This list contains modules that were especially designed to be played with the given class.
Class-Specific Module List:
Classes alphabetically:
1.Arcane Archer
6.Champion of Torm
9.Dwarven Defender
10.Fighter (Only mods that specify that a fighter is the class that should be played, since a fighter could play almost every mod)
11.Harper Scout
12.Mage (Sorcerer or Wizard, if it’s not specified otherwise)
16.Pale Master
18.Red Dragon Disciple
20.Shadow Dancer
22.Weapon Master
23.Custom Class-Specific Modules
24.Pre-generated Character Modules
25.PRC (updated with Player Resource Consortium, adding new classes)
The Hunt (Premade Fighter/Weapon Master/Arcane Archer Character; Single Player)
Assassin: A Tale of Winter (Premade Fighter/Rogue/Assassin Character; Single Player)
Conan - Beneath The Sands of Stygia (Barbarian, Fighter,Rogue, Assasin are common, thus recommended, Wizard – rare and Monk - very rare; Single Player)
ConteXt (Single Player)
La Breccia (Italian; Premade Character - Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
NightHunter Chapter-1 Blood Fued (Assassin for story reasons; Single Player)
Rise of the Phoenix (Rogue or Shadow Dancer also possible; Single Playerl; Continuation of Rebirth of the Phoenix)
The Breach (Premade Character - Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Golden Forest - CEP 2.3 ('Trap disabling abilities essential'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Hero and the Beast ("One player should be able to set traps"; PvP; Multiplayer)
War (Premade Ranger/Assassin Character; Single Player or Multiplayer)
An Echo of Kings (Night's Watch Campaign Base Module) (Fighter, Ranger or Rogue also possible; Multiplayer; DM required)
A New Journey Begins - v.1.9 (Continuation of: Calm before the Storm (REMAKE) - v.1.1; Fighter or Paladin also possible; Single Player)
A Pirate's Tale: Quest for The Pearl (Fighter or Paladin also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Battle of Stirling Bridge: First War of Scottish Independance (Fighter also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Calm before the Storm (REMAKE) - v.1.1 (Fighter or Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Conan - Beneath The Sands of Stygia (Barbarian, Fighter,Rogue, Assasin are common, thus recommended, Wizard – rare and Monk - very rare; Single Player)
Conan the Barbarian - A Cimmerian Fate (Rogue accepted; Single Player)
Conan - The Tower of the Elephant (Premade Barbarian/Rogue Character; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 1 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 2 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 3 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 4 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cyntefyns Revenge (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Czarny Triumwirat (Polish; Paladin, Fighter or Ranger also possible; Single Player)
Deep In The Sea Revised Part One (Fighter or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Diabel w kamieniu (Polish; 3 Premade Characters to choose from - Barbarian, Fighter, or Rogue; Single Player)
Die Träne der Wüste (German; "1 Rogue, 1 Fighter or Barbarian"; Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Dragon Noir (French; Fighter and Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Duel Earth - Reign of Chaos (Fighter and Rogue also possible; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
Final Fantasy 4 v1.0 (Fighter, Ranger or Barbarian suggested; Single Player)
Gladiator_mod (Polish; Fighter also possible; Multiplayer; DM Required)
Grunt, the Vegetarian SNEAK PREVIEW (Monk, Fighter and Rogue also possible; Single Player)
HMC 1 - Cimmerian Justice (Single Player)
HMC 2 - Cimmerian Courage v1.03 (Single Player or Multiplayer)
HMC 3 - Cimmerian Revenge v1.01 (Single Player or Multiplayer)
HMC 4 - Cimmerian Conquest 1.69 v1.01 (Single Player or Multiplayer)
HMC 5 - Cimmerian Afterlife 1.69 CEP 2.0 v1.02 (Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Hyborian Age 1 Temple of the Spider God (Rogue or Fighter also allowed; Single Player or Multiplayer)
In the line of Fire (Fighter and Paladin also allowed; PvP; Multiplayer)
Lair of the Prismatic Dragon A 'Land In Need' adventure! (Cleric and Ranger also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
La venganza (The revenge) (Spanish; Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Legend of the Golden Axe (3 Premade Characters to choose from: Barbarian, Fighter or Rogue; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Legend of the Golden Axe II (3 Premade Characters to choose from: Barbarian, Fighter or Rogue; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Medieval Tales: The Devil in the Stone (3 Premade Characters to choose from - Barbarian, Fighter, or Rogue; Single Player)
Mountain of Mirrors (Ranger or Druid also possible; Single Player)
Neverfallout (3 Premade Characters - Fighter, Rogue or Barbarian to choose from; Single Player)
Pilze! Band I - Pilze für Humberto (German; Druid or Ranger also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 08 - Saga Rossa - Il Barbaro (Italian; Single Player)
Sethal's Progeny: Wisdom of Wyrms ('Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue are recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Sleeper Story (Premade Barbarian/Fighter Character; Single Player)
Sleeping Otter - Bearly An Adult (Ranger or Druid also possible; Single Player)
Tales of Celts II ("special plots and features for Druids, Rougues, Wizards, Sorcerers, Bards, and Barbarians"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tales of the Amazing Vrs. 2 (Premade Character; Single Player)
Tales of the Heart: Valyrian's Blood (Fighter, Paladin, or Ranger are also possible; Single Player)
Tempel der verlorenen Kinder - Teil 1 (German; Party of Rogue + Paladin/Fighter/Barbarian recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tempel der verlorenen Kinder Teil 2 - Der Wald des Vergessens (German; Party of Rogue, Mage(Sorcerer/Wizard + Fighter/Barbarian) recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Terra Incognita Act one v. 1.04 patch 1,69 anniversary edition (Fighter or Paladin also possible; Single Player)
The Dark Ride (Figter or Monk also possible; Single Player)
The Fall of Rugnum Ardesco (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Warlockforest ('Fighter and Barbarian recomended'; Single Player)
Yggdrasil : Le repis (French; Single Player or Multiplayer)
AdVeNtUrEs ("All classes playable, but geared towards Bard, Rogue and Sorcerer"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
BardSong 1 - Earth and Sky (Single Player)
BardSong 2 - Fire and Water (Single Player)
Bethials Rise (Mage also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Brotherhood of Assassins (Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Casa dolce casa (Italian; Single Player)
Demonheart - Prelude (Rogue or Fighter also possible - some custom rulesets for those classes; Classes tweaked to fit the setting; Human Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Demonheart - Chapter 1 BETA (Rogue or Fighter also possible - some custom rulesets for those classes; Classes tweaked to fit the setting; Human Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Dragons Breath 1-DEMO (Premade Bard/Red Dragon Disciple Character; Single Player)
DRMonster (Premade Character; contest; Single Player)
Eastern Gate 1 - The Guilds (ESPANOL/ENGLISH) v 1.03 CEP (Spanish/English; "Bards and Clerics should be in a party"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Edge of the Sun („Spellcaster (or scroll user) needed”; Multiplayer recommended)
Elena's Tale - Roses for Rosa (Premade Bard/Ranger Character, recommended; 'Class-specific content for bards, rangers, and druids'; Single Player)
Klatwa Portalu Drumme - preludium (Polish; Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Klatwa Portalu Drumme - Rozdzial 1 (Polish; Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Nahende Finsternis (FINAL UPDATE!) (German; Premade Character - Fighter, Rogue or Bard; Single Player)
Never Winter, Really! (Other classes possible; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 11 - Saga Lillà - Il Bardo (Italian; Single Player)
Runes of Blood (Rogue skills useful; Special Quest for Bards; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tales of Celts II ("special plots and features for Druids, Rougues, Wizards, Sorcerers, Bards, and Barbarians"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Aielund Saga Act I - Nature Abhors a Vacuum (v2.01) ('special dialog for Bard and Ranger'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Five Flagons Inn v1.00 - A Virtual Theater for NWN (Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Quillmaster ('bards might uncover an amusing conversation route'; Old BioWare Contest; Single Player)
The Song Divine aka "Das Lied der Gotter" (German/English; Single Player)
The Wink and Kiss v3 (Bard for the female part of the story; Single Player; WARNING: Extreme Adult Content)
Vendetta! (Italian; Rogue also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Vis et Virtus - Prologue (Premade Character; Single Player)
Blackguard I - Dreams of destruction (Character becoming a blackguard in this module; Single Player)
Blackguard II - The innocents' blood (Single Player)
Blackguard III - The Doom of Yartar (Single Player)
Dark Path (Premade Character available; Single Player)
Infernal Crown I (Blackguard recommended; Single Player)
Infernal Crown II (Blackguard recommended; Single Player)
Infernal Crown III (Blackguard recommended; Single Player)
Infernal Crown IV (Blackguard recommended; Single Player)
Eclipse War I - Darktide Rising v1.10 (Paladin also possible; Single Player)
A Cleric of the Silvermarch (part 1) (Single Player)
A Long Time Dying ("cleric helpful"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Ancient Graveyard (Rogue also possible; Multiplayer)
Arcadia : Léviathan (French; Druid also recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
A Simple Journey (Fighter, Rogue and Mage also possible; Single Player)
Chapter 1 - The Awakening (Single Player or Multiplayer)
City of Splendors (Cleric or Paladin recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Cleric's Challenge (HHQ4) (Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 1 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 2 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 3 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 4 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - HQ (Italian; Cleric preferred; Single Player)
