Title | Dwarven Chasms, Catacombs, Barren Lands, Deep Dungeon & Undercity tilesets |
Author | Gavin aka sixesthrice |
Submitted / Updated | 11-01-2008 / 02-19-2013 |
Category | Tilesets |
Expansions | NWN-1.69 |
Forums | |
Description | |
Dwarven Chasms tileset Version 0.2 - 10th Sept 2010 Catacombs tileset Version 0.2 - 25th July 2010 Deep Dungeon tileset Version 0.2 (beta) Undercity tileset Version 0.1 (beta) Barren Lands Tileset Version 0.1 (beta) Undercity Generic Doors hak Version 0.1 (beta) I would respectfully ask that the content found here is not repackaged or rereleased, or included in any other non-module or PW-specific package in an altered or unaltered state, without requesting my express permission and that of any other involved parties. Queries in this or any other regard may be sent to sixesthrice@hotmail.co.uk [i]Thanks! - Six |
Attachment | Size |
Barren Lands Tileset - Main Files (1329) | 3.71 MB |
Catacombs Tileset - Main Files (1409) | 933.36 KB |
Dwarven Chasms Tileset - Main Files (1482) | 883.61 KB |
Deep Dungeon Tileset - Main Files (1465) | 4.43 MB |
Undercity Sewers Tileset - Main Files (1311) | 2.19 MB |
Generic Doors - Main Files (994) | 115.35 KB |
Thanks to Lady of Cats for sending Wildlands, Wildwoods and Winter wildlands...
Best sewers ever! The atmosphere with appropriate sounds and music is incredible.
Great stuff