- Aarakocra
- Absorbing Beast
- Aelfborn
- Alu-Fiend
- Anglerfish
- Animated objects
- Ankheg
- Ant, Giant
- Asabi
- Ash Zombie
- Axbeak
- Azerblood
- Balor General
- Barghest
- Bariaur
- Basilisk
- Bat, Giant
- Batiri
- Bear, Black Bear
- Beast of Malar
- Beastmen, Tainted
- Bebilith
- Beetles (reskins)
- Beholder
- Black Pudding
- Bladeling
- Bloedzuiger
- Blood Ape
- Bonebat
- Boogin
- Brownie
- Bugbear
- Bulette; Bulette
- Butcher
- Cambion
- Carion Crawler
- Cat, Black
- Celadrin
- Cerebus
- Chaond
- Cockatrice
- Coelacanth
- Compsognathus (Dinosaur)
- Crab, Crab
- Cyclops
- Dagoth Ur
- Deep Rothe
- Deer, Female
- Demon Beast
- Demon Legionnaire
- Derro
- Devil
- Devil Fish
- Devil, Legion
- Devourer
- Displacer Beast
- Dog, German
- Donkey
- Doppelganger
- Dragons
- Dragonborn
- Dragonfly
- Dragonkin, Dragonkin
- Dread
- Drider, Drider
- Drowner
- Dunkleosteus
- Duodrone
- Durzagon
- Dwarf, Arctic
- Dwarf, Wild
- Eldblot
- Elder Brain (Illithid)
- Elementals
- Elf, Dune
- Efreeti
- Erinyes and Succubi (reskins)
- Ettercap
- Extaminaar
- Fey'ri
- Firbolg
- Firenewt
- Fish
- Fjellblot
- Flameskull
- Fleder
- Flying Book
- Flying Eye
| - Fomorian
- Formians
- Fox
- Frog, Giant
- Frostblot
- Gargoyles (reskin)
- Gelatinous Cube
- Gem Scarab
- Genasi, Wood
- Gibbering Mouther
- Gibberling
- Githyanki, Githyanki
- Githzerai, Githzerai
- Gloaming
- Gnome, Fire
- Gnome, Forest
- Goblin
- Goblin, Sewer
- Golems:
- Golem, Alchemical
- Golem, Adamantite ; Golem, Adamantite; Golem, Adamantine
- Golem, Bone; Golem, Bone
- Golem, Brass Minotaur
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Demonflesh
- Golem, Diamond
- Golem, Emerald
- Golem, Flesh ; Golem, Flesh
- Golem, Ice ; Golem, Ice
- Golem, Iron ; Golem, Iron
- Golem, Magma
- Golem, Mirror
- Golem, Mithral; Golem, Mithril
- Golem, Ornate
- Golem, Ruby
- Golem, Rustbucket
- Golem, Sand
- Golem, Silver
- Golem, Stone
- Golem, Witcher
- Golem, Wood
- Gorgon
- Gorilla
- Gray Render
- Half Fiends
- Half Ogre
- Half Orc (heads)
- Halfling, Ghostwise
- Halfling, Sandstorm
- Harpy, Harpy
- Heucuva
- Hill Giant
- Hobgoblin
- Hook Horror; Hook Horror
- Humans
- Hydra, Lernean
- Hyena
- Illithid (reskin)
- Illithid Lord
- Imaskari, Deep
- Intellect Devourer
- Invisible Stalker
- Iron Defender
- Jannling
- Kenku
- Khaasta
- Kikimore
- Korobokuru
- Krinth
- Kuo Toa
- Kuo-Toa Trader
- Lady of the Lake
- Larva
- Larvae
- Leshen, Leschen dog
- Leucrotta
- Lich
- Lion ; Lion, Female ; Lion, Male
- Lobster
- Magic Broom
- Magmin
- Manticore
- Marut; Marut
- Mephits
- Mephling
- Metallich
- Minotaur ; Minotaur Head
- Mimic
- Monodrone
- Moray Eel
- Mortif
- Myconid; Myconid; Myconid
- Naga
- Naiad
- Nightmare
- Nishruu
- Octopus
- Ogre
| - Ogre, Ice Spire
- Ondonti
- Ooze ; Ooze ; Oozes
- Orc, Mountain
- Orgillon
- Orog
- Otyugh
- Penguin
- Peryton
- Phoenix
- Pig ; Piglet
- Pit Fiend Captain
- Poscadar
- Purple Worm
- Quake Shambler
- Rabbit of Caerbannog
- Rakshasa Females
- Raven
- Razor Boar
- Reaper
- Ringwraiths
- Robot, Robot
- Rotfiend
- Rusalka
- Rust Monster
- Sahaugin
- Salamander, Flamebrother
- Scaladar
- Scorpion
- Shadowbeast
- Sharks
- Sheep
- Shrieker
- Sind
- Skeletons
- Skull, Floating
- Slaad
- Slyzard
- Smilidon
- Spectre
- Snake
- Snake, Giant
- Spellscale
- Spiders (reskin)
- Spider, Wraith
- Spriggan
- Stinger
- Stirge
- Stone Giant
- Swarm, Insect
- Swarm, Various
- T-Rex
- Taer
- Tåkeblot
- Tanarukk
- The Thing
- Tiger ; Tiger ; Tiger ; Tiger
- Treant (reskins)
- Trolls
- Trollocs
- Turtle, Dire
- Unda
- Undead:
- Unicorn
- Urd
- Varcolaci
- Vargouille
- Vampire-ghoul
- Verbeeg
- Voadkyn
- Vrock; Vrock
- Walking Chest
- Warforged
- Wasp, Giant
- Werewolf; Werewolf
- Will O' Wisp ; Will O' Wisp
- Winter Wolf
- Wolf
- Wyvern (reskin)
- Xorn
- Yeti, Yeti
- Yuan-Ti Abomination
- Yuan-Ti Pureblood
- Zenythri
- Zombie
- Zythar
Good list now we just need to put it into a single multi use hack pack. An updated pains :)
These were missing. Adding them.
Nice work rjshae!
That reminds me that I need to add
the tiger shark, the bebilith andthe jellyfish (they're all ready) and the octopus (half of the animations done).Wyvern reskins wern't listed:
I don't see the "fatty" listed, though it would need an appearance.2da line since there's not one.
"Orc Spoiled" adds alternate orc heads with things like giant horns, seems like they could make good lower planes denizens
Razorvine should be removed, it's a placeable object not a creature. The page categorized it incorrectly.
Hi guys, does anyone have plans to create an updated pack with aaall of these creatures? It would be great! We alredy got placeables, tilesets... this is missing!
Yes, Kamal is working on a set right now.
Thanks! I don't usually read the forums. I'm going to check this!
posted wrong spot
You'll probably notice the aarakocra, as they'll appear as new content, but I also converted the kenku. They're on the same link as the first version, but in a different package.
Not sure if they're greedy, but the new slaads are green.
Thank you very much! This is a very convenient list. it’s much easier to find exactly what you need