Crown of Atumhotep (Paladin also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Daelish Overrun (Fighter and Cleric recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Daggerdale Prólogo: Amanecer (Spanish; Cleric, Paladin and Rogue recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Der Schwur zu Torm - Kapitel 1 (German; Paladin, Fighter, Mage and Monk also possible; Single Player)
Desert of Desolation Series: I3 - Pharaoh ("Balanced Party - Cleric, Rogue, and Mage skills recommended in the party"; Single Player or Multiplayer; WARNING: you have to request module link at author's forums)
Devotion to Darkness Part 3: Descent into Karak N'Ar ("Cleric and Paladin may have an advantage in some sections"; Single Player)
Dungeon of the Fire Opal (Cleric recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Dying Prophcey (Fighter, Ranger and Paladin also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Eastern Gate 1 - The Guilds (ESPANOL/ENGLISH) v 1.03 CEP (Spanish/English; "Bards and Clerics should be in a party"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Fist of the Gods (Fighter or Paladin also possible, Paladin recommended; Single Player)
GK2 - Shades of Darkness ("Cleric have some benefits"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Glowing in Glaun Bog v1.01 (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Hazard Pay ("At least one Cleric is recommended"; Multiplayer)
Ignob ilis Ritae: A Paladin's Quest (Paladin recommended; Single Player)
Inizio polleggiato (Italian; Cleric preferred; Single Player)
In The Dead Of The Night ("Cleric useful"; Single Player)
La Breccia (Italian; Premade Character - Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Lair of the Prismatic Dragon A 'Land In Need' adventure! (Ranger and Barbarian also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
La Venganza de los Olvidados - Segunda Parte - [SPANISH VERSION] (Spanish; Fighter, Paladin, Ranger and Mage also possible; Continuation of: La Venganza de los Olvidados - Primera Parte- by Xavi; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
Lolths revenge (Q2) V2 (Continuation of Queen of the Demonweb Pits (Q1) v1.2; "Cleric would be very handy"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Lords of Darkness (turn undead ability; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Lowcy Nieumarlych (Polish; turn undead ability recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Mountainview v.98c (Cleric, Fighter and Paladin recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
NWS - Daenarian's Tears ("Clerics may have a slight advantage", other classes possible; Single Player)
Order of the Griffon 2 (Be able to turn undead or Heal; Paladin also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Outbreak (Fighter, Rogue, or Mage also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Planescape : Le jeu des Puissances (French; 4 New Custom Races(You can also play Human or Half-Elf): Githzerai, Githyanki, Tiefling or Aasimar; Single Player; Continuation of: Planescape : Les marionnettes (édition prestige) or Planescape : Les marionnettes)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 12 - Saga Oro - Il Chierico (Italian; Single Player)
Queen of the Demonweb Pits (Q1) v1.2 (Continuation of Vault of the Drow (D3) v1.31; "Cleric highly recommended"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Ravenloft, Beyond the Gate (turn undead helpful; Single Player or Multiplayer; continuation of Return to Ravenloft)
Ravenloft: Night of The Walking Dead (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Shirewood Graveyard HCR (Cleric in the party is suggested;Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Strange Alliance I - Trouble in the Silverwood ('1 or 2 Fighters and a Cleric in a party recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Strange Alliance I - Trouble in the Silverwood (Non HCR version) ('1 or 2 Fighters and a Cleric in a party recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tales of the Hullack Forest: The Sunken Cemetery (Paladin or Cleric recommended; Single Player)
Tharon - EP1 Blood of Man („Fighter or Cleric reccomended”; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Breach (Premade Character - Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Creature Of Rhyl (Fighter also possible - 'Works best with fighters or clerics with some cross-class rogue skills'; Single Player)
The Mysterious Tower („Rogue and Cleric are VERY helpful”; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Quick and the Dead (D20 Modern; "Fighter/ Medic/ Rogue types"; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Thieves' Pass (Rogue also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tower of Wor (Mage or Druid also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Trouble Times Two V1.2 ('Cleric helpful as is a Rogue'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Twilight of the Walking Deceased (Premade Fighter/Cleric Character; Single Player)
Vale o Sorrows V13 (Fighter also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Village of the Dead (v2.1) (Cleric and/or Paladin recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
War of Tableegh Trilogy (Monk also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
ABC: Bordering Genius - Poor Flock (Premade Druid/Shifter; Single Player; WARNING: Extremely dark themes)
A Raucous Caucus ('Rangers and druids get extra options'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Arcadia : Léviathan (French; Cleric also recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Beasts of the Night (Special stuff for Paladin, Druid, Ranger and Rogue; Single Player)
Elena's Tale - Roses for Rosa (Premade Bard/Ranger Character, recommended; 'Class-specific content for bards, rangers, and druids'; Single Player)
Mountain of Mirrors (Ranger or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Pilze! Band I - Pilze für Humberto (German; Ranger or Barbarian also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 03 - Saga Verde - Il Druido (Italian; Single Player)
Sanctuary (Druid recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Sethal's Progeny: Wisdom of Wyrms ('Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue are recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Sleeping Otter - Bearly An Adult (Ranger or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Tales of Celts II ("special plots and features for Druids, Rougues, Wizards, Sorcerers, Bards, and Barbarians"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Aielund Saga Act III - Return of the Ironlord(v2.01) ('Special quests for Ranger/Druid, and Monk'; Single Player or Multiplayer; Continuation of The Aielund Saga Act II - Defender of the Crown(v2.0))
The Eye of the Sun (Ranger also possible; 'druids or rangers could have an advantage'; Single Player)
The Fairy Tree (Ranger also possible; Single Player)
The Oracle of Life (Single Player)
Tower of Wor (Mage or Cleric also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
UK5 Eye of the Serpent v1.0 (Ranger or Monk also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Adventures of Glebur's Mine: Chapter 1 Enhanced Final (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Fighter: (Only mods that specify that a fighter is the class that should be played, since a fighter could play almost every mod)
15 Minute Maps Presents: The Quest For The Sword of Elemental Fury ("being able to use longsowrds and heavy armor"; Single Player)
2075 Enquete dans la Galaxie (French; Single Player)
3rd Editon Adventure RM1-A Warriors Tale (Single Player)
A-1 Genesis of Evil (multiclassing possible; Single Player)
'A Banshee In The Basement'(REALLY NOT FOR CHILDREN) (Single Player; WARNING: Extreme content)
Adept z Castello I i II (Polish; Rogue also possible; Single Player)
ADK Kunoichi 2: Le temple sur la montagne (French; Rogue or Monk also possible; Single Player)
Adventures of Glebur's Mine: Chapter 1 Enhanced Final (Dwarven Defender also possible; Single Player)
Adventure - The Enchanted Chalice ("fighter-types recommended"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
After Shattering - Prologue DEMO (Single Player)
A l'aube d'une vie (v1) (French; Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Alien 3.5 (Single Player)
Always Summer Days (in English & German) (English/German; Single Player)
An Echo of Kings (Night's Watch Campaign Base Module) (Ranger, Rogue or Barbarian also possible; Multiplayer; DM required)
Anew (Single Player)
A New Journey Begins - v.1.9 (Continuation of: Calm before the Storm (REMAKE) - v.1.1; Barbarian or Paladin also possible; Single Player)
'AngelHeart Way Of The One' BETA TEST Version 09.9C-2 (2 Premade Fighters included (unobligatory); Single Player or Multiplayer; Note: see my comments under the module)
Angeli e Demoni (Italian; Single Player)
A Pirate's Tale: Quest for The Pearl (Barbarian or Paladin also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Aren (Premade Fighter Character included, but unobligatory; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Aribeth's Revival-CEP1.52/1.66 & CEP 2.0 w/patch 1.68 (Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Aribeth's Revival I Interlude: The Snows of Uktar (Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Aribeth's Revival II (Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Aribeth's Revival 3 - Sagard Edition (Paladin also possible; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
A Simple Journey (Rogue, Cleric and Mage also possible; Single Player)
A Song of Ice and Fire-A Duel of Lords (Ranger or Rogue also possible, Ranger recommended; Single Player)
Assassin: A Tale of Winter (Premade Fighter/Rogue/Assassin Character; Single Player)
Assassin: Hand of the Zshi (2 Premade Rogues, 1 Premade Fighter; Single Player)
Atic Atac (v 1.1) (Geared towards Fighters, Wizards and Rogues; Single Player or Multiplayer; Multiple DMs required)
Avaylen - 01 - Rayas Held (German; Single Player)
A Wyrm Under Hill (Premade Fighter Character, possible to multiclass with Paladin; Single Player)
Bane Colony: A Half-Orc Adventure v.0.01BETA (Rogue also possible;Single Player)
Battle of Stirling Bridge: First War of Scottish Independance (Barbarian also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Birthright Chapter 1 - Escape from Castle Gaeldorn. (Now CEP 2.1 Compatible) (Single Player)
