Story Synopsis: The Western Heartlands have been beset by bandits. Roads are unsafe and caravans are being robbed and burned. There are also rumors of a strange necromancer cult lurking in the shadows. Dark forces are gathering...
You arrive in the small fort town of Triel looking for work, but before long you become embroiled in town's events.
For character levels 1-5
Before You Play: You will need the RWS All-In-One HAK to play! Go here to get it.
--------------------------------------------------- FROM THE README ---------------------------------------------------
The Darkening Sky (Prologue) is an adventure for characters starting level 1. You will achieve level 4 by the end of the prologue. You should create a new character at level 1 to play this campaign. This is not a class or race specific campaign. Feel free to play with any race/class you desire.
This prologue is part of a larger campaign that is currently in-progress. This part of the story is very much a PROLOGUE. It is a very SMALL, basic story to get things started (and it was my way of learning the NNW2 toolset). However, everything that happens in the prologue does tie into the larger story in the subsequent Chapters.
Combat has been tuned to be reasonable for HARDCORE mode. Combat will thus be easier on Normal difficulty.
Some notes about the companions:
A) Several companions are introduced in this prologue. At certain times in the story you will experience cut-scene conversations with them that reveal part of their back story or character. You cannot initiate conversation with them (other than to add or remove them from a party). When Chapter 1 arrives, this will change, and you will be able to query your companions for more details.
B) Companions cannot be romanced in the prologue. That will change as Chapter 1 arrives.
C) Companions may be multi-classed if you so choose.
D) Companions are not mandatory, but you may find certain situations very difficult to deal with if you do not have at least one companion with you.
A) DO NOT put points into crafting! There is no crafting in The Darkening Sky. Unique magical items are handled with a custom "Artifact" system in The Darkening Sky.
B) SAVE OFTEN! The Darkening Sky does NOT use auto-saves.
C) Speech options like Diplomacy/Bluff/Intimidate are useful in The Darkening Sky world.
D) When visiting a merchant, the party member with the highest Appraise skill is used when determining prices (this is different from the vanilla version of NWN2 where the PC's skill is always used). So if you don't want your player-character to spend precious points in Appraise, feel free to have a companion put points into Appriase instead.
C) The Load Screen Tips will ocassionally make mention of a "Sequencer" for buffing faster. This object is not found until the end of the prologue. Eldritch Knights and other caster types with many buffs will find this item particularly useful when Chapter 1 arives...
Attachment | Size |
thedarkeningsky_prologue_campaign.rar (929) | 19.22 MB |
thedarkeningsky_prologue_hak.rar (901) | 14.02 MB |
thedarkeningsky_prologue_modules.rar (918) | 64.56 MB |
Excellent work! Started as a cleric but I think I'm going to turn it into a Doomguide. That should teach those pesky necromancers!
1. The Weapons Smith goes into his explanation about artifacts even though I don't have anything out of the ordinary in my inventory. Otherwise he performed correctly and made me a custom item once I did collect an artifact.
2. The location for the missing children quest is actually West of the village, not north as in the description. It's only accessible throught the north gate however which is a bit odd.
3. The first necromancy I killed didin't fall down. I think that was mentioned on BSN but I thouhgt I'd note it here just for completeness.
None of the above prevented plot progressing or altered the story in anyway. In fact the module ran smooth as silk.
This module acomplished exactly what the author described in his remarks. It gets you into the setting and prepares you for Chapter 1. The player now knows what to expect and can plan his PC's development accordingly.
The story was pretty logical, the quests went in a reasonable sequence, and everything was appropriate to both the level and the setting. This was a smooth, well balanced module and I can't wait to see what the next installment looks like.
Great work!
"The location for the missing children quest is actually West of the village, not north as in the description. It's only accessible throught the north gate however which is a bit odd."
Yeah, that is one of the growing pains of learning the toolset. Triel was the very first exterior area I ever created, and it was my intention to allow you to go out the back gate of the town to travel to other locations, and to take a shorter path to the cave. At the same time, I had constructed the bridge overhead to allow you fast access from the Grainmaster's house to the Warehouses.
Unfortunately, in NWN2, you cannot have two walkable surfaces "overlap", so I had to choose: the way out of town, or the bridge. I very much wanted to keep the bridge, so I did, and instead put a world map transition inside the town, just before you hit the bridge. It's not ideal, but I enjoyed the town design too much by then to want to change it :)
Glad you liked it! And glad it ran smooth for you! Makes me happy.
Hi! I play on the Sigil - City of Doors PW, and we have similar bridges in the Lower Ward! The PC passing under them is accomplished by transition circles on either side of the bridge that simply pop you over to the other side of that bridge, in the same map. Perhaps that might be helpful for your toolset endeavors in Chapter 1?
That is a great idea! I'll give that a try.
I just found a prefab I'm going to be using in the remainder of the campaign, and it does the same thing. So I'll implement that. Would be a nice touch. Thanks for the suggestion!
Played this for a couple hours last night. Very enjoyable!
Hard at work on the rest of it. Glad you liked!
Nice module, here the bugs (or at least i think they are) i've noticed so far:
First, if you break a chest instead picking the lock, it appears the fluorishing but not the sack, so you break the chest, you don't loot.
Second, if you complete the quest for the halfings of riding the kobolds from the mines before accepting the quest of the smith, when you return to the halfling major for talking to him about the smith's request nothing happens, and the major keeps saying the "goodbay" message.
Other than that, i liked in the whole this module, except the first quest.
It would have been nicer to have more options for answers, like also neutral/evil answers instead almost all good-side answers.
Nice module! All worked fine and is fun enough. I played with a human warlock and found the dungeon af the kobolds a little bit tough (the equipment of these f....g beasts is too good!) in comparison to the rest of the adventure. Other than that, and the absence of conversation with companions, all is quite good! How I wished this was continued...
Glad you liked it! Working on the rest...
Love this!! Played a couple of times and I am wanting more, much more!! Any ETA on the next modules????
As was said by Burker95, ETA of succeeding modules?
sadly i can't start due to the black screen after the loading screen
I just tested it, works fine. You may have a bad download or a newer version of one of the haks that conflicts with the ones included in this campaign.
Which nwn 2 version do you have? I followed the install instructions and i have this issue. What do i have to do in order to fix it?
I have the GOG NWN2 download which comes fully patched.
I'm referring to the HAK files, if you have other versions installed from other mods, they can interfere. That can cause the black screen you see.
i tried to reinstall the mod's hak files and module files and now it works (plus the mod description in game says it is for level 1 from level 20 characters)
Good. Actual levels is 1 to arond 5 at the end.
Updated link for the required RWS All in One hacks.