Title | A Call to Arms |
Author | Dave Long |
Submitted / Updated | 08-10-2003 / 10-25-2003 |
Category | Roleplay |
Expansions | SOU-1.31 |
Setting | The Land of SerraFelle |
Gameplay Length | 6-8 at a minimum |
Language | English |
Races | Any |
Tricks & Traps | Light |
Roleplay | Medium |
Hack & Slash | Heavy |
Classes | Any |
Scope | Large |
DMNeeded | No DM Required |
Single or Multiplayer | Single Player or Multiplayer |
Max Character Level | 20 |
Max # Players | Any |
Min # Players | Any |
Min Character Level | 05 |
Content Rating | Everyone |
Alignments | Any |
Description | |
Created by Dave Long with a lot of help from Sean Long and Krystyn Sunbright. 60+ areas and several quests and a few plot twists that should keep you awake. No death penalty! Death is unpleasant enough without extra penalties, so if you really want to suffer this may not be the mod for you. Many of the areas are “no rest” though rest areas are never far away. A Call to Arms respects equipment level restrictions, as SOU does not. On one or more occasions you may be rewarded with items based on your level, so I’d suggest you set your nwnplayer.ini file to level restrictions ON else you’ll miss some of the fun. If you don’t know how to do that, email me or check the forums, it’s easy. THE LATEST VERSION includes what I believe is a fix to the faction problem that has been reported by a few of you. I hope! Enjoy! |
Attachment | Size |
a_call_to_arms_version_8.zip (491) | 1.7 MB |
The Darkening Sky - Prologue |
87.5% |
Ravenloft: Dreamscape |
78.8% |
Legends of Verssavis--Athena's Gambit--Chapter One |
77.5% |
The Caravan Club |
85% |
Crimmor |
97% |
The Cursed Land |
83.3% |
Serene |
84% |
From This Comes Strength |
98.9% |
The Crystalmist Campaign Chapter 2: The Lichway |
85% |
FRW Character Creator |
98.6% |
Lack of map pins and clear direction is frustrating.
However, the varied layouts, non-repeating dialogue, and detail to this means a lot of work was put into this.
I agree!
Were you able to vanquish the not one, but two dragons in Death Valley?
My Lvl7 Paladin certainly could not, but he sure could run faster and made it to the other side.
I'm now back 'in town' after completing that quest and as you said, no idea what to do or where to go next.
Has anyone found a Walkthrough?
Even though I was enjoying this adventure, I had to stop for 2 reasons.
[1] As I said earlier, I had no idea what to do next, or where to go, and...
[2] All the Town Guards turned hostile towards me, including half the people in the Inn!
(I noticed this upon returning from the Graveyard.)
I hope this info helps anyone playing, and I look forward to comments.
I still enjoyed the mod though, and I hope the author squishes some of the bugs!
No hostile faction issues but I like this one. I could kil the dragons all the way through the end, with my buffed PC of course! Did the graveyard last and it was short and simple, as I just talked. Nice one.
Nothing wrong with this one and pretty straightforward. I think that I did all the quests although I could not find Yazger's(!) son to give him the letter. I parlayed at the Cemetary and thus did not have a faction shift, which I think is the cause. I did not check this though. As Celestia states there is a funny encounter with dwarf down deep in a dungeon.Overall very well done and the author has a good sense of humor, always a plus in my book! Areas were not too massive, although some were large, but usually had things happening and caves that lead elsewhere. A bit too many transitions, especially in the Duergar Tunnels, although many of these were small and perhaps suited for rest areas.
If you collected heads of monsters you could have the Miller in town make you some surprisingly nice items. But they are class limited, so you could not use a barbarian armor if you were a fighter, for example! Still, you could sell them back to him for some good gold. A very nice module and fairly long also. Thanks for the great effort, Dave Long!
Hi Nails. You can find him to the main city in second floor to a house near the blacksmith shop
UPDATE 23/12/2024: I love it! Well done! The dialogues were very nice and many of them very funny. Very good story also.
(I will not forget the dwarf who told me in a dungeon that there is no way I can go any further and while I was annoyed and determined I praised my heroic talent and my mission as a divine warrior, he explains to me that I am at a dead end and I can't go any further BECAUSE I CANNOT! I still laugh with that! During my 2nd playthrough some years later i couldn't find that dwarf. Where the hell is he???).
Celestia's Module Testing 2025