Bobby's Pirates! (Fighter recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
'Bosco Atro' (Italian; Single Player)
BRI - The Fall of Ullad (Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Calm before the Storm (REMAKE) - v.1.1 (Barbarian or Paladin also possible; Single Player)
CCP 1 - An Eventful Escape (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Champion of Horus (Premade Character; Wizard or Fighter development both with rogue skills; Single Player)
Champions of Krynn Part 1 v1.2 (Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Champions of Krynn Part 2 v1.0 (Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Chronicles of Charnia - Escape from Charn v1.01 (You could try with other „fighter” classes, though I do not recommend it, stick with fighter; Single Player)
Chronicles of Valandria - Prologue 1 (Test Version) (Rogue and Sorceror also possible; Single Player)
Conan - Beneath The Sands of Stygia (Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, Assasin are common, thus recommended, Wizard – rare and Monk - very rare; Single Player)
CRAZY PLACE v1.0 (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Cromexx Funhouse (Fighter recommended; Single Player)
Crimson Cherry - Defloration (Paladin also possible; Single Player; WARNING: Extreme content)
Curse of the Demon (Fighter recommended; Single Player)
Cyntefyns Revenge (Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Czarny Triumwirat (Polish; Paladin, Ranger or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Daelish Overrun (Fighter and Cleric recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Dark Ages - Chapter 1 (Single Player)
Deep In The Sea Revised Part One (Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Demonheart - Prelude (Bard or Rogue also possible - some custom rulesets for those classes; Classes tweaked to fit the setting; Human Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Demonheart - Chapter 1 BETA (Bard or Rogue also possible - some custom rulesets for those classes; Classes tweaked to fit the setting; Human Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Demon Hell (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Demon Spirit (Premade Character; Single Player)
Der Schwur zu Torm - Kapitel 1 (German; Cleric, Paladin, Mage and Monk also possible; Single Player)
Diabel w kamieniu (Polish; 3 Premade Characters to choose from - Barbarian, Fighter, or Rogue; Single Player)
Die Geheimnisvolle Flasche - The Mysterious Bottle (German; Single Player)
Die Schneefestung V1.3.0+ (German; Fighter if Single Player; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Die Träne der Wüste (German; "1 Rogue, 1 Fighter or Barbarian"; Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Dragon Noir (French; Rogue and Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Duel Earth - Reign of Chaos (Barbarian and Rogue also possible; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
Dying Prophcey (Ranger, Cleric and Paladin also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Enchantress' Kiss (Fighter preferable; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Escape from the Mansion (Paladin recommended; Single Player)
Fighter's Challenge (HHQ1) (Single Player)
Fighter's Challenge II (HHQ5) (Paladin or Ranger also possible; Single Player)
Fist of the Gods (Cleric or Paladin also possible, Paladin recommended; Single Player)
For the love of Winter(Part One) ("Fighter class if Solo, Multiplayer: Rogue and Mage in the group"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Friday the 13th Part One - The Tower (Rogue also possible; Single Player; DM required)
Full Metal Jacket (French; Single Player)
Gladiator_mod (Polish; Barbarian also possible; Multiplayer; DM Required)
Gladiatrix (Premade Character included; Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Gladiatrix II - In the Shadows of Darkness (Premade Character included; Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Gladiatrix III - The Hand of Destiny (Premade Character included; Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Grunt, the Vegetarian SNEAK PREVIEW (Barbarian, Monk and Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Harlequin Smurf DEMO (Premade Rogue/Fighter Character; Single Player)
Hyborian Age 1 Temple of the Spider God (Rogue or Barbarian also allowed; Single Player or Multiplayer)
In the line of Fire (Barbarian and Paladin also allowed; PvP; Multiplayer)
Into the Inferno Part I V1.25 (Fighter preferred; Single Player)
Invasion auf Coconut Island: Teil 1 (German; Fighter preferred; Single Player; DMNeeded: Part of Series)
Karmigan - Hunter Wars (Multiplayer)
Karmigan - The Last Age (RP) (Ranger also possible; Multiplayer)
Kingdom of BortiiS ("other 'tank'-type classes possible"; Single Player)
knightmare demo (Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Kunoichi (Version francaise1.2) (French; Rogue or Monk also possible; Single Player)
Kunoichi 1 (Rogue or Monk also possible; Single Player)
Kunoici 2: The Temple on the Mountain (Rogue or Monk also possible; Single Player)
La Breccia (Italian; Premade Character - Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
La Espada de Tyr (Spanish; Fighter preferred; Single Player)
Lankhmar Nights (Fighter/Rogue recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
La spada della liberta (1 Capitolo) (Italian; Fighter preferred; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
La Spada di Belchen - Parte II° (Italian; Single Player)
La Spada di Belchen - Parte I° (Italian; Single Player)
La venganza (The revenge) (Spanish; Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
La Venganza de los Olvidados - Primera Parte- by Xavi (Spanish; Ranger and Mage also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
La Venganza de los Olvidados - Segunda Parte - [SPANISH VERSION] (Spanish; Cleric, Paladin, Ranger and Mage also possible; Continuation of: La Venganza de los Olvidados - Primera Parte- by Xavi; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
Legacy: Dark Moon Rising (v1.1) (Premade Fighter Character; Single Player)
Legend of the Golden Axe (3 Premade Characters to choose from: Barbarian, Fighter or Rogue; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Legend of the Golden Axe II (3 Premade Characters to choose from: Barbarian, Fighter or Rogue; Single Player or Multiplayer)
LNA2 - Nehwon (Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Lord of the Rings: Sons of the Steward v1.06 final (Premade Fighter Character; Single Player)
Lord of the Rings: The Dunedain v1.5 (Premade Fighter/Sorcerer Character; Single Player)
Massacre at Mother's Grace ("Fighter and Rogue helpful"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Medieval Tales: The Devil in the Stone (3 Premade Characters to choose from - Barbarian, Fighter, or Rogue; Single Player)
Mountainview v.98c (Cleric, Fighter and Paladin recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
My GOG Entry Updated - Final! (Premade Fighter/Rogue Character; contest; Single Player)
Nahende Finsternis (FINAL UPDATE!) (German; Premade Character - Fighter, Rogue or Bard; Single Player)
Neverfallout (3 Premade Characters - Fighter, Rogue or Barbarian to choose from; Single Player)
New California (Fighter for single player; D20 Modern?; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
One Stormy Night (revised) ("Tailored and tested for melee classes"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Orcs of Dragoon Mountain (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Outbreak (Rogue, Cleric or Mage also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Picket Monsters (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 05 - Saga Grigia - Il Guarriero (Italian; Single Player)
Rise of the OverLich (Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Road to Ruin (Premade Fighter, but Barbarian, Ranger, Monk or Cleric are also possible; Single Player)
Ronin, Kensai of Kyoto Version 1.05 (NWN 1.65) (Fighter/Weapon Master(Katana) preferred; Exotic Weapon Proficiency needed; Single Player)
Sands of Time ("strong fighters needed", Rogue in the party recommended; Multiplayer)
Sang de Dragon (French; Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Scoundrels of the Underdark (Rogue or Mage(Wizard, Sorcerer) also possible; Single Player)
Sethal's Progeny: Wisdom of Wyrms ('Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue are recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Shadow Over Innsmouth (2 Premade Characters with backstories to choose from - Rogue or Fighter; Single Player)
Sigrogana Legend - Tale of Oniga, Episode 1 (Fighter recommended; Single Player)
Sigrogana Legend - Tale of Oniga, Episode 2 (Fighter recommended; Single Player)
Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight and other Arthurian Tales (Premade Fighter included; Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Sleeper Story (Premade Barbarian/Fighter Character; Single Player)
Strange Alliance I - Trouble in the Silverwood ('1 or 2 Fighters and a Cleric in a party recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Strange Alliance I - Trouble in the Silverwood (Non HCR version) ('1 or 2 Fighters and a Cleric in a party recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Surviving Horror 1 - v.2.2 (Fighter recommended; Single Player)
Surviving Horror 2 - v.2.6 (Fighter recommended; Single Player)
Tales of the Heart: Valyrian's Blood (Paladin, Ranger or Barbarian are also possible; Single Player)
Tempel der verlorenen Kinder - Teil 1 (German; Party of Rogue + Paladin/Fighter/Barbarian recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tempel der verlorenen Kinder Teil 2 - Der Wald des Vergessens (German; Party of Rogue, Mage(Sorcerer/Wizard + Fighter/Barbarian) recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Terra Incognita Act one v. 1.04 patch 1,69 anniversary edition (Barbarian or Paladin also possible; Single Player)
The Adventures of Theseus (Single Player)
The Attack of the Shadow Clones ("For characters from SoU"; Single Player)
The Battle of Kadir Pass Chapter III (Single Player; Continuation of The Battle of Kadir Pass Chapter II)
The Breach (Premade Character - Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Broomfighters (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Creature Of Rhyl (Cleric also possible - 'Works best with fighters or clerics with some cross-class rogue skills'; Single Player)
