of +13. I have no idea how anybody can manage to kill all three at once even if the henchmen is still alive and doesn't die from the cold all the time.
The use of sounds and music was nice.
Drat, and here I thought area design was one of my strong suits, what with having a background in architecture and all.
Balancing fights, on the other hand, is something I have no idea about and can only sort of try and hope with, so not surprised it didn't work for you. Though you must have had incredibly lucky rolls with the giants, they've always given me a lot of trouble when testing. (The ice monks are supposed to be incredibly tough, tho. They're the last thing the villain throws at you before, well, himself.)
Thank you for checking it out!
I wouldn't worry unduly. Like Zwerkules, I found some fights hard, some easier - only not the same ones!
Point is, they're all do-able, given a little tactical ingenuity.
MINI-SPOILER if you take the hint about crafting arrows, certain crestures are a lot easier to bring down.
Nicely done, QuenGalad! Overall the look and feel of everything was artistic and polished. I would have liked to switch between the two henchment to get to know them and their stories. I missed out on one storyline because I could not pick up the ranger. Another suggestion is to make the intent or feeling behind conversation choices a little more obvious to those of us who struggle with picking up on emotion in the written word. I was unable to start the romance I was hoping for because of this.
The observations of increased item powers is understandable, but totally justified in the final few areas. I would definitely recommend this module to any players and am looking forward to playing your future modules.
Thank you for the hard work!
Thank you for trying it out, and for taking the time to vote and comment!
I'm sorry the writing tone didn't work for you - or not as well as you hoped it would. The thing is, I have a terrible fear of being obvious, unsubtle and on the nose, so I often exaggerate in the other direction. Although I may start to imply it's on purpose so that people play it more than once ;)
I played an half-elf ranger, and here is my account. Spilers follows.
* pros :
- i love adventures involving winter, snow and Auril
- there was a real feeling of being on the border of civilization
- the cutscenes were well done
- a few original magic items
- the foodstuff thing is neat : not tedious (like in some games in which your characters must be fed regularly) and interesting
* cons :
- some fights are not very well balanced (in particular : there is a group of elementals popping up when you reach the hills. It's apparently random, because the first three times, i was killed when four elementals - one for each element - attacked. Because each time, the water elemental sacrificed itself and drowned both me and my companion (DC save vs 20...). Then, the fourth time, i fought 4 air elementals and it was a breeze (pun intended). I had no particular difficulty with the ice monks, but the giant chieftain was tougher than her companions (which is strange considering one of them shows up are more powerful when i mouseover her). This might be a Bioware design problem, because it's not the first time i have encounters full of surprises, good or bad, in some mods i've played. Also, like for the pen and papers D&D games, the whole challenge ratings of monsters is far from perfect and some special powers are definitely over/underpowered, depending on a single random result. The water elemental drowning power is a good example : if you make your save, the elemental sacrifices itself for nothing and is killed. If you fail, you're dead. So, it's a con, but not that much related to your mod, and more to the game specifications themselves.
- lots of overpowered magic items. +4 weapons, damage reduction... granted, some monsters are though, especially near the end, but there is a huge gap between fighting orcs/ice mephits/ogres and then suddenly Frost giants and then a dragon. So, depending on your equipement a start and what you can buy, the first two-thirds of the game might be too easy until the last fights (the giants, monks and dragon) when everything becomes more difficult, or on the contrary, everything might look balanced until you fight the giants and then, the difficulty gap is too wide..
- too few healing items usable in combat.
- for some reason, the orc chieftain armour is labelled as stolen, while the stuff i can take from tombs near the outpost are not...
- until i bought the boots of speed, there was a bit too much backtracking. Especially after being killed and raised back in the druid camp.
* side notes
- i never found Florian, and found out using the toolset i apparently missed the whole path leading up to him, which i probably overlooked.
- some journal entries are mismatched (for example, one sentence tells me what the elder sylvan believes about the winter *before* i actually met him).
- haven't tried to make weapons or stuff, except for some food
- a bit more dialogues would have been nice.
