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Who knows about a good placeable tutorial with animations

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Who knows about a good placeable tutorial with animations


Anyone knows about a good tutorial on interactive placeables ? What i need is something explaining how to do the advanced bits : Attacked/destroyed animations, flame animations with lanterns, lamp posts, braseros, sizing of the luminescent shadow used to interact with the placeable. And all things related to the hand/head/body/damage nodes...


Thanks for helping a puzzled, not so bright minded ;-) gnome...




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I don't know of any tutorials, but can at least tell you what I've learned (may not be 100% accurate though).

1. Luminescent shadow/Glow. The luminescent shadow or glow is dependent on the dimension of the meshes. I think it's a a bit smaller than its bounding box. I encountered that when I made my arcane circle placeables. At first they only consisted of an emitter and they had no glow at all. They were impossible to move in the toolset or use ingame - in fact they weren't selectable at all. So I had to add a transparent trimesh (simple box) and the glow was about as big as that mesh.

2. Placeables Nodes. For placeables you need the following nodes, most of them are for visual effects:

  • Ground (name ending with "*_ground"): Marks the ground Level. For example the Protection from Elements spell has an effect were some sparkles rise up and fall back to the ground. I used this on my ship placeables - ground level is the deck.
  • Hand ("*_hand"): Mostly for origin of spells and spell cast animations.
  • Head (name ending with "*_head"): Spells can target the head and this will determine the exact location. Also for spell cast animations.
  • Head Hit (*_head_hit for placeables, *_hhit for doors): This is usually placed a bit above the head node. I think this marks the above the head level. Some spells have a secondary fire and forget vfx (for example protection from evil) which are displayed a this node.
  • Impact (*_impact for placeables, *_impc for doors): Basically the main body node. For example beam effects in the toolset you can choose if you want to them to originate from the body(=impact node) or hand (=hand node). Mosts spells (for example fireball) will target this node.
  • Use1 and Use2 (*_pwk_use01 and *_pwk_use02): In the pwk. There are two and the player will attempt to walk to the closest of these nodes when ordered to use a placeable.

If you don't define one of those nodes the engine will use (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) as the location of the missing ones. Personally I'd say impact and use nodes are pretty mandatory. If use nodes are missing placeables may be unusable: An pc will attempt to walk to the center of the placeable, but is unable to do so because the walkmesh is preventing him. Without impact nodes it will look weird when they are hit by spells and everything goes towards the ground.

3. Animations (damage, die, death): Unfortunately I can't help you much here. I know what they do, but that's pretty self explanatory:

  • Damage: Most placeables just shake a bit.Often it's not present at all.
  • Die: Process of being destroyed, most placeables just sink into the ground or activate a smoke/debris emitter. Often it's not present at all.
  • Death: Most placeables just set a single position key below the ground level.

I don't know how long they have to be, because ultimately when a placeable is destroyed they fade away and are gone anyway. That takes a few seconds though and looks weird. I think die and death are only there to speed up the disappearance and make it more effectfull of course.

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Thanks Symmetric, Every little bit of knowledge helps.

Speaking of the fake luminescent/glow transparent mesh, did it require a special mesh name... How can i tell the game engine what object i want to use for making the selectable glow ?




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Unfortunately you can't specify which mesh to use. It will use the bounding box of all meshes combined.

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