The Dark Ride (Barbarian or Monk also possible; Single Player)
The Dark Ruins of Jharol (Rogue or Mage also possible; Single Player)
The Desert Dweller (Premade Sorcerer/ Fighter Character; Single Player)
The Eye Of Traldar - Final Version (Rogue also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Fall of Rugnum Ardesco (Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
The gladiator! (Single Player)
The Hermit´s Chalice - Beast of Malar (Short Tutorial Module for The Builders Project Guild; Single Player)
The Hermits Chalice - Firestarter (Short Tutorial Module for The Builders Project Guild; Single Player)
The Hermits Chalice - Freiherr (Short Tutorial Module for The Builders Project Guild; Single Player)
The Hermits Chalice - Noremac (Short Tutorial Module for The Builders Project Guild; Single Player)
The Hermit's Chalice - starrchild (Short Tutorial Module for The Builders Project Guild; Single Player)
The Hermit's Chalice - Unknown Glyph (Short Tutorial Module for The Builders Project Guild; Single Player)
The High Seat II - The Scottish Coup (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Hunt (Premade Fighter/Weapon Master/Arcane Archer Character; Single Player)
The Legend of the Mystical Forge v1.1 (Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Premade Fighter Character available; 'Fighter/Paladin combination is recommended'; Single Player)
The Light Reborn: Death Trap v 1.10 ('Best if party has one good Fighter and one Rogue, but there are NPCs available'; Single Player or Multiplayer; Continuation of The Light Reborn: Orc Raid / Deadwatch v 2.12)
The Lord of Terror - The Diablo Campaign ("Fighter classes recommended"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Mystic Journey - Armon's Tale - The Beginning (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Mystic Journey - Armon's Tale (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Mystic Journey - Ubadah's Tale (Premade Character; Single Player)
The New Elamshin Adventurers (beta) (Single Player; should start from hub module Here)
The Pendants of Time 01: Snowflake (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Pig Farmer (Single Player)
The Pirates PL (Polish; Single Player)
The Quick and the Dead (D20 Modern; "Fighter/ Medic/ Rogue types"; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
The Relbonian Chronicles - Chapter One (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Road to Glinderick: Prologue (Single Player)
The Rose Of Eternity - Chapter 1 - The Coming (Premade Characters; Two different storylines: one for Fighter and one for Wizard; Single Player)
The Rose Of Eternity - Chapter 2 - Cry The Beloved (Single Player)
The Rule of Three: Volume 1 (Premade Fighter/Wizard Character; Single Player)
The Staff of Bryne [CEP Edition] (Rogue also possible; Single Player)
The Tale of the DRM Monster and the Treasure of GOG (Premade Character; contest; Single Player)
The Tale of the Kitchen Boy (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Thieves in the Forest ('A Fighter and Thief should be in the party for best results'; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
The Trials of Glinderick [Gold Edition] (Continuation of The Road to Glinderick: Prologue; Single Player)
The Turning (Fighter/Rogue Multiclass, Premade Character available; Continuation of The Pig Farmer; Single Player)
Twilight of the Walking Deceased (Premade Fighter/Cleric Character; Single Player)
'Ultimes Catacombes' (Fr.) (French; Single Player)
Uma Prova... de Orgulho? vrs0.7a (Portuguese; Premade Character - Rogue/Fighter; Single Player)
Undead Invasion v1.02 (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Vale o Sorrows V13 (Cleric also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Valinor Crumbles.mod (Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Vampire - Heaven Defied (Single Player)
Warlike Race Deluxe Edition (Italian; Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Warlockforest ('Fighter and Barbarian recomended'; Single Player)
Zelda 2 [BETA 1.0] (Single Player)
Cormyrean Nights (Single Player)
Mage (Sorcerer or Wizard, if it’s not specified otherwise):
A day in life of Evil (Premade Wizard Character; Single Player)
AdVeNtUrEs ("All classes playable, but geared towards Bard, Rogue and Sorcerer"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Almraiven (Single Player)
Arandie (Premade Rogue/Sorcerer Character; Single Player)
A Simple Journey (Fighter, Rogue and Cleric also possible; Single Player)
Atic Atac (v 1.1) (Geared towards Fighters, Wizards and Rogues; Single Player or Multiplayer; Multiple DMs required)
Bethials Rise (Bard also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Burn, Freeze, Shock (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Champion of Horus (Premade Character; Wizard or Fighter development both with rogue skills; Single Player)
Chaos at Mageholm (Wizard preferred, but any pure Spellcaster possible; Single Player)
Chaos at Mageholm (DM version) (Wizard preferred, but any pure Spellcaster possible; Single Player or Multiplayer; DM required)
Chronicles of Valandria - Prologue 1 (Test Version) (Sorcerer only; Fighter and Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Der Schwur zu Torm - Kapitel 1 (German; Cleric, Paladin, Fighter and Monk also possible; Single Player)
Desert of Desolation Series: I3 - Pharaoh ("Balanced Party - Cleric, Rogue, and Mage skills recommended in the party"; Single Player or Multiplayer; WARNING: you have to request module link at author's forums)
Edge of the Sun („Spellcaster (or scroll user) needed”; Multiplayer recommended)
Elminster`s hidden (Russian; Sorcerer; Single Player)
Experience module (Ranger also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
FK Eryndlyn ("Tested with a Wizard character"; Single Player)
For the love of Winter(Part One) ("Fighter class if Solo, Multiplayer: Rogue and Mage in the group"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Gandalf protects the world --> 1. part : Gandalf in Orthanc (Premade Sorcerer Character; Single Player)
Honor Among Thieves (Mage with a pixie familiar possible, but Rogue recommended; Single Player)
Honor Among Thieves - Chinese version (Simplified Chinese; Mage with a pixie familiar possible, but Rogue recommended; Single Player)
Kiss of Fate (Wizard multi-class to Rogue recommended because of new magic system; Single Player)
La Breccia (Italian; Premade Character - Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
La Venganza de los Olvidados - Primera Parte- by Xavi (Spanish; Fighter and Ranger also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
La Venganza de los Olvidados - Segunda Parte - [SPANISH VERSION] (Spanish; Fighter, Paladin, Cleric and Ranger also possible; Continuation of: La Venganza de los Olvidados - Primera Parte- by Xavi; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
LICH!!!!! (Single Player)
Lord of the Rings: The Dunedain v1.5 (Premade Fighter/Sorcerer Character; Single Player)
LOTR : Gandalf protects the world 2 --> Way to the Rivendell (Premade Sorcerer Character; Single Player; Continuation of Gandalf protects the world --> 1. part : Gandalf in Orthanc)
Necromancer, Part 1 - Allegiance (Premade Wizard Character; Single Player)
Necromancer - The Scroll of Ice and Shadow (Other classes possible, but not recommended; Single Player)
Outbreak (Fighter, Rogue or Cleric also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Perchance to Dream (Premade Character; Single Player)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 01 - Saga Gialla - Lo Stregone (Italian; Sorcerer required; Single Player)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 04 - Saga Azzurra - Il Mago (Italian; Wizard required; Single Player)
Scoundrels of the Underdark (Fighter or Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Shadewood (Continuation of Almraiven; Single Player)
Tale of a Mage, Chapter 1 - The Uvudry Threat (Single Player)
Tale of a Mage, Chapter 2 - The Ceremony of Souls (Single Player)
Tales of Celts II ("special plots and features for Druids, Rougues, Wizards, Sorcerers, Bards, and Barbarians"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tempel der verlorenen Kinder Teil 2 - Der Wald des Vergessens (German; Party of Rogue, Mage(Sorcerer/Wizard) and Fighter/Barbarian recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tharon - EP1 Blood of Man („Fighter or Cleric reccomended”; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Black Watch (Single Player)
The Breach (Premade Character - Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Dark Ruins of Jharol (Fighter or Rogue also possible; Single Player)
The Desert Dweller (Premade Sorcerer/ Fighter Character; Single Player)
The Legend Of Julia (Premade Wizard Character; Single Player)
The Path of the Revenger (Premade Sorcerer/Pale Master Character; Single Player)
The Possessed City - Hordes Version ("Although the mod favors tanks, you'll need a caster to get through everything"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Rose Of Eternity - Chapter 1 - The Coming (Premade Characters; Two different storylines: one for Fighter and one for Wizard; Single Player)
The Rule of Three: Volume 1 (Premade Fighter/Wizard Character; Single Player)
The Soulforge („Magus or Dual-class”; Single Player)
The Test of the Towers of High Sorcery (Single Player)
The Von Hart Saga Chapter1 (Premade Sorcerer Character available; Single Player)
The Wizard's Challenge (Wizard Only; Single Player)
Third Eye Detective Agency (Single Player)
Tower of Wor (Cleric or Druid also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Váryahen y Quielan (Spanish; Ranger/Rogue and Mage[Sorceror or Wizard] playing coop, WARNING! You have to make both characters yourself; Multiplayer)
War Wizards (PvP; Multiplayer)
Welcome to Azuth Covenant (Wizard only; Multiplayer; DM required)
Wizard's Challenge (HHQ2) (Wizard only; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Wizard's Challenge II (HHQ6) (Wizard only; Single Player)
Wizards Council (Single Player or Multiplayer)
ADK Kunoichi 2: Le temple sur la montagne (French; Rogue or Fighter also possible; Continuation of
Kunoichi (Version francaise1.2); Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 1 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 2 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 3 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 4 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Der Schwur zu Torm - Kapitel 1 (German; Cleric, Paladin, Fighter and Mage also possible; Single Player)