- there is no explanation why the outpost boss prevents the residents from having a look at the whole thing (one of them explicitely says so).
All in all, there are some basic design issues common to many beginning modders (fights balance, magic items...) which did not prevent me from enjoying the mod. And it makes good use of the CEP, without overplaying it like it happens so many times. It's a neat job, and i hope we'll see more creations from you :)
I certainly recognize a Discworld fan when i see one...or am i wrong? :D
Most things to say are already mentioned by others. Imo. there should be some starting equipment for fresh builds, which could be given together with the 10k XP.
Sometimes I had to crawl into every corner to find the secret passage ...
Thanks for checking it out and taking your time to vote!
There's no starting equipment for newly made characters because I wanted the adventure to offer a bare-necessities, harsh-winter survival feel for those players who enjoy that. The readme file mentions this so that players can plan accordingly.
And I'm glad you had to search long and hard for secret passages. That's the point of secret passages! Put the crawl in "dungeon crawl"! :D
This was an alright short romp. Congratulations to the author for successful publication.
I played as a level 1 male human ranger / rogue and here are my critical remarks. Apologies if they sound too harsh.
Anyway, the author shows potential and dedication to her work, so I'm looking forward to future releases.
Although the story itself was average, the style and look of the module was exceptional.
Great little module, good writing and story-telling, nice area design, several interesting side quests, well designed for a ranger, highly polished (I don't remember any typos).
I did notice one minor issue - that you can't remove your companions via dialogue, and if you use the function on the radial, things might get a little messy. Maybe you're meant to stick with whatever companion joins you first, but it would be a bit of a pity if you couldn't get to know both companions without having to replay the whole module. Anyway, *SPOILER* if you tell Elhain of the ghost while he's not in your party, then let him join and lead him there so the ghost's conversation is triggered, the quest remains forever unfinished in your log, even after the ghost has vanished ("I told Elhain of the ghost and he said he'd consider talking to it" or something like that). /SPOILER
But the real downside to the module was the difficulty spike at the end and particularly the last boss fight, which I found tedious and frustrating, as it entailed lots of saving and reloading hoping for better luck next time and constantly running in circles. I probably could have prepared better by *SPOILER* investing in more items with cold resistance and fear immunity (fear must be the worst mechanic in the game, so not fun), but I only really remember one fear immunity item for sale and it was very expensive. In any case, it was not obvious enough what I needed until it was too late, as I think there is no return once you've started the last battle and learn what it is about. The item given to me shortly before the combat also wasn't as much of a help as you'd expect, but I guess it would have been too easy otherwise. /SPOILER Even so, I didn't enjoy that last part at all. I also disliked that the two most difficult battles were directly preceded by unskippable cutscenes, which made the "try and try again" approach even more exhausting. I don't mind dramatic cutscenes per se, but gameplay wise it was a bit of a problem. If it weren't for these causes of frustration at the end, I'd rate the module even higher, as it's clearly a labor of love.
I played through this yesterday night. It's a wonderful experience with a hot cup of tea and the rain outside the window. It's great to see that there are still new additions to the modding scene of this calibre. It would have been really nice to have more than one companion / henchman though.
This is a module of extremely high quality, there is no doubt about this. There is just one very disturbing detail I can't really make sense of...
During the encounter with Elhain's mother's ghost, the following dialogue ensues:
Elhain: Wait. This makes no sense. If you didn't want a child, why even bear it?
PC: True. A pregnancy can be dealt with, after all.
This seems eerily out of place in a setting such as this, but I can't think of any other idea than these lines referring to abortion (perhaps via magical means, but still abortion). Okay, a controversial topic - such can be brought up in a story, obviously. Yet, the way it's handled here is suspicious. First of all, Elhain's surprise. It's made to sound as if decision not to have an abortion if you don't want a child "makes no sense". Fine, I guess Elhain can represent some radical pro-choice worldview... but even then, I'd expect I could *select a different response for my PC* than complete agreement with Elhain. I never really thought that my PC would need to have an opinion on abortion in a fantasy RPG, but if they need to, I'd appreciate being able to select it.
