Title | 3.5 Edition V4.5.3 (Balance changes, bug fixes, AI improvements, and more) |
Author | Even |
Submitted / Updated | 03-24-2004 / 07-14-2010 |
Category | Code Modifications |
Expansions | HOTU-1.69 |
Description | |
NWN pseudo 3.5 edition D&D with emphasis on making modules more fun and balanced for multiplayer. See faq.txt for the installation instructions, see readme.txt for the game rules customization, see changes.txt for the content. Changes include major reworking of cleric domains, significant AI improvements and lock up fixes, pale master undead armies, RDD bonus spell slots, spell sneak attacks, etc. Much customization allowable thru editing customization.2da. Newest versions should work with most modules without any modifications! Endless Nights IV can be downloaded in 3.5 format from Link S1 - Tomb of Horrors can be downloaded in 3.5 format from Link |
Attachment | Size |
3.5 Edition - Dialog.TLK File (1660) | 2.17 MB |
3.5 Edition - HAK Files (1628) | 460.53 KB |
3.5 Edition - Override Files (2039) | 446.69 KB |
3.5 Edition - Readme Files (3236) | 18.26 KB |
Voted 9. This is a good work, however its still far from 3.5PnP because of engine limitations. Maybe, someday I will upgrade this using NWNX with which almost everything can be done.
Anyway, what I missed the most would be more exhaustive readme that would describe why authors implemented spell the way they did (in case it doesn't match 3.5 perfectly) etc. As I found quite a lot of the differences in spells when I closely revised this in past.
I uploaded a changes_v453.txt and faq_v453.txt that I found. Would those be what you were looking for?
Nope, the informations I am looking for aren't there at all.
There are changes done listed, but there is a plenty of spells/rules that weren't changed at all or were changed in different fashion than in PnP - I am looking for informations which are those and why.
It is possible to make it work geather with Henchman Inventory & Battle AI Mod?
there is hak with "Bioware AI" which will not override HI&BAI scripts.
Really solid pack of changes. Some are questionable but it's not hard to change or revert what you want.
these two are totally incompatible, however PRC made several 3.5 fixes to spells on their own, but only spells affaik (while this changes vanilla classes too)
Is it possible to only install the custom XP scripts? I am trying to remove henchman and summons XP penalty with it.
Same, I just want to do this. I'm searching and will post back if I find out how to do this.
Edit, have not found anything like that unfortunately.
Does this mod work with NWN EE?
Yes, it does work with EE
Is it possible to get 35edition with BioWare AI.hak as override version?
EDIT: This can be possible by HAK to Override editor https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn2/other/tool/official-hak-editor
I am really loving these changes for my NWNee run from SoU to HoTU and finally Sands of Fate. Pale Masters are much more fun now.
Have a big problem however. I get no xp for killing monsters. Tried lots of different settings, modules, new chars etc, but try as I might I only get xp for quests. Leveling up occasoinally via the console is the only way I keep pace with the story which is immersion breaking to say the least.
Anyone else have this issue?
Or any ideas how I might solve it?
In customization file change customxp to 0 and other stuff related to XP change to default, read more in readme files it is explained every column what it does
All modules in EE have modified version of base death script "nw_c2_default7". This mod also use this one for custom XP, but module script overwrites the one in Override directory... That's why custom XP is not working in EE, you have to manualy modify script in modules. Worse than that, you actualy have to modify all death scripts.
Scripts placed in Portraits folder are said to take precedence over module scripts. Would it work there as an override?
@Sardes The XP issue (no XP for monsters) concerns default campaign or the Sands of Fate module?
How can I just get the zero XP penalties? EDIT: Nevermind, it's already been explained why it doesn't work.
Hello, this mod is amazing! Thank you for doing it :D
I have a question, i just read this in the faq txt
"Q: How do I just use the new cleric domain arrangements?
It only affects specific domain spells if any, the ones that are changed in domains I think. But I never noticed this, all spells worked for me as intended IIRC. If you use 3.5, stick with all provided files including new domains.
Thanks for the answer, as far as i know the file is unnecessary, as you said, it works as intented without the file! Though for some reason my turn construct is not appearing at all.
I liked it, very much so - until I realized (googling the problem) that this pack was the cause for me not gaining XP from combat anymore, all of a sudden... Don't know when it happened. Probably when going from the OC prelude (where I know I did receive XP).
XP gains can be adjusted. This pack (override) comes with 2 setting files you can adjust many things, including XP gains. Please see readme file for further instructions, I have completed OC with this pack and XP worked for me fine. Also keep in mind this pack is kinda standalone so other stuff might probably conflict with something else
Thanks for info! OK, I installed the simple override without any more ado. Might look into it later then, but for now I'll keep NWN 3e and NWN2 3.5. :-)
EDIT: It MIGHT seem that the customization*.2da file/s in the override folder maybe are in "wrong format" compared to those who are in the "top level" of the package (i.e., .2das that are "corrupted"):
top level
0 1 1 1 1 10 100
The same, in the override folder of the package:
0 1 1 1 1 10 100
I am wondering if the CustomXPSlider was read at all. Maybe I will test this again, but use the customization*.2da's from the top level of the package (overwrite the ones in the override folder) and see if that corrects the problem.
EDIT 2: Nope, that didn't help. Is the game unable to read these files (properly) if placed in the \documents\override folder - do I need to install them in the game installation ovr folder instead?
Don't worry about corruption, this is how it looks if you open in blank text editor. However, the game still read it correly, if you want to see or edit "properly" use 2da editor https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn2/other/tool/nwn2daeditor
Are you using this in OC? All user content should be in documents/override for default campaigns or if you want to override custom modules and settings try put this into Documents\Neverwinter Nights\development folder (create one if does not exist). Also try to change parameters for xp gains. Generally, it was fun mod but it is decades old, some things might break here and there. Also, all campaigns and most modules are created with 3.0 in mind so some things become unexpected during the gameplay. Like most I also prefer 3.5 rules. Maybe an upcomming project for NWN called Neverwinter overhaul project will do a better job optimizing 3.0 rules for the game.
This bloody epic mod is nearly perfect, though CUSTOM XP from customization.2da is not working well, you do not get XP at all when you kill enemies, so, after an hour of testing i found out setting the value to 0 fixed everything :D