Enter the Game of Death (Single Player)
Game of Death (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Grunt, the Vegetarian SNEAK PREVIEW (Barbarian, Fighter and Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Kung Fu 1401 (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Kung Fu Master I (Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Kung Fu Master II - Be Like Water (Single Player)
Kunoichi (Version francaise1.2) (French; Rogue or Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Kunoichi 1 (Rogue or Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Kunoici 2: The Temple on the Mountain (Rogue or Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Legend of the Faded Moon - Prelude (Single Player)
Monk's Quest 1: A Game of Death (Single Player)
Ninja School (Monk preferred but, any class can be played, Single Player)
Orcs and Humans (Ranger or Rogue also possible; Multiplayer)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 10 - Saga Arancione - Il Monaco (Italian; Single Player)
Quest for Kung-Fu 1.5 (Single Player)
Quest for Kung Fu II (Single Player)
Shinto (Single Player)
The Aielund Saga Act III - Return of the Ironlord(v2.01) ('Special quests for Ranger/Druid, and Monk'; Single Player or Multiplayer; Continuation of The Aielund Saga Act II - Defender of the Crown(v2.0))
The Dark Ride (Figter or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
The Way of the Open Hand (Monk and Monk multiclasses; Single Player)
TLS1 - Peasant In City - V1.03 (Premade Monk Character, though other melee classes may apply, only the name is important; Single Player)
UK5 Eye of the Serpent v1.0 (Ranger or Druid also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 1 (Premade Character; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 2 (Premade Character; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 3 (Premade Character; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 4 (Premade Character; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 5 (Premade Character; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 6 (Premade Character; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 7 (Premade Character; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 8 (Premade Character; Single Player)
War of Tableegh Trilogy (Cleric also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
A New Journey Begins - v.1.9 (Continuation of: Calm before the Storm (REMAKE) - v.1.1; Fighter or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
A Pirate's Tale: Quest for The Pearl (Fighter or Barbarian also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Aribeth's Dilemma („Designed and tested for Paladin, but others would work”; Single Player)
Aribeth's Fate - Preview (Paladin recommended; Single Player)
Aribeth's Redemption Chapter 1 („Designed for Paladins, but Any Class should work”; Single Player)
Aribeth's Redemption Chapter 2 („Designed for Paladins, but Any Class should work”; Single Player)
Aribeth's Redemption Chapter III („Designed for Paladins, but Any Class should work”; Single Player)
Aribeth's Revival-CEP1.52/1.66 & CEP 2.0 w/patch 1.68 (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Aribeth's Revival I Interlude: The Snows of Uktar (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Aribeth's Revival II (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Aribeth's Revival 3 - Sagard Edition (Fighter also possible; Single Playerl; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Beasts of the Night (Special stuff for Paladin, Druid, Ranger and Rogue; Single Player)
Calm before the Storm (REMAKE) - v.1.1 (Fighter or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Caught in the Storm (Premade Character; Single Player)
Champions of Krynn Part 1 v1.2 (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Champions of Krynn Part 2 v1.0 (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
City of Splendors (Cleric or Paladin recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Crimson Cherry - Defloration (Fighter also possible; Single Player; WARNING: Extreme content)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 1 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 2 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 3 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Cronache da Eheberdon - Anno 1104 - Le origini di un eroe leggendario - Capitolo 4 di 4 (Italian; Designed for Monk, Barbarian, Cleric or Paladin, but others possible; Single Player)
Crown of Atumhotep (Cleric also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Czarny Triumwirat (Polish; Fighter, Ranger or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Daggerdale Prólogo: Amanecer (Spanish; Cleric, Paladin and Rogue recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Der Schwur zu Torm - Kapitel 1 (German; Cleric, Fighter, Mage and Monk also possible; Single Player)
Devotion to Darkness Part 3: Descent into Karak N'Ar ("Cleric and Paladin may have an advantage in some sections"; Single Player)
Dying Prophcey (Fighter, Ranger, and Cleric also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Eclipse War I - Darktide Rising v1.10 (Champion of Torm also possible; Single Player)
Escape from the Mansion (Fighter also possible, but not recommended; Single Player)
Fighter's Challenge II (HHQ5) (Fighter or ranger also possible; Single Player)
Fist of the Gods (Cleric or Fighter also possible, Paladin recommended; Single Player)
Ignob ilis Ritae: A Paladin's Quest (Cleric also possible, but not recommended; Single Player)
In the line of Fire (Barbarian and Fighter also allowed; PvP; Multiplayer)
Josmuna (Paladin, Red Dragon Disciple or Rogue recommended; PvP?; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
La Venganza de los Olvidados - Segunda Parte - [SPANISH VERSION] (Spanish; Fighter, Ranger, Cleric and Mage also possible; Continuation of: La Venganza de los Olvidados - Primera Parte- by Xavi; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
Lords of Darkness (turn undead ability; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Lowcy Nieumarlych (Polish; turn undead ability recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Midnight (Continuation of Twilight; Single Player)
Mountainview v.98c (Cleric, Fighter and Paladin recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Order of the Griffon 2 (Be able to turn undead or Heal; Cleric also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 06 - Saga Bianka - Il Paladino (Italian; Single Player)
Ravenloft, Beyond the Gate (turn undead helpful; Single Player or Multiplayer; continuation of Return to Ravenloft)
Rise of the OverLich (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Sang de Dragon (French; Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight and other Arthurian Tales (Premade Fighter included; Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Tales of the Heart: Valyrian's Blood (Fighter, Ranger or Barbarian are also possible; Single Player)
Terra Incognita Act one v. 1.04 patch 1,69 anniversary edition (Barbarian or Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Tempel der verlorenen Kinder - Teil 1 (German; Party of Rogue + Paladin/Fighter/Barbarian recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Dragonarm Companions - Chapter 1 ('Paladin, Ranger and Rogue are required to successfully complete all side quests'; Multiplayer)
The Hand of Fate (Paladins of Tyr recommended; Single Player)
The Tale of the DRM Monster and the Treasure of GOG (Paladin; contest; Single Player)
Twilight (Single Player)
Twisted Tales of Obscure Phenomena Ep1 (Single Player)
Valinor Crumbles.mod (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Village of the Dead (v2.1) (Cleric and/or Paladin recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Warlike Race Deluxe Edition (Italian; Fighter also possible; Single Player)
The Path of the Revenger (Premade Sorcerer/Pale Master Character; Single Player)
An Echo of Kings (Night's Watch Campaign Base Module) (Fighter, Rogue or Barbarian also possible; Multiplayer; DM required)
A Raucous Caucus ('Rangers and druids get extra options'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
A Song of Ice and Fire-A Duel of Lords (Fighter or Rogue also possible, Ranger recommended; Single Player)
Beasts of the Night (Special stuff for Paladin, Druid, Ranger and Rogue; Single Player)
Czarny Triumwirat (Polish; Paladin, Fighter or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Dying Prophcey (Fighter, Cleric and Paladin also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Elena's Tale - Roses for Rosa (Premade Bard/Ranger Character, recommended; 'Class-specific content for bards, rangers, and druids'; Single Player)
Experience module (Mage also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Fighter's Challenge II (HHQ5) (Fighter or Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Kale's Rangers 1 - A Haunted Past (2 Premade Ranger Characters available, but not necessary; Single Player)
Kale's Rangers 2 - Sins of the Father (2 Premade Ranger Characters available, but not necessary; Single Player)
Karmigan - The Last Age (RP) (Fighter also possible; Multiplayer)
La Tristesse I - Russian ver. (Russian; Rogue also possible; Single Player)
Lair of the Prismatic Dragon A 'Land In Need' adventure! (Cleric and Barbarian also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
La Venganza de los Olvidados - Primera Parte- by Xavi (Spanish; Fighter and Mage also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
La Venganza de los Olvidados - Segunda Parte - [SPANISH VERSION] (Spanish; Fighter, Paladin, Cleric and Mage also possible; Continuation of: La Venganza de los Olvidados - Primera Parte- by Xavi; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
Light v Dark - Power Struggle (Premade Character – You will have to find it yourself; Single Player)
Medera: Fall of Rainmeadow (Ranger recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Mountain of Mirrors (Druid or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Orcs and Humans (Rogue or Monk also possible; Multiplayer)
Pilze! Band I - Pilze für Humberto (German; Druid or Barbarian also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 02 - Saga Blu - Il Ranger (Italian; Single Player)