I know this is just a small snippet of dialogue, but I think it's an important oversight. In case this didn't actually refer to abortion, please let me know. Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't come up with another solution for dealing with unwanted pregnancies other than adoption (which is clearly not what Elhain meant, given that he was adopted).
Let me just say once again that the rest of the module is absolutely great and I hope you'll keep up the good work and release more adventures in the future.
This was such a cozy little module; I really enjoyed it! Short but a nice story with good use of tileses and environments. I also liked the little "romance" with my companion, Elhain (it was more of a "hook-up," but still cute and and a nice touch for the length of the module). Great fun being a ranger, and I also loved the cooking.
Thank you! This sort of reaction was exactly what I was going for with this module and it made me really happy. Thank you for taking the time to drop by and review.
Nice module with a nice atmosphere. I still have cold feet ...
Is there only just one cooking pot or have I overseen something?
Thank you!
Yes, there's just the one cooking pot. I wanted the cabin to be worth visiting, seeing as it's out of the way and I'm ridiculously proud of how cozy it is :D
My only complaint is there doesn't seem to be a sequel:)
Aww, thank you so much!
There isn't, and there won't be a sequel, that's true. I am working on another module, but it's a very different one, all about a city and assassinations and all that sort of thing. The druidic, forest-y adventure was actually supposed to be a little breather in between working on the assassinations one, but then it overtook the older sister module, because if there's one thing that's closer to my heart than poisons and stabbings, it's druidry and forests.
I am so, so incredibly happy that you liked it!
I've been playing AD&D and D&D since about 1980 or so. This is, hands down, the best pure druidic adventure I have ever come across, be it for a computer game or a pencil-and-paper sceanrio. Absolutely enchanting.
For my first play-through, I am running a 7th level druid currently. I have a 6th level ranger in the wings for playthrough #2 and a Druid/thief (closest thing NWN will allow to one of the old skool druidic bards from 1E) for the run after that.
Thanks for all the hard work, attention to detail and imagination - it is really appreciated.
Thank you! You've made me so very happy.
I do feel a connection with the druidic stories, with these kind of ideas and ambiance. Maybe that's what does it.
I'm incredibly glad that you liked it, and thank you for giving your time to a review.
I played it on NWN Diamond 1.69. I wasn't able to finish it to my dismay and I was really enjoying it.
The atmosphere is awesome, especially for my Elf Ranger, one of the classes I enjoy the most. I enjoyed the areas a lot, they are well-designed, with secret passages and all. The theme is one of calm exploration, if I can put it like that, at the heart, which like the description states, is quite appropriate. The amount of back-tracking can be annoying for some but I don't complain about it. I think the issues for me are at the combat encounter design.
The first really tough encounter that I wasn't able to beat was either against the lumber mill workers or against the fey dwelling in the cave. They just seem too imbalanced for me, even when having an henchman and a creature at my side. There was another encounter before going on to the high hills where a few elementals appear and this one took me a few turns to beat, which let me a bit disappointed, because at that point I felt I should be able to beat some elementals without too much trouble.
And then in the end I wasn't able to beat the three monks event. I liked the use of cold damage to force the PC throught the area faster, it's a great detail! But then having to watch the cutscene always and losing against the monks time after time prevented me from finishing the module. They are just too tough for my ranger, which was a shame.
Oh well, I can't win them all. I'll give it a try with another class in the future, maybe when winter arrives, so don't be discouraged by my feedback, 95% of the module is awesome and I suppose with a few tweaks the combat encounters can be more appropriate for the level and then it would easily be a 9 or 10 for me. I really enjoyed the rest of the adventure.
Keep up the good job!
Nice little module, too rarely do mods cater to the ranger class.
Detect Mode is your friend ;)
The end battle was pretty tough for my team, for one major reason.
It's too bad you won't be making any more but can't wait to see your poison/assassination type of mod you're working on.
I'm sure it is super simple and I'm going to feel quite silly, but I can only find Elhain, I can't find the female companion. I just finished the module (fantastic by the way) but never once saw her.