Sethal's Progeny: Wisdom of Wyrms ('Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue are recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Sleeping Otter - Bearly An Adult (Druid or Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Tales of the Heart: Valyrian's Blood (Fighter, Paladin or Barbarian are also possible; Single Player)
The Aielund Saga Act I - Nature Abhors a Vacuum (v2.01) ('special dialog for Bard and Ranger'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Aielund Saga Act III - Return of the Ironlord(v2.01) ('Special quests for Ranger/Druid, and Monk'; Single Player or Multiplayer; Continuation of The Aielund Saga Act II - Defender of the Crown(v2.0))
The Cave of Songs (Rogue also possible- 'stealthy characters recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Cave of Songs - Chinese Version (Chinese; Rogue also possible- 'stealthy characters recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Cave of Songs (ver3.0)Japanese (Japanese; Rogue also possible- 'stealthy characters recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Dragonarm Companions - Chapter 1 ('Paladin, Ranger and Rogue are required to successfully complete all side quests'; Multiplayer)
The Eye of the Sun (Druid also possible; 'druids or rangers could have an advantage'; Single Player)
The Fairy Tree (Druid also possible; Single Player)
The Hero and the Beast ("One player should be able to set traps"; PvP; Multiplayer)
The Lord of Blight - Chapter One (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Lord of Blight - Chapter Two (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Lord of Blight - Chapter Three (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Umar Hills (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tomb of the Elven king (Premade Character; Single Player)
UK5 Eye of the Serpent v1.0 (Druid or Monk also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Váryahen y Quielan (Spanish; Ranger/Rogue and Mage[Sorceror or Wizard] playing coop, WARNING! You have to make both characters yourself; Multiplayer)
War (Premade Ranger/Assassin Character; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Chromatic, Gem and Metallic Dragon Disciple System for 169+CEP 21 (tool for different dragon disciples)
Dragons Breath 1-DEMO (Premade Bard/Red Dragon Disciple Character; Single Player)
Josmuna (Paladin, Red Dragon Disciple or Rogue recommended; PvP?; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Madness and Magic (Some extra stuff for Rogue & Red Dragon Disciple; Single Player)
A1-4 Slave Lords v3.1 ('Rogue helpful'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
A Dance with Rogues, Part One (Rogue and Rogue multiclass; Single Player; WARNING: Extreme Adult Content)
A Dance with Rogues, Part Two (Rogue and Rogue multiclass; Single Player; WARNING: Extreme Adult Content)
Adept z Castello I i II (Polish; Fighter also possible; Single Player)
ADK Kunoichi (Prélude) (French; Single Player)
ADK Kunoichi 2: Le temple sur la montagne (French; Monk or Fighter also possible; Single Player)
AdVeNtUrEs ("All classes playable, but geared towards Bard, Rogue and Sorcerer"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
A Fairytale Fantasy (Premade Character; Single Player)
Aiar A0 - Youth (Rogue and Rogue multiclass; Single Player)
Aiar A1 - Chaos (Rogue and Rogue multiclass; Single Player)
A l'aube d'une vie (v1) (French; Fighter also possible; Single Player)
An Echo of Kings (Night's Watch Campaign Base Module) (Fighter, Ranger or Barbarian also possible; Multiplayer; DM required)
Arandie (Premade Rogue/Sorcerer Character; Single Player)
A Simple Journey (Fighter, Cleric and Mage also possible; Single Player)
A Song of Ice and Fire-A Duel of Lords (Ranger or Fighter also possible, Ranger recommended; Single Player)
Assassin: A Tale of Winter (Premade Fighter/Rogue/Assassin Character; Single Player)
Assassin: Hand of the Zshi (2 Premade Rogues, 1 Premade Fighter; Single Player)
Assassin - Shadows in Shander (Single Player)
Atic Atac (v 1.1) (Geared towards Fighters, Wizards and Rogues; Single Player or Multiplayer; Multiple DMs required)
A Touch of Evil v1.0 (Premade Rogue Character; Single Player)
Bane Colony: A Half-Orc Adventure v.0.01BETA (Fighter also possible;Single Player)
Barons Border's v5.0.3 Final ('Rogue / Split Class Rogue'; Single Player)
Beasts of the Night (Special stuff for Paladin, Druid, Ranger and Rogue; Single Player)
Bienvenue dans la secte! (French; Not necessary a Rogue, "someone discreet and resourceful"; Occasional DM Needed; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Blizzard Pass (Single Player)
BRI - The Fall of Ullad (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Brotherhood of Assassins (Bard also possible; Single Player)
Celestial Chronicles (Part 1) (Premade Rogue Character; Single Player)
Conan - Beneath The Sands of Stygia (Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, Assasin are common, thus recommended, Wizard – rare and Monk - very rare; Single Player)
Conan the Barbarian - A Cimmerian Fate (Rogue accepted though Barbarian recommended; Single Player)
Conan - The Tower of the Elephant (Premade Barbarian/Rogue Character; Single Player)
Chronicles of Valandria - Prologue 1 (Test Version) (Fighter and Sorceror also possible; Single Player)
Daggerdale Prólogo: Amanecer (Spanish; Cleric, Paladin and Rogue recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Das Auge des Drachen (German; "rogue very helpful"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Demonheart - Prelude (Bard or Fighter also possible - some custom rulesets for those classes; Classes tweaked to fit the setting; Human Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Demonheart - Chapter 1 BETA (Bard or Fighter also possible - some custom rulesets for those classes; Classes tweaked to fit the setting; Human Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Desert of Desolation Series: I3 - Pharaoh ("Balanced Party - Cleric, Rogue, and Mage skills recommended in the party"; Single Player or Multiplayer; WARNING: you have to request module link at author's forums)
Desert Rose (Single Player)
Desert Rose 2: Petals of War (Single Player)
DG 2: Strange Bricks in the Forest V. 1.02 (Single Player or Multiplayer)
DG 3: The Rescue of Dagonmoor v1.05 ("Party should include a Rogue"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
DG 4: The Shining Pass Home V1.03 ("Party should include a Rogue"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Diabel w kamieniu (Polish; 3 Premade Characters to choose from - Barbarian, Fighter, or Rogue; Single Player)
Die Träne der Wüste (German; "1 Rogue, 1 Fighter or Barbarian"; Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Dragon Noir (French; Fighter and Barbarian also possible; Single Player)
Duel Earth - Reign of Chaos (Barbarian and Fighter also possible; Single Player; Occasional DM Needed)
Edge of the Sun („Spellcaster (or scroll user) needed”; Multiplayer recommended)
Escape from Castle Quarras (Other classes also possible; Single Player)
For the love of Winter(Part One) ("Fighter class if Solo, Multiplayer: Rogue and Mage in the group"; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Friday the 13th Part One - The Tower (Fighter also possible; Single Player; DM required)
Gathering of Assassins and Thieves (Single Player)
Grunt, the Vegetarian SNEAK PREVIEW (Barbarian, Monk and Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Guild War (Single Player)
Halfling Adventures (Rogue preferred; Single Player)
Harlequin Smurf DEMO (Premade Rogue/Fighter Character; Single Player)
HMC 5 - Cimmerian Afterlife 1.69 CEP 2.0 v1.02 (Barbarian also possible; Single Player; Continuation of: HMC 4 - Cimmerian Conquest 1.69 v1.01)
Honor Among Thieves (Mage with a pixie familiar also possible; Single Player)
Honor Among Thieves - Chinese version (Simplified Chinese; Mage with a pixie familiar also possible; Single Player)
Houserule edition Thief Prelude (Rogue recommended; Single Player)
Hyborian Age 1 Temple of the Spider God (Barbarian or Fighter also allowed; Single Player or Multiplayer)
In The Company of Thieves 1: Grand Theft Otto (don't need to be a rogue; any mercenaries who like to 'work outside the law'; are welcome; Single Player)
In The Company of Thieves 1: Grand Theft Otto(Polish Translation) (Polish; don't need to be a rogue; any mercenaries who like to 'work outside the law'; are welcome; Single Player)
In The Company of Thieves 2: Metal of Honor (don't need to be a rogue; any mercenaries who like to 'work outside the law'; are welcome; Single Player)
Josmuna (Paladin, Red Dragon Disciple or Rogue recommended; PvP?; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Kerleth's Tower (Rogue helpful; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Klatwa Portalu Drumme - preludium (Polish; Bard also possible; Single Player)
Klatwa Portalu Drumme - Rozdzial 1 (Polish; Bard also possible; Single Player)
knightmare demo (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Knights of the balance („Some rogue levels very useful”; Single Player)
Kunoichi (Version francaise1.2) (French; Monk or Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Kunoichi 1 (Monk or Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Kunoici 2: The Temple on the Mountain (Monk or Fighter also possible; Single Player)
La Cripta del Monastero (Italian; Single Player)
Lankhmar Nights (Fighter/Rogue recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
La Tristesse I - Russian ver. (Russian; Ranger also possible; Single Player)
La Venganza Olvidada (Spanish Languge, VERSION 1.0) (Spanish; 'Some levels in Rogue recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Legend of the Golden Axe (3 Premade Characters to choose from: Barbarian, Fighter or Rogue; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Legend of the Golden Axe II (3 Premade Characters to choose from: Barbarian, Fighter or Rogue; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Life as a predator (Premade Rogue Character; Single Player)
Like a Thief (Single Player)
LNA2 - Nehwon (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
Madness and Magic (Some extra stuff for Rogue & Red Dragon Disciple; Single Player)
Massacre at Mother's Grace ('Fighter and Rogue helpful'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Medieval Tales: The Devil in the Stone (3 Premade Characters to choose from - Barbarian, Fighter, or Rogue; Single Player)
Mummy Dust (Premade Rogue Character; Single Player)
Nahende Finsternis (FINAL UPDATE!) (German; Premade Character - Fighter, Rogue or Bard; Single Player)
Neverfallout (3 Premade Characters - Fighter, Rogue or Barbarian to choose from; Single Player)
Ninja´s Final Test 1.0 (Single Player)
Ninja Quest (Single Player or Multiplayer)
My GOG Entry Updated - Final! (Premade Fighter/Rogue Character; contest; Single Player)
Orcs and Humans (Ranger or Monk also possible; Multiplayer)
Outbreak (Fighter, Cleric or Mage also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Phosphorescence (Single Player)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 09 - Saga Nera - Il Ladro (Italian; Single Player)
Quest for Kadith ('rogue skills may prove especially valuable'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
qwortys rogues maze (PvP; Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Rebirth of the Phoenix (Single Player)
Rise of the Phoenix (Shadow Dancer or Assassin also possible; Single Player; Continuation of Rebirth of the Phoenix)
Rogue Life - Part One (2K7 Release Vs.3.1) (Single Player)
Rogue Life - Part Two (Final 1.0) (Rogue-Multiclass possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Runes of Blood (Rogue skills useful; Special Quest for Bards; Single Player or Multiplayer)
S1 - Tomb of Horrors (Rogue skills needed along with 23 Strength(at least temporary); Single Player or Multiplayer)
Sands of Time ('strong fighters needed', Rogue in the party recommended; Multiplayer)
Scoundrels of the Underdark (Rogue or Mage(Wizard, Sorcerer) also possible; Single Player)
Sethal's Progeny: Wisdom of Wyrms ('Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue are recommended'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Shade: A Thief adventures (Premade Character; Single Player)
Shade - Le Avventure di un Ladro [Final] (Italian; Premade Character; Single Player)
Shadow Over Innsmouth (2 Premade Characters with backstories to choose from - Rogue or Fighter; Single Player)
Shrine of Eth'Barat Part II (Rogue in the party; Continuation of The Shrine of the Eth'barat; Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Stealth - The Fortress (Single Player)
Stinkender Eber (German; At least 1 level of Rogue recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Sunlight Requiem (Premade Character; Single Player)
Sunset of Flame (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Sword and the Sorcerer (Multiplayer)
Swordflight Chapter One ('some Rogue skills may come in handy'; Single Player)
Swordflight Chapter Two ('some Rogue skills may come in handy'; Single Player)
Tales of Celts II ('special plots and features for Druids, Rougues, Wizards, Sorcerers, Bards, and Barbarians'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
TC 1 - Return to the Caverns of Tsojcanth (Single Player or Multiplayer)
TC 2 - Beyond Tsojcanth (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tempel der verlorenen Kinder - Teil 1 (German; Party of Rogue + Paladin/Fighter/Barbarian recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Tempel der verlorenen Kinder Teil 2 - Der Wald des Vergessens (German; Party of Rogue, Mage(Sorcerer/Wizard + Fighter/Barbarian) recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Temple, Tower, and Tomb (Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Art of Death - Back in Black (Multiclass possible; Single Player)
The Best Laid Plans (Single Player or Multiplayer)
The book of Shaddowe (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Cave of Songs (Ranger also possible- 'stealthy characters recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Cave of Songs - Chinese Version (Chinese; Ranger also possible- 'stealthy characters recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Cave of Songs (ver3.0)Japanese (Japanese; Ranger also possible- 'stealthy characters recommended; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Conan Chronicles - Legions of the Dead (Single Player)
The Dark Ruins of Jharol (Fighter or Mage also possible; Single Player)
The Dragonarm Companions - Chapter 1 ('Paladin, Ranger and Rogue are required to successfully complete all side quests'; Multiplayer)
The Eye Of Traldar - Final Version (Fighter also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer
The Golden Forest - CEP 2.3 ('Trap disabling abilities essential'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Hero and the Beast ('One player should be able to set traps'; PvP; Multiplayer)
The Light Reborn: Death Trap v 1.10 ('Best if party has one good Fighter and one Rogue, but there are NPCs available'; Single Player or Multiplayer; Continuation of The Light Reborn: Orc Raid / Deadwatch v 2.12)
The Master Rogue's Tomb (Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
The Mysterious Tower („Rogue and Cleric are VERY helpful”; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Mystic Journey - Ravid's Tale (Premade Character; Single Player)
The Pride of Cestus Dei: Episode 1: Get Ducky! (Single Player)
The Quick and the Dead (D20 Modern; 'Fighter/ Medic/ Rogue types'; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
The Road To And Far Beyond(version 1) (Multiplayer)
The Rogues of Quinn part 1 - In The Service Of Quinn (Single Player)
The Rogues of Quinn Part 2 - The Avenger of Quinn (Single Player)
The Rogues of Quinn part 3 - Quinn's Infiltrator (Single Player)
The Rogues of Quinn IV - Quinn Revisited (Single Player)
The Staff of Bryne [CEP Edition] (Fighter also possible; Single Player)
the Sunless Citadel (Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Thieves in the Forest ('A Fighter and Thief should be in the party for best results'; Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
The Turning (Fighter/Rogue Multiclass, Premade Character available; Continuation of The Pig Farmer; Single Player)
The Wizard, the Cleric, and the Rogue (Single Player)
Thieves' Pass (Cleric also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Threat of Dreams 1 - The Hunger and the Sickness (Single Player)
Threat of Dreams 2 - Hour of the Tongue (Multi-classing encouraged; Single Player)
Tomb of Horrors (Single Player or Multiplayer)
Treachery's Reward ('Rogue may be useful, but not required'; Single Player)
Trouble Times Two V1.2 ('Cleric helpful as is a Rogue'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Undead Saga Mass Update/Light Version ('char with lockpick and trap skills would be helpful'; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Un mago nei guai (Italian; Rogue preferred; Single Player)
Uma Prova... de Orgulho? vrs0.7a (Portuguese; Premade Character - Rogue/Fighter; Single Player)
Váryahen y Quielan (Spanish; Ranger/Rogue and Mage[Sorceror or Wizard] playing coop, WARNING! You have to make both characters yourself; Multiplayer)
Vendetta! (Italian; Bard also possible; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Wood Of Realms (Single Player or Multiplayer; Occasional DM Needed)
Rise of the Phoenix (Rogue or Assassin also possible; Single Player; Continuation of Rebirth of the Phoenix)
ABC: Bordering Genius - Poor Flock (Premade Druid/Shifter; Single Player; WARNING: Extremely dark themes)
Ronin, Kensai of Kyoto Version 1.05 (NWN 1.65) (Fighter/Weapon Master preferred; Exotic Weapon Proficiency needed; Single Player)
Seppuku (hara-kiri) v1.02 (Espanol/English) (Spanish and English; 'Any warrior, Weapon Master, Katana is recommended' ; Single Player)
The Hunt (Premade Fighter/Weapon Master/Arcane Archer Character; Single Player)
Custom class-Specific Modules:
Pre-generated Character Modules:
ABC: Bordering Genius - Poor Flock (Druid/Shifter; Single Player; WARNING: Extremely dark themes)
A day in life of Evil (Wizard; Single Player)
A Fairytale Fantasy (Rogue, multiclass possible; Single Player)
A life on the game (Fighter though it does not matter; Single Player; WARNING: Extreme content)
Amazon Warrior (Custom game mechanics and 3 custom obligatory „classes” for the Character; Single Player)
Arandie (Rogue/Sorcerer; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Arctacia Adventures Trilogy 1.07 (Commoner; Single Player)
Aren (Fighter; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Assassin: A Tale of Winter (Fighter/Rogue/Assassin; Single Player)
Assassin: Hand of the Zshi (2 Premade Rogues, 1 Premade Fighter; Single Player)
A Touch of Evil v1.0 (Rogue; Single Player)
A Wyrm Under Hill (Fighter, possible to multiclass into Fighter/Paladin; Single Player)
Caught in the Storm (Paladin; Single Player)
Celestial Chronicles (Part 1) (Rogue; Single Player)
Champion of Horus (Wizard or Fighter development both with rogue skills; Single Player)
Conan - The Tower of the Elephant (Barbarian/Rogue; Single Player)
Dark Path (Blackguard; Single Player)
Demon Spirit (Fighter; Single Player)
Dracula Killer (3 characters to choose from: Fighter/Ranger/Monk or Paladin/Fighter/Monk or Rogue/Fighter/Bard; Single Player) Note: not included in above „class” sections
Dragons Breath 1-DEMO (Bard/Red Dragon Disciple; Single Player)
DRMonster (Bard; contest; Single Player)
Drow Tales: The Librarian's Tale (Rogue/Assasin, Fighter/Weapon Master or Sorcerer; Single Player) Note: not included in above „class” sections
Elena's Tale - Roses for Rosa (Bard/Ranger multiclass though not necessary; Single Player)
FA1 - Halls of the High King (Part 1) (Various classes though it is not necessary to use premade characters; Single Player)
Fist of the Gods (WARNING!!! There is no character file in the download. You may use your own Cleric, Fighter or Paladin though; Single Player)
Gandalf protects the world --> 1. part : Gandalf in Orthanc (Sorcerer; Single Player)
Gladiatrix (Fighter - not obligatory; Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Gladiatrix II - In the Shadows of Darkness (Fighter - not obligatory; Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
Gladiatrix III - The Hand of Destiny (Fighter - not obligatory; Female Character only; Single Player; WARNING: Some Adult Content)
GOG Contest: The DRM Monster and the Treasure of GOG (8 various characters for 8 various contest modules; contest; Single Player)
Golden Axe: The Rise of Death Adder (NEW EDITION) (Monk/Ranger/Sorcerer or Barbarian/Fighter/Sorcerer or Cleric/fighter/Sorcerer or Fighter/Rogue/Sorcerer; Single Player) Note: not included in above „class” sections
Harlequin Smurf DEMO (Rogue/Fighter; Single Player)
Intruders in the Night (Wizard, but not obligatory to use Wizard and/or Premade Character just the vampire for story reasons; Single Player)
Jack and the Beanstalk (you get turned into Jack on entry, it’s good to be able to use a hand-axe; Kid Friendly; Single Player)
July Anarchy Prologue 1.2 (Ranger; D20 Modern; Single Player)
Kale's Rangers 1 - A Haunted Past (Ranger; Single Player)
Kale's Rangers 2 - Sins of the Father (Ranger; Single Player)
La Breccia (Italian; Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Legacy: Dark Moon Rising (v1.1) (Fighter; Single Player)
Legend of the Golden Axe (Barbarian, Fighter or Rogue; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Legend of the Golden Axe II (Barbarian, Fighter or Rogue; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Life as a predator (Rogue; Single Player)
Light v Dark - Power Struggle (Ranger – You will have to find it yourself in the vault; Single Player)
Lord of the Rings: Sons of the Steward v1.06 final (Fighter; Single Player)
Lord of the Rings: The Dunedain v1.5 (Fighter/Sorcerer; Single Player)
LOTR : Gandalf protects the world 2 --> Way to the Rivendell (Sorcerer; Single Player; Continuation of Gandalf protects the world --> 1. part : Gandalf in Orthanc)
Medieval Tales: The Devil in the Stone (3 Characters to choose from - Barbarian, Fighter, or Rogue; Single Player)
Missing Dragon (Wizard though no wizardry to do; Premade Character is not necessary – see the vault page; Kid Friendly; Single Player)
MTS1- The Mines of Twin Summit (13 pregenerated characters, though unobligatory; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Mummy Dust (Rogue; Single Player)
My GOG Entry Updated - Final! (Fighter/Rogue; contest; Single Player)
Nahende Finsternis (FINAL UPDATE!) (German; Fighter, Rogue or Bard; Single Player)
Necromancer, Part 1 - Allegiance (Wizard; Single Player)
Neverfallout (Fighter, Rogue or Barbarian to choose from; Single Player)
Perchance to Dream (Wizard; Single Player)
Progetto Saghe Italiane by Darkest Fallen - 07 - Saga Multicolore - Lupo Solitario (Italian; Single Player)
Road to Ruin (Premade Fighter, but Barbarian, Ranger, Monk or Cleric are also possible; Single Player)
Shade: A Thief adventures (Rogue; Single Player)
Shade - Le Avventure di un Ladro [Final] (Italian; Rogue; Single Player)
Shadow Over Innsmouth (2 Characters with backstories to choose from - Rogue or Fighter; Single Player)
Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight and other Arthurian Tales (Fighter - not obligatory; Paladin also possible; Single Player)
Soul Shaker (8 Premade Characters – not obligatory; 4 custom classes - special mechanics makes you temporary on of those depending on your class; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Sleeper Story (Barbarian/Fighter; Single Player)
Sunlight Requiem (Rogue; Single Player)
Tales of the Amazing Vrs. 2 (Barbarian; Single Player)
The Accursed Tower (Premade Characters optional; „class mini-quests”; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The book of Shaddowe (Rogue; Single Player)
The Breach (Fighter, Assassin, Sorcerer or Cleric; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Broomfighters (Fighter; Single Player)
The Desert Dweller (Sorcerer/ Fighter; Single Player)
The High Seat II - The Scottish Coup (Fighter; Single Player)
The Hunt (Fighter/Weapon Master/Arcane Archer; Single Player)
The Legend Of Julia (Wizard; Single Player)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Fighter; 'Fighter/Paladin combination is recommended'; Single Player)
The Lord of Blight - Chapter One (Ranger; Single Player)
The Lord of Blight - Chapter Two (Ranger from Chapter 1; Single Player)
The Lord of Blight - Chapter Three (Ranger from Chapter 2; Single Player)
The Mystic Journey - Armon's Tale - The Beginning (Fighter; Single Player)
The Mystic Journey - Armon's Tale (Fighter; Single Player)
The Mystic Journey - Ravid's Tale (Rogue; Single Player)
The Mystic Journey - Ubadah's Tale (Fighter; Single Player)
The Path of the Revenger (Sorcerer/Pale Master; Single Player)
The Pendants of Time 01: Snowflake (Fighter; Single Player)
The Relbonian Chronicles - Chapter One (Fighter; Single Player)
The Rose Of Eternity - Chapter 1 - The Coming (Two different storylines: one for Fighter and one for Wizard; Single Player)
The Rose Of Eternity - Chapter 2 - Cry The Beloved (Fighter from Chapter 1; Single Player)
The Rule of Three: Volume 1 (Fighter/Wizard; Single Player)
The Tale of the DRM Monster and the Treasure of GOG (Fighter; contest; Single Player)
The Tale of the DRM Monster and the Treasure of GOG (Paladin; contest; Single Player)
The Tale of the Kitchen Boy (Fighter; Single Player)
The Turning (Fighter/Rogue, though not necessary; Continuation of The Pig Farmer; Single Player)
The Von Hart Saga Chapter 1 (Sorcerer; Single Player)
TLS1 - Peasant In City - V1.03 (Monk, though other melee classes may apply, only the name is important; Single Player)
Tomb of the Elven king (Ranger; Single Player)
Twilight of the Walking Deceased (Fighter/Cleric; Single Player)
Uma Prova... de Orgulho? vrs0.7a (Portuguese; Rogue/Fighter; Single Player)
Váryahen y Quielan (Spanish; Ranger/Rogue and Mage[Sorceror or Wizard] playing coop, WARNING! You have to make both characters yourself with provided names; Multiplayer)
Vis et Virtus - Prologue (Bard; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 1 (Monk; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 2 (Monk exported from Chapter 1; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 3 (Monk exported from Chapter 2; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 4 (Monk exported from Chapter 3; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 5 (Monk exported from Chapter 4; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 6 (Monk exported from Chapter 5; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 7 (Monk exported from Chapter 6; Single Player)
Vis et Virtus - Chapter 8 (Monk exported from Chapter 7; Single Player)
War (Ranger/Assassin; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Whips and Chains (Bard though no real bard things to do; Single Player; WARNING: Extreme BDSM content)
PRC (updated with Player Resource Consortium, adding new classes):
To be filled
Agrenost - Beneath the Cobbles („There are 5 distinct starting areas and plotlines which are determined by your faction (class/alignment); 1) Church (Good Cleric, Monk, Paladin) 2). Cult (Evil Cleric, Monk) 3) Thief (Rogue, Bard) 4) Thug (Fighter, Barbarian) and 5) Mage (Wizard, Sorcerer)”; Single Player)
Maugeter - The Keys to the City v1.0.5 (Some class-specific content and custom ruleset(changes) for all classes; Single Player)
Peace Pot Inn (BETA 0.8) („Form a 'class quest' guild to develop land in surrounding area”; Single Player)
Prologue - Quest for the Soul Stones ('All classes have differently scripted sub quests'; Single Player)
Revenant (All base classes have side quests related; Single Player)
Sleepwalker 1 : Desert Greed (Sleepwalker 2 requires first level to be Fighter, Paladin, Cleric, Ranger, or Druid; Single Player)
Sleepwalker 2 : Breaking and Entering (Prestige classes - Champion of Torm, Weapon Master, Shifter, Palemaster, Dwarven Defender, and Arcane Archer – have class-related side-quests; Single Player)
The Accursed Tower (Premade Characters optional; „class mini-quests”; Single Player or Multiplayer)
The Adventurer's Challenge (R1_08) (different Challenges requiring different classes; Single Player)
The Millenium Mirror of Seeing („class based module, intended to encourage the use of split-class, multi-class, and/or prestige class characters. There is a quest for every class, including the prestige classes.”; Single Player or Multiplayer)
Vertex I - The State of the Union ('some class specific areas and bonuses. Not every class will be able to do everything'; Single Player)
List was started in old old Bioware forums and had circa 20 entries. It has been significantly expanded by Werelynx in old Bioware forums.
Bold entries are the one that were added recently to the list.
I have not added most of the 2002/03 modules, but no one plays them anyway. If there will be interest I will sure add them.
Awaiting your new suggestions and recommendations.
Thanks to all that have contributed to making this list (especially Old Bioware boards guys who made the original list: Hugie and MikelM).
The Hottest from the newest are:
- ABC: Bordering Genius - Poor Flock in Druid, Shifter and Pregenerated Character categories,
- Aribeth's Revival 3 - Sagard Edition in Paladin and Fighter categories,
- Demonheart - Chapter 1 BETA in Bard, Rogue and Fighter categories,
- Gladiatrix III - The Hand of Destiny in Fighter and Pregenerated Character categories,
- The Pride of Cestus Dei: Episode 1: Get Ducky! in Rogue category.
(Actually it seems like all the new ones are pretty hot. Don't burn yourself )
Please inform me if there are any dead links in the list.
I'm looking into expanding the list to cover PRC-enabled modules if anyone will be interested.
If you have any suggestions feel free to post or PM me.
EDIT: As of know, the nwvault being taken down, most of the links are obsolete. I will update it as soon as I can and when the vault 2.0 will be filled with modules.
Just for the record, the Sanctum of the Archmage modules aren't really "class-specific." They were designed and tested to be playable with starting characters from any of NWN's base classes. They're more "build-specific" in that they're designed to be played by characters with above-average mental ability scores. (That's the reason for the note that spell-casting classes tend to be good choices.) However, a mentally apt non-spellcaster (such as a wise monk or an intelligent thief) can also work quite well.
1. Update the links
2. Add new positions
3. Never get feedback...
Hi Werelynx, cannot recall if I already did that but in the "barbarian section of modules" you asked (description in capital letters) to be contacted if the mod Hyborian Realms was misplaced.
It is not misplaced but it is just a totally uncomplete module. As the author himself claimed it was just an idea to start and build a story over that giving permission to other to build and finish that.
It is just a single wide open area full of statues; running between those statues I found a bashable one with a greataxe + 1 as loot. There isn't anything more.
That is just an uncomplete project to be finished by others.
Changed all the links to lead to our FTP. Temporary solution, but unless/until I hand-edit everything it will be like this.
Ah, it was in prefab category, not modules:
It's fully playable short quest ;)
Added soul shaker in custom classes.
Perhaps Deja Vu will do, it's for a Level 1 